Please read and familiarize yourself with the following information.

·  Take responsibility for your own learning. This class will be fun and exciting, but challenging as well, so be ready to invest time and energy learning new material. Attitude is everything!
·  Accept mistakes as a part of learning. Mistakes are not a sign of personal weakness, but an inevitable part of learning and growing. This classroom is not a competition but a community. Please ask questions of me and your peers in class and see me if you need any help whatsoever. I am here to help!
·  Come to class on time with all required materials ready to work.
·  Use class time for class activities only. This means no calculators, no math homework, no Bunsen burners, no iPods, no cell phones, no Twilight, no Harry Potter, etc.
·  Actively listen and participate.
·  Ask for clarification and assistance as needed.
·  Be respectful of others. No chatting while the teacher or others are talking.
1.) Upon entering class
·  Complete the “Campanazo” warm-up activity quietly by yourself while I tend to housekeeping.
·  Check the board for the daily agenda and homework assignment.
2.) Participating in discussion and getting my attention
·  When you want to speak up in class or get my attention, please raise your hand.
·  Make every effort to tend to your bathroom needs before and after class. If it is urgent, you must ask for permission to use the bathroom and sign out. I will keep track of bathroom usage. If I notice that you are using the bathroom excessively, the issue will be addressed accordingly.
3.) Absences, late work, and tardiness
·  Absences: If you are absent, you are responsible for obtaining and making up all missed assignments, including tests and quizzes. I will not come and track you down. Many of the handouts and homework from the missed lesson can be found on the class website. You have until the next class period to make up any missed work, including tests. In case of a long-term absence, it is the student’s responsibility to meet with the teacher as soon as possible in order to arrange a plan for submitting missed assignments. Students with unexcused absences will lose all class participation points for that day.
·  Late work: Late work will not be accepted, except for the instance of an excused absence.
·  Tardiness: You will lose participation points every time you arrive tardy. It pays to arrive on time!
4.) Seating
·  Please remain in your assigned seat unless I reassign you or, as a class, we participate in an activity. If you have difficulty with your seat for any reason, please see me in private to explain your difficulty.
5.) Dismissing class
·  Please stay in your seat until I dismiss class so that I may wrap up the lesson.
6.) Extra help
·  I encourage you to see me for extra help during enrichment. I am happy to work with you outside of class.