Ref No: 054202 Case Officer: Mrs B Kinnear
Proposal: Erection of replacement dwelling
Location: Slip Inn Farm, Halkyn, Holywell, Flintshire, CH8 8ES
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Jones
Date Valid: 27 August 2015 Expiry Date: 22 October 2015
Consultation & Responses
Local Member: Councillor C Legg: No response received at time of writing.
Halkyn Community Council: providing that the application complies with Policy, then no objections are raised.
Public Protection: I can confirm that I have no adverse comments to make regarding this proposal.
Highways (DC): I have no objection to the proposal and confirm I do not intend to make a recommendation on highway grounds. Supplementary Notes to be issued.
Rights of Way: No response received at time of writing.
Clwyd Powys Archaeological Trust : Information held on the Regional Historic Environment Record indicates that although the development appears to have limited sub-surface archaeological implications the proposal will affect a traditional stone farmhouse and outbuilding range of the 18th -19th century which retain features of local architectural interest. It would be unfortunate if these building were converted without a basic record of those features which will be altered by the proposed works.
I would therefore ask that the applicant is required to carry out a photographic survey before development commences, in order to preserve a record of these buildings in their original form and layout. To facilitate this request an appropriate condition is requested to be attached to any consent.
Legal: Provided that the intended development does not extend into the area edged green it will not affect the common land registered under CL11 of Commons Registration Act 1965. This property actually fronts directly onto the common land at this location.
Open Spaces: No response received at time of writing.
Flintshire Forum: No response received at time of writing.
Ecology (wildlife site): No response received at time of writing
Neighbours: No response received at time of writing.
Relevant History & Policies:
H16 /151
000879 Planning App (11.06.1975)
Flintshire Unitary Development Plan
GEN1 General Requirements for Development
HSG6 Replacement Dwellings Outside Settlement Boundaries
The proposal would comply with the above policies.
Planning Appraisal:
This full planning application seeks consent for the replacement of the existing dwelling. The present property is two storey with a single storey attached out building.
The proposed replacement dwelling is virtually on the same foot print of the existing and is of a two storey design, similar to the existing property in its scale, design form and materials.
Policy HSG6 permits such development providing it’s compliant with the criteria of the policy, as in this case.
The adjacent buildings are agricultural sheds, with a variety of properties in the adjacent area comprising of two storey semi-detached properties and single storey dwellings, elevated in relation to the application site, in this regard the proposed two storey replacement dwelling is considered to be reflective of the surrounding properties, compliant with Policy GEN1 and Policy HSG6 of the Flintshire Unitary Development Plan.
Recommendation Code: / Approve
Development shall not begin until an appropriate photographic survey, equivalent to an English Heritage Level 1 study, of the existing buildings has been carried out in accordance with details to be submitted to, and approved by, the Local Planning Authority. The resulting digital photographs should be forwarded on a CD to the Local Planning Authority and the Development Control Archaeologist (Clwyd-Powys Archaeological Trust, 41 Broad Street, Welshpool, Powys, SY21 7RR Email Tel 01938 553670. After approval by the Local Planning Authority, a copy of the photographs should also be sent to the Historic Environment Record Officer, Clwyd-Powys Archaeological Trust for inclusion in the regional Historic Environment Record.
In considering this planning application the Council has acted in accordance with the Human Rights Act 1998 including Article 8 of the Convention and in a manner which is necessary in a democratic society in furtherance of the legitimate aims of the Act and the convention.
Notes to Applicants Informatives
CPAT Guidance Note (on completing Photographic Survey)
Highways Supplementary Notes
1 N13 Plans
Application form Date received 20 August 2015.
Design and Access Statement received 20 August 2015.
Drawing No 001 Existing floor plans received 20 August 2015.
Drawing No 002 Existing elevations received 20 August 2015.
Drawing No 15-022 PLO1 location and site plan as existing received 20 August 2015.
Drawing No 15-022 PL02 site plan as proposed received 20 August 2015.
Drawing No 15-022 PLO3 Ground floor plans as proposed received 20 August 2015.
Drawing No 15-022 PL04 First floor plan as proposed received 20 August 2015.
Drawing No 15-022 PL05 Elevations as proposed received 20 August 2015.
Note to Applicant
Your attention is drawn to the enclosed Highway Supplementary Notes with particular reference to Clause 9.
Date of Recommendation: 12.10.15