Please read and respond to the call below. A copy of the official negotiated agreement is available online.

Faculty Institute Fellowsenhance the effectiveness of theIFD as a site for the further development of faculty skills in teaching, research, and service to the college and community. Up to four Faculty Fellows shall each serve for the 2013-2014 academic year. Faculty Fellows may elect to receive one course release a year or the equivalent monetary compensation, subject to the Master Agreement. Fellows currently serving may apply for an extension if they desire.

The Provost andIFD Director especially welcome, for the 2013-2014 year, applicants from fellows with proposed projects that would assist in the following areas:

  • Serving as a resource for faculty who need support for quantitative work (data consultations, analysis, interpretation)
  • Experience with, and an interest in creating and refining rubrics (this ability will be in even greater demand as theELO's roll out in the next phases)
  • Creating a culture of scholarship using the full Boyer model
  • Assessment of affective outcomes and qualitative data analysis
  • Homiletic pedagogies
  • Integrating global awareness in existing curricular and co-curricular activities
  • Innovative hybrid and blended learning pedagogies.

The selection committee will also welcome and seriously consider proposals that can enhance theIFD in other areas.

Responsibilities: Each Faculty Fellow’s responsibilities will be in large part unique and determined primarily by the contributions to theIFD proposed inthe application. In addition tounique contributions to the mission of the IFD, all Fellows will work with the Institute Director, serve on the advisory board of the IFD, and, upon the conclusion of their fellowship, write brief reports summarizing and documenting their work for the IFD.

Eligibility: All tenured, teaching faculty in good standing are eligible to apply. Other faculty (e.g., probationary, part-time, or adjuncts who have taught at the college for at least five years) may apply and will be considered if they have qualifications that theIFD needs. Candidates should have a demonstrated record of outstanding teaching and scholarship and/or service.

Selection: The committee, which will consist of Heather McGovern, current IFD Director, Bill Reynolds, incoming IFD Director, and Carolyn Gutierrez and Maritza Jauregui, current Fellows,willselect Institute Fellows, considering each applicant’s qualifications, the strength of each proposal, and the need for each proposed project. The committee will strive to select fellows with a diverse set of strengths and projects.

Applications: Applicants should submit a c.v. and cover letter via email explaining their interest in serving as a faculty fellow and the expertise they would bring to the position. The letter should also clearly indicate how the fellow proposes to make a direct contribution to other Stockton faculty as aFellow.The strongest proposalslast year included clear, specific details about what applicants would do. Applications are due January 11, 2013.

Heather McGovern

Director of the Institute for Faculty Development

Associate Professor of Writing

The RichardStocktonCollege of NJ