• Only authorized location stops will be made by the bus operator.
  • Daily / periodic attendance checks will be made by teachers assigned to bus duty to insure that only authorized students possessing appropriate bus passes are being transported.
  • Each driver is responsible for the well-being of her/his passengers and for the safe operation of her/his bus. In the driver’s judgment, any passenger(s) who violates accepted policy and interferes with the daily operation of her/his bus will be immediately reported to the school authorities, who will then suspend the person(s) from the bus.
  • The prevention of problems is far better than the solving of problems. Students will conduct themselves appropriately at all times, thereby reducing the possibility of creating a bus transportation problem.
  • Any student causing damage to a bus shall be held responsible for the cost of repair or replacement of said damage.
  • If there is a bus problem and the student wishesto discuss it privately with the(assistant) principal, she/he is encouraged to do so.
  • Students should familiarize themselves with the bus rules.
  • All students will be assigned a seat on the bus. The student will be responsible for sitting in her/his assigned seating area.
  • When damage or an incident does occur, the bus with its entire passenger complement is to return immediately to school so that those individuals responsible can be quickly determined. If those individuals cannot be determined by the bus driver or (assistant) principal, then the (assistant) principal will ride on the particular bus to ensure the safety of the students. If the problem persists, the entire passenger complement will be removed from the bus and be retained in a classroom. These students will be retained until a Belleville Board of Education bus is available. While the students are waiting for this bus, they will have telephones available to them for the purpose of informing their parent(s)/guardian(s).
  • If a school bus is enroute to the Middle School and involved in an accident, no matter how minor, and this fact is brought to the bus duty teachers’ attention, when the bus arrives at the Middle School, under no circumstances will students be allowed to disembark from the school bus until the (assistant) principal or her/his designee arrives at the bus. At this time, if required, the student will be directed to a specific location where precautionary safety measures will be taken to insure the well-being of the student.
  • The administration takes this opportunity to encourage parents to contact the school if there are any questions they wish to have answered regarding the bus transportation policy.