Held at East Woodlands Village Hallon Wednesday 4th October 2017
- Present: Councillors J Dowling (Chair), Miss J Heritage, G Stickley, J Morgan, C Bennett and
C Smith (clerk).
- Apologies: Mrs J Stickley, N Coleman, C Mockford (MDC) and M Dimery (SCC).
3. Minutes of last meeting: (23rd August 2017): The minutes were approved by the meeting and signed
by J Dowling.
4. Matters Arising: Nil
For Recommendation
a) Red Barn Farm, Old Wells Road, Egford, Frome, BA11 3JR (2017/2279/FUL) – Purpose built
rotary milking parlour system house in a portal type building. J Morgan proposed recommending the application, seconded by Miss Heritage and approved by the meeting. No reason(s) to object. Clerk to forward recommendation to MDC.
b) D H Truck Servicing, The Old Quarry, Hapsford Hill, Great Elm, Frome, BA11 3NW (2017/1817/CLE) – Truck and coach repair and maintenance garage business. G Stickley proposed recommending the application, seconded by Miss Heritage and approved by the meeting. No reason(s) to object. Clerk to forward recommendation to MDC.
c) Court Farm, Blatchbridge Roundabout to Frome Road, West Woodlands, Frome, BA11 5EN (2017/2334/FUL) – Re-routing of access tracks to and within the solar farm approved under 2014/2326/FUL, siting of a spare parts container and minor amendments to the position of the perimeter fence. J Morgan proposed recommending the application, seconded by Miss Heritage and approved by the meeting. No reason(s) to object. Clerk to forward recommendation to MDC.
d) The Lighthouse, Bulls Quarries Road, Tytherington, Frome, BA11 5BW (2017/2555/FUL) – Conversion of existing dwelling and office to create 9 No. additional guest letting rooms; conversion of 3 No. existing guest rooms to create a new spa facility; new entrance hall and guest lounge; new carpark, tractor store and wood shed; and associated landscaping works (Revised scheme following planning approval 2017/1039/FUL). G Stickley proposed recommending the application, seconded by Miss Heritage and approved by the meeting. No reason(s) to object. Clerk to forward recommendation to MDC.
Approved by MDC
a) Whatcombe Farm Nursery, Jacks Lane, Spring Gardens, Frome. (2017/1285/FUL) – Change of use of dwelling house to commercial registered nursery. Approved with conditions. Circulated to the meeting.
b) Halfacre, Shepherds Lane to Feltham Hill, East Woodlands, Frome, BA11 5LY (2017/1851/HSE) - Clad single storey part of dwelling and amend fenestration. Approved with conditions. Circulated to the meeting.
Refused by MDC Nil
Appeal(s) Blatchbridge Mill, Blatchbridge roundabout to Vinney Lane, Blatchbridge, Frome, BA11 5EJ (2017/0433/FUL) – Change of use of land from Agricultural to domestic garden use. Circulated to the meeting.
Withdrawn: Marsh Farm, East Woodlands Road to Blatchbridge, Frome, BA11 5EL (2017/1993/HSE) – Convert domestic storage building into bedrooms, bathroom and study area. Circulated to the meeting.
6. Financea) Current balances: Bank statements as at:5th Sept 2017: Current a/c £197.08; Business Reserve a/c £7,897.65. Ledger and bank statements produced for the meeting.
b) Audit – External Auditors report and Certificate 2017 now published on Selwood P.C. web site.
7. Correspondence:
a) Appeal for donation – St Margaret’s Hospice Care, Taunton. After discussion, councillors decided not to
support this appeal which is out of Selwood’s catchment area.
8. Miscellaneous:
a) Dog Poo Bins – C Bennett is liaising with Longleat Estate to get written permission for siting of dog poo bin on their land.
b) Fly tipping – on going problem with recent deposits removed from Feltham Lane and Birchill Lane. Birchill Lane has since had another minor dumping of waste. There are waste deposits in Shepherds Lane j/w Friggle Street but is believed to be on private land – to be looked at.
c) Footpaths: C Bennett updated the meeting on the proposed temporary diversion of a footpath around The Lighthouse, Tytherington pending further works at that location. C Bennett is also liaising with the Rights of Way Officer at Somerset C.C. re other matters.
9. Selwood P.C. web site: Site continues to be updated by Christine Carpenter for which councillors are most
10. Reports:J Dowling reported on a very successful Frome in Bloom presentation evening he attended.
11. Any other business: Nil
12. Date of next meeting: Wed, 22nd November 2017, 7.30 pm East Woodlands Village Hall.
There being no other business, the meeting was concluded at 8.27 pm.