Office of the Vice President for Research and Economic Development
A UNT Faculty Research Grant (FRG) Program
Overview/Instruction Sheet
Purpose: The Research Opportunities Program (ROP) provides assistance to university research and scholarly activities that show a high potential for attracting and maintaining support from external funding agencies.
(Note: This ROP Grant Application is for fiscal year 2013. It is designated by the year in which the funding ends. The Award runs from September 1, 2012 to August 31, 2013)
No Faculty Salary Allowed: Requests for summer or for teaching release (buy-out) will not be considered in ROP proposals.
Maximum Award Amounts: $7,500 or $10,000 if international travel is required.
Eligibility: All tenured or tenure track full-time faculty are eligible to apply for ROP Grants. Permanent and temporary faculty appointees who hold the doctorate (or equivalent) may apply for a ROP, but the Faculty Research Committee reserves the right to give preference to proposals from tenured and tenure track faculty.
Eligibility for Repeat Awards: If a faculty member is awarded a ROP or REG (or any combination thereof) for two consecutive years, she/he is ineligible to apply for an ROP in the third year. NOTE: Faculty receiving two consecutive RIG awards remain eligible to apply for a ROP in the subsequent year.
Requirements: It is expected that one or more formal proposals for external funding will be submitted within 18 months after the receipt of the ROP award. Evidence of this potential must be included in the proposal. A research report must be filed with the Faculty Research Committee to describe the progress and outcome of the ROP award.
Deadline: ROP proposals are due in the Office of the Vice President for Research and Economic Development by 5:00pm on Wednesday, February 22, 2012. Consult with relevant Chairs and Deans, so that sufficient lead-time is allowed for them to review and sign the proposal.
The application form begins on the next page. Please download the application and save to your desktop in order to complete the forms. The application must be typed (in at least 12 point font). Submit the full application electronically (a single PDF file is preferred) to in the Office of Research and Economic Development by 5 p.m., Wednesday, February 22, 2012. Signature pages may be scanned and included with the electronic submission, or they may be delivered as hard copies to the Office of Research and Economic Development, Hurley Administration Building, Room 175.
Note: All prior year Faculty Research account deficits must be resolved before submitting this application. Faculty members with outstanding deficits will be excluded from consideration.
ROP - Last Update: August 2011
A UNT Faculty Research Grant (FRG) Program
Principal Investigator: / (Name only one person)Emplid #:
Phone #:
Tenure Track: / Yes / No / Full Time: / Yes / No
Email Address:
Current Faculty Rank:
Years at UNT:
Highest Degree and Year Obtained:
Other Investigator(s): / Department(s):
Proposal Title:
Provide an abstract of the proposed project, which can be understood by a person NOT familiar with your discipline. Include information on background, methods, expected results, and impact. LIMIT THE STATEMENT TO 200 WORDS
There is a reasonable probability that an external grant or contract will be awarded for continuation or extension of the research activity if this project is initially supported by faculty research funds.If this ROP is funded, at least one formal proposal for external funding to extend or continue this research will be prepared and submitted within 18 months of the project starting date.
Yes / No / Does the study involve the use of human subjects in experiments or as a survey of respondents?If yes, I will return a copy of the IRB approval letter to Office of the Vice President for Research, Administration Bldg. – Room 175, and understand that funding will not be released until I do so.______
Yes / No / Does this study involve the use of radioactive materials or radiation producing devices?
If yes, I will return a copy of the Radioactive Materials form to Office of the Vice President for Research, Administration Bldg. – Room 175, and understand that funding will not be released until I do so.______
Yes / No / Does this study involve the use of lasers?
If yes, I will return a copy of the Laser form to Office of the Vice President for Research, Administration Bldg. – Room 175, and understand that funding will not be released until
I do so.______
Yes / No / Does this study involve the use of biohazardous agents, human materials or recombinant DNA molecules?
If yes, I will return a copy of the IBC form to Office of the Vice President for Research, Administration Bldg. – Room 175, and understand that funding will not be released until
I do so______.
Yes / No / Does this study involve the use of live vertebrate animals?
If yes, I will return a copy of the IACUC approval letter to Office of the Vice President for Research, Administration Bldg. – Room 175, and understand that funding will not be released until I do so.______
This page must be completed in full and accurately by all applicants. The Faculty Research Committee considers this information as critical and will not consider applications with incomplete or inaccurate information.
1. List all prior grants from university sources received in your name in the last 5 years. List the type of grant (ROP, RIG, Small Grant, etc.), title of the project, period of funding, and total funds received for the project.
2. List proposals that have been submitted to external agencies in your name in the last 5 years that were for continuation or extension of a UNT Faculty Research Grant (ROP, RIG, Small Grant, PEST, etc.). List the title of the project, funding agency, length of project, total funds requested, and outcome of the proposal (funded, not funded, pending).
3. It is expected that any previous ROP awards you received were subsequently utilized to apply for related external funding. If you have received one or more previous ROP awards for which you did not subsequently apply for external funding, offer any explanation here.
4. Indicate specific efforts that you have made to identify and obtain external funding for this project.
a. List current external support for the proposed project (if any).
b. List specific efforts to identify funding sources for the proposed project. Include a list of funding agencies, type and result of contact, current status of inquiries, applications, etc. Attach copies of any relevant correspondence or transmittal sheets.
c. Based on the above, provide an assessment of the likelihood of obtaining external funding to continue or extend the research you are proposing in this ROP.
5. List all grants from external sources in your name that are currently active. List the title of the project, funding agency, inclusive period of funding, and total funds to be received for each year of the project.
6. List your five most recent research or scholarly publications or artistic endeavors, citing only those works actually published, shown, or performed in a professional setting. Place an asterisk (*) beside those resulting from support from UNT Faculty Research Grant funds.
7. List your five most recent research papers/presentations before professional societies, artistic exhibitions, commissions of original works of art, or concerts of original musical compositions. Do not include presentations to civic, service, or social organizations, or concerts/exhibits on the UNT campus. Place an asterisk (*) beside those resulting from support from Faculty Research Grant funds.
8. Ensure that your vita is up-to-date on the UNT Faculty Profile System.
Check here to indicate that your vita is up-to-date.
On the following three pages (plus references), provide a narrative description of the project you intend to carry out. It is critical that this portion of the application be written in a manner so that someone outside your field will be able to understand the importance and approach of the project.
Refer to the Faculty Research Grant Manual for evaluation criteria specific to ROP proposals. Please utilize the following format.
1. Rationale and significance of the project including a brief review of supporting and related literature.
2. Description of your own work in this area of investigation.
3. Statement of the problem to be investigated and where appropriate, your hypotheses.
4. Methods of study to be used, including (where appropriate) reliability and validity of assessment tools, sampling procedures, and planned statistical analyses.
Grant Period: September 1, 2012 through August 31, 2013
(These accounts close on August 31st & do not rollover)
Budgetary Restrictions:
1. Is there an international component to your research requiring additional funds for international travel?
2. If the answer to the previous question is yes, explain the international travel and why/how it requires additional funding. If the answer is no, skip to the next section.
ROP requests are for a maximum of $7,500. The budget request cap is increased to $10,000, if significant international travel is needed.
RIG Grant requests MAY NOT BE USED for the following purposes:
· Professional memberships or journal subscriptions
· Professional conferences (utilize supplemental travel request via Dean)
· Capital equipment (Request separately from Dean, Chair, and/or VP for Research)
· Tips or Alcohol (These must be paid from personal or gift funds).
· Payment for services rendered prior to approved encumbrance (state funds REQUIRE fully approved encumbrances PRIOR to the start of work).
Description Dollar Amount
A. PAYROLL1. Classified Salaries - staff positions paid a salary by the university
2. Wages - all students, and part-time employees
1. Supplies / Materials
2. Consultants / Professional Fees / Participant Payments
Domestic Travel
1. International Travel
Classified Salaries - Provide the job description of each position requested for this project. "Classified salaries" are for salaried staff members paid a salary by the University.
Wages - Provide the job description of each position requested for this project. "Wages" are for all students, and hourly paid employees.
Supplies / Materials – Justify with appropriate details
Consultants / Professional Fees / Participant Payments - List individually and explain in detail
Identify the specific locations, objectives to be accomplished, and the essential need to the project.
Domestic Travel
International Travel
D. OTHER EXPENSES – Explain in detail
Note: Be sure to adhere to the “Budgetary Restrictions” listed on the Budget page.
Applicant: Your signature below attests to the accuracy of the information in this proposal and accompanying materials, including the truthfulness of the assurances provided on page 2 of the application.
Signature of Applicant / DateResponsible Administrators: Your signatures below attest to your support of the applicant’s request of Faculty Research Grant funds, and to the accuracy of any committed resources from your unit.
Signature of Chairperson / DateSignature of Dean / Date
ROP - Last Update: August 2011