MIS Ph.D. Core Exam 2000Page 1
MIS Ph.D. Core Examination
May 25, 2000
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
McClelland Hall / Room 214
General Instructions
Please read instructions carefully before you begin the exam
- The exam will begin promptly at 9:00 a.m. and end promptly at 4:00 p.m. No extensions are allowed.
- This exam consists of 12 questions. You are required to answer 11 of them. You choose which one to skip. If you choose to answer all 12, the question for which you receive the highest score will be dropped. In other words, there is a penalty for you to answer all 12. Please allocate roughly 30 minutes per question.
- Each question is worth 100 points.
- For each question, state your assumptions clearly.
- If you are writing by hand in a blue book, please answer each question in a separate blue book. If you are using a word processor, please make sure that you start each new question on a new page. You are allowed to use combinations of the blue book and a word processor file for answering questions.
- At the top of each question that you answer, please identify two things:
- The number of the question that you are answering and
- The code name given to you at the beginning of the exam. Do not write your real name anywhere on the exam, only your code name.
- Please make two (2) diskette copies of the files containing your answers if you are using a word processor. Please turn in both diskettes, along with your blue book answers and the exam questions, to the proctor at the end of the exam.
- You are allowed to take a restroom or lunch break only if no one else is already taking one. You should get the proctor’s consent before taking a break, and also inform him as soon as you return from your break.
- If you are using a word processor, please make sure that you save your answers periodically. It is your responsibility to ensure that you do not lose work.
Question 1
What are the similarities and differences between a conceptual model such as the ER model and the relational model? What is the role of each model in the design and development of database applications? You may use examples to explain the differences and similarities.
Question 2
“A system catalog is not an ESSENTIAL part of a relational database system.” Do you agree with this statement? Why or Why not? Clearly justify your answer.
Question 3
According to Pfeffer (“Morality, Reproducibility, and the Persistence of Styles of Theory”), “possessing consensus on approaches, ideas, and perhaps most importantly, methods, provides advantages in enlisting others to one’s theoretical perspective and being productive in the sense of acquiring journal space, legitimacy, and other resources” (p.685).
a) Briefly explain what Pfeffer means by this statement.
b) From the readings, what are the major arguments against this view of science and theory?
c) What do you think are the potential consequences to the field of IS if we fail to achieve consensus around this issue? Consider the readings as you respond to the question.
Question 4
Assume you have just been given an opportunity to do a case study of your own choosing.
a) In one paragraph, describe your study (you can make one up or use one that you are interested in pursuing).
b) Identify and describe the criteria you would use to ensure that your study will be of high quality. Use any of the criteria discussed in class, or any combination of them.
c) For each criterion described and identified in b), (1) give a short example of something in your research design that would indicate high quality, and (2) give a short example of something in your research design that would indicate low quality if you ignored it. Justify your answers from the readings in class.
Question 5
Search Algorithms
a)Please describe the Binary Search algorithm and the algorithm for searching a Binary Search Tree, respectively. What are their differences and similarities? (30 points)
b)Please describe Preorder Traversal, Best First Search, Hill Climbing, and Genetic Algorithms, respectively. What are their differences and similarities? (40 points)
c)Please describe a new or emerging information technology application that you can use any graph search algorithm. Please articulate in detail how you would use the algorithm. (30 points)
Question 6
Internet and Data Mining
a)Please describe a data mining application (an example) in detail and present necessary steps and components for this application. Please describe the major pitfalls or obstacles related to the application. (30 points)
b)Please present the major components of an Internet Search Engine. Please describe the differences and similarities between a Search Engine and a conventional MIS database application. (40 points)
c)Please present an example of how data mining techniques can be applied to the Internet Search Engines. Please describe problem, representation and steps in detail. (30 points)
Question 7
Integrating wireless information delivery into a company’s product line have consequences well beyond the media used to deliver to the product to the consumer. Consider the case of Stocks-R-Us, a major player in the over-the-counter equities market. As part of their strategic plan, they have decided to extend their electronic stock trading system to include WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) devices, such as PCS cellular telephones and PALM PDA’s (Personal Digital Assistants).
In comparison with their PC/Internet-based trading system, how would the use of PCS/PDS wireless technology impact the design of the following aspects of their product offering:
a)Product delivery (limitations of the human interface, processing capabilities, network access)
b)Security and reliability (transactional privacy, integrity, authentication, non-repudiation, and session interruption)
c)Technology diversity (e.g., multiple PCS and PALM devices)
Question 8
Although both are described as “distributed environments”, the data communication infrastructures for a distributed information management (database) system and a distributed processing system have unique characteristics. Consider the following distributed environments:
- Closely-Coupled Distributed Processing (e.g., an Internet-II-based meteorological (weather) model)
Loosely-Coupled Distributed Processing (e.g., SETI@Home Project (search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence screen-saver-based data analysis))
- Replicated Information Database (e.g., GPS (Global Positioning System) satellite position almanac)
- Partitioned Information Database (e.g., a functionally (e.g., Accounting, Engineering, Manufacturing) dispersed ERP (enterprise resource management) database environment)
Describe the important aspects of the data communications infrastructure used to manage the distribution of information in each environment. Your answer should consider how factors such as (but not necessarily limited to) reliability, security, bandwidth, quality of service, accessibility, transmission media, and network latency impact the given applications. Of course, not all factors will be applicable to each environment, so only those that apply need be discussed. Although your response must address each environment, you may use another example as your point-of-reference.
Question 9
First, explain what a software process model is, in general. Second, identify the parts that are common to most models, the way project managers should use a process model, and briefly describe the kinds of problems in software development that process models address. You may use specific process models to illustrate your answer, but your answer should address software process models in general, as a major principle of software engineering. You should make your personal opinions about software process models clear in your answer.
Note: If you took 541a with the Pressman book, "software process models" should be clear. If you took 541a with the McConnell book, "software process models" means "lifecycle models".
Question 10
(a) Identify 5 good, solid research questions concerning software engineering or systems analysis and design that you believe need investigating by someone in the MIS field. For each, explain, in one paragraph or a few sentences, why you believe the question is important to the field.
(b) For one of your research questions in (a), design a study to investigate (or even answer) it. Specifically, give as detailed an outline as you can, annotating the major sections with a paragraph or few sentences. Your outline should cover all the important parts of a solid, publishable research study including your predictions of what you'll find. Remember, only an outline - don't spend too much time writing long explanations.
Question 11
For Question 11, you can choose either one of the two questions listed below. If you choose to skip Question 11, please disregard these two questions all together. If you elect to answer this question, you are supposed to answer one of the following two questions and one only.
(Question 11 Choice 1)
During MIS 696a, the class discussed several alternative frameworks for categorizing research in MIS. If your thinking has changed since MIS 696A, use your updated framework. Based on that discussion and the faculty research presentations:
- Describe your framework for categorizing MIS research, provide a graphical diagram, and justify why you prefer that framework.
- Very briefly describe the research of two (2) MIS Department faculty and then place them in the framework. List two (2) key papers for each faculty.
- Very briefly describe your proposed dissertation research and place it in the framework. Describe two (2) key papers that are essential for your research area.
(Question 11 Choice 2)
How did the book Fortune Sellers, by William Sherden, change your perspective for research? If it did not, state the reason why not. Give justification for your answer. State specifically what reason lead to a change in your thinking.
Question 12
All of the names listed below are famous MIS, Computer Science, Management or Economics people. What is each researcher (listed below) known for in general (be specific) and give the organization he/she is with and where it is located.
- Herb Simon
- Dave Parnas
- Andy Whinston
- John Von Neuman
- Ken Kraemer
- John King
- Wanda Orlikowski
- Gerry DeSanctis
- Ed Yourdon
- Howard Aiken
- Don Knuth
- Dennis Ritchie
- Edsger Dijkstra
- Allan Turing
- Ted Nelson
- Stuart Madnick
- Tom Malone
- Gordon Davis
- Henry Mintzberg
- Peter Drucker
- Vernon Smith
- Grace Hopper
- Paul Grey
- Daniel Teichroew
- Alan Merten
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