Application for financial support for higher education research degrees and taught postgraduate awards undertaken by presbyters and deaconsas part of their continuing learning | 2018
Please read the accompanying notes in Appendix 1before completing this form
Section 1 | Personal details
First name(s)
Preferred name
Tel number
Email address
Please indicate if you consider yourself to be from an ethnic minority, and if so please offer description.
Yes/NoEthnic background
Please indicate the number of years you expect to serve as a Methodist presbyter or deacon prior to becoming a supernumerary.
Current appointment(eg circuit minister)
Location of current appointment (including circuit and district numbers, where relevant)
Section 2 | Course information
i.Degree,course or programmetype (eg PhD, Research MA, taught Masters etc)
ii.Coursetitle (eg Pastoral Theology)
iii.Higher Education institution
iv.Location of study and residency requirements, if any
v.Name of course supervisor or tutor (if applicable)
vi.Proposed start date
vii.Date of completion date/thesis submission
viii.Predicted output if applicable(eg thesis, report, statistical data)
ix. (a)What is the overall cost of the course you are applying for?
(b)For how much are you applying?
(c)How do intend to pay for the balance?
x.Are you receiving funding for this work from any other source? If yes, please provide details.
Include other Methodist sources
xi.Have you received funding for research or postgraduate/undergraduatestudy from the Methodist Church in the past? If yes, please provide details.
xii.Has your place on this course been secured or conditionally approved?
Evidence of acceptance will be required prior to the allocation of funds
xiii.How does this course build on or link into your prior education and experience?(eg is this a doctorate which has emerged from anMA you have completed, or an experience that has formed part of your work?)
Section 3 | Further information
- What benefits will your work have in terms of:
(a) your personal ministerial development?
(b) the context of your ministry?
(c) the wider Methodist Church and its priorities?
- Explain why you have chosen your selected Higher Education institution
- For taught postgraduate and undergraduate awards (eg those without a thesis or similar self-directed output)
- Please explain in brief your interest in this course, and any particular aspects that appeal to you personally
- For research-based study (eg work culminating in a thesis or similar product of self-directed study)
- What proportion of your degree/course/programme will be research-based and what form will this take?
- Proposed title of the research component
If the nature of the project changes significantly during the period of funding, notice should be given
- Please provide an initial outline of your research ideas, including any thoughts regarding your area of interest, aims and methodology
Section 4 | Ministry/ study balance
i.Do you intend to conduct this course on a full-time or part-time basis?
ii.How do you intend to fit your studies around your commitments as a Methodist minister?
iii.Describe any discussions you have had with your colleagues about this application and its potential impact on your contribution to the ministerial team of which you are a part.
iV.I confirm that I have discussed this proposed/ongoing study with my senior colleague who supports this application.
Signed ______(Chair/Superintendent)
Section 5 | Further information
Please provide any other relevant information which you wish the committee to consider.
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