OCQG-September 12, 2016

Meeting order reversed--program first so program presenters can get home

Modern QUILT RELISH introduced by Kristin Summerwill

"Constraints Driving Design"

Business meeting


Thanks to Tracy and Joyce for serving as hostesses

Thanks for door prize donations made tonight

Door prize drawings


Iowa Quilt Museum-American star quilts

Congrats to Jill Fisher-took ten quilts to State Fair and seven were ribbon winners

Jody Wiley selling Senior Center quilt tickets for Oct. 3 drawing

Treasurer-Barb Yoder

Reminder: Dues $25 this year, $30 next year

Historian: Laurie taking photos

Newsletter: Deadline Monday, Sept. 19

Membership-95 people signed up tonight; Karen has cards for people who mailed dues. They will collect dues next month and will put directory together. Available at the meeting in November.

Small Group information in directory: Looking for a small group liaison, so people can let someone know if they need new members. Talk to Adele if interested.

Web: Photos not printed any longer, but can pull off web. If you have trouble, email Vicki Walch

Service: Check last newsletter for annual report; several auction quality quilts available, let committee know if you have anyone who is looking for one; material available on back table as cabinet cleaned out; not doing door prizes any longer; don't need fabric, except 4-6 yard pieces for backing; next month hope to have jelly rolls available; more than 80 quilt tops available that need quilting. No kits available any more; leftover material will go to Crowded Closet; sample tote patterns available; Feb. sew-in day, asking members to come and machine quilt. Considering changing time to afternoon and evening; Thanks to all who donate quilts.

Program: Next month Kathleen Tracy talking about civil war prints. She's written several books and will talk about quilt history. Workshop on Tuesday, Oct. 11, 9-12.

November speaker is Heidi Kaisand ; workshop during the day--choice one of two itty bittys--hand wool appliqué and embroidery. Need to know which kits you want so she can prepare.

Bookmarks with entire year program available. “Winter holiday in July” is our challenge this year. 36" or one side-must have at least one half-square triangle. In Dec. we'll do a 2" HST exchange--bring two dozen. Also will show UFO bottomless quilts--if you have stacks of quilt tops, you can bring them to show and tell.

Old business: Difficulty in filling board for next year, so may consider introducing VP or co-president

Quilt show committee-Sunday, Sept. 25, 2 p.m. in meeting room A at Coralville public library. We are relying on silent auction so if members have things to make, keep it in mind. Show isFriday June 2and 3. Get quilts back from those you've given them to for the show!

Show and Tell