DBT-MRC Joint Centre Partnerships Call

The Department of Biotechnology (DBT) India

The Medical Research Council (MRC) UK

DBT - MRC Proforma

This proforma should be completed by applicants intending to submit a joint application in response to the DBT-MRCJoint Centre Partnerships call.Please note the below proforma forms only one part of the application documentation. This proforma should be merged with the other application documents to form one pdf. For further information, please see: DBT-MRC Joint Centre Partnerships Call Guidance: How to apply.

Section 1: Summary Information

1.1Title (max150 characters)
1.2Project Duration and Cost
Proposed start date
Proposed duration of award
(Months) / 0
Total amount requested from DBT (Rs in Lakh) / 0
Total £ amount requested from the MRC (at 80% of fEC) / 0
Total combined request (£) / 0
Project Partner Contribution
(£000s) / 0

Section 2: Principal Investigator Details

2.1Indian based Principal Investigator
Post Held
2.2UK based Principal Investigator
Post Held

Section 3: Co-Investigator Details

3.1 Indian based Co-Investigators
Name / Institute/Organisation/Company
3.2UK based Co-Investigators
Name / Institute/Organisation/Company

Section 4: Industrial Partners(non-mandatory)

4.1Industrial Partners
Name / Institute/Organisation/Company

Section 5: Project Partners(non-mandatory)

5.14Project Partners
Name / Institute/Organisation/Company

Section 6: Summary of proposed research (max 300 words)

Suitable for publication on the Research Councils’ Research Gateway website words

Section 7:(A)Summary of funds requested from the MRC

Please consult the MRC Handbook for Applicants and Grant holders for information on preparing the budget for your proposal.

Summary heading / Fund heading / Full economic
Cost / MRC
contribution / % MRC
Directly Incurred / Staff / 80
Travel & Subsistence / 80
Equipment / 80
Other Costs / 80
Directly allocated / Investigators / 80
Estates Costs / 80
Other Directly
Allocated / 80
Indirect costs / Indirect Costs / 80
Exceptions / Travel & Subsistence / 100
Other Costs / 100

(B) Summary of funds requested from the DBT

(Rs in Lakh)

Format for Budget (All items should be supported with details and justification)
Sl# / Item / Year I / Year II / Year III / TOTAL
A. / Non-Recurring
1. / Equipment
Total A
B. / Recurring
1. / Consumables
2. / Travel
iii)Costs for student/ fellows exchange programme
3. / Workshops / conference etc.
4 / Contingency
5 / Overheads

Total B

C. / Manpower

Total C


Section 8: Justification of Resources

The JoR should be no more than 3 sides of A4.