November, 2011

Please read, save and forward:

1. Self Rate

·  Make sure your new players understand the NTRP level of the team and choose that rating.

·  Warn your new players that the answers to the questions will determine the range of levels offered for their self rating. If the answers are inaccurate they may not be allowed to select the appropriate rating and may not be allowed to play on the team.

·  If the range offered by the system does not include their preferred self rating, there is an appeal option.

·  Appeal up……...the player can do that electronically, no administrative help needed.

·  Appeal down….the player needs to select Appeal when attempting to register for the team. The player will be required to complete a form. Instruct the player to be honest and not to omit any information. The form will be electronically sent to the Midwest Self Rate Committee. This committee will review the form, make a decision and email the player directly, usually within 7 working days. Do not contact the District Coordinator regarding the length of time needed or the final decision.

·  Self rated players are subject to being dynamically disqualified throughout the league season, up through the Section Championship. If a player is not competitive at the self rate level, the system will identify the player based on the dynamic ratings calculated after each match. If the player generates three dynamic ratings over the acceptable level, the player will be notified and disqualified. Points for matches played at that level will be reversed.

2. Ratings

·  Early Start ratings are the last dynamic rating generated, as of Aug 31, 2011, and are designated with “E”. These ratings are NOT in Tennis Link. Early Start ratings appear on a special list produced by the Midwest and posted on the Chicago District/USTA league home page. These are the ratings players will use if they wish to register for a team before the Year End ratings are published, late in November.

·  To Appeal an Early Start rating, a player must attempt to register for the Early Start team and select Appeal. Tennis Link will search for the player’s statistical rating and see it the player fits the guidelines for granting the appeal. No administrative help needed, as the system will give the player a decision immediately.

·  Year End ratings will be published and available in Tennis Link at the end of November. To view Year End ratings, go to Tennis Link, enter the USTA number in NTRP Rating Info. Follow the prompts.

·  The rating is the lowest level the player can compete. The letter behind the rating indicates the source of the rating.

i.e. C= computer, B= Benchmark (cannot be appealed and indicates the player competed at a championship level), M=mixed only, A=Appealed (can be dynamically disqualified).

·  There are 2 ways to appeal a Year End rating.

*Enter the USTA number in the window NTRP Rating Info, follow the prompts.

*Attempt to register on the team and select Appeal when the option appears.

Confirming Matches

·  It is the responsibility of BOTH captains to confirm the upcoming match by email. Do not wait for the opponent to contact you. In the confirmation email, include the location, day and time of match, and that you will have a full team.

·  The home team should confirm with their home club that courts are reserved a few days before the match.

·  Contact information for captains within the flight is available in Tennis Link, on the Team Captains report. Every captain should have accessed this report prior to the season, to get their team number, to verify their contact info and to have a list of their opponents’ contact info.

·  It was highly recommended that captains access the Team Captains report again, close to the start of the season, for a more current list of opponents.

Match Procedures

·  Players should arrive at least 15 minutes before match time. To avoid chaos and confusion, captains should bring the official line-up sheet to each match. The line ups should be exchanged once everyone is on-sight. The home team captain should announce the time restrictions, if any, review the timed match procedures, designate the official clock or bell, answer questions, etc, prior to going out on the court.

·  The captain is responsible for the on-court behavior of the players.

·  At the end of the match, make sure first and last names are on the score sheet, record the results (winner’s scores first), sign and then, record in Tennis Link within 48 hours.

·  Both captains are responsible for recording the scores. Do not wait for the other captain to enter the scores because the other team won or the other team was the home team. If the results are not in Tennis Link, enter them. If the results are already entered, verify them.

·  If neither captain records the results within 48 hours, a computer generated reminder will be sent to both captains.

·  If neither captain officially verifies the results, the system will confirm. Since your players’ ratings and the ratings of others in the league depend on accuracy, it is very important that the results be verified.

·  Encourage your players to access their results and check for accuracy, as well.

Correcting errors in the match results

·  Captains cannot correct any errors to the match results after the data has been entered and confirmed

·  If a data entry error has been made, email the opponent naming the teams, date of the match, match number, and specifying what needs correcting. The opponent will reply, hopefully, in agreement, copying the coordinator.

·  For documentation purposes, the corrections can only be made if all of the information is included in the email.

Winter Season

·  The winter season team entry forms are due Dec 1. If you are planning to enter a team, please send this form in to reserve your place in the winter schedule.

·  To confirm that your team entry form has been received and that your team will be in the winter schedule, go to Tennis Link and find the Team Captains Report.

·  Verify that your team is set up accurately, your contact info is current and find your team number.

·  Schedules will be published approximately 2 weeks prior to the first match.

·  Match play will start immediately after the last match in the early start season or after the flight play off.

Rescheduling Procedures

·  Captains are under no obligation to accommodate a request to reschedule a match after the season has started.

·  If an agreement is been made to change the date/time/location of any match, send an email to me with all of the information, so that errors can be avoided.


·  The complete list of eligible players is listed at the bottom of the score sheet and in the tab labeled Roster in Tennis Link.

·  Prior to each match, the captain will verify that every player’s name in the lineup is eligible by checking the roster.

·  In the event that a player plays a match but is not on the roster, enter the names of the eligible players, code the match as a default. Notify the opponent by email, copy me.

·  Once the player is registered, provide me with the information, ie, level, match number, names of players, scores, winner, etc.

·  The scores will be entered as played for rating purposes, but the match will be counted as a default in the standings.