Dear parents
CLUB UPDATE – May 2016
- Squad Acro 2 and Club Acro 1 cancellation
Friday 13 and Saturday 14 May
Training is cancelled for Squad Acro 2 and Club Acro 1, as these groups’ coaches are with gymnasts at the national finals in Stoke-on-Trent.
- Parents’ meeting on Saturday 28 May, 1.15pm, Honiton Community College Assembly Hall
Please put this date in your diaries!
There’s always lots happening behind the scenes at Honiton Gymnastics Club, so on Saturday 28 May we’ll be holding a general meeting to update all parents on our upcoming plans and events.
It’s the first time we’ve held a formal update for parents, and it will help enormously if everyone comes along. It’s taking place straight after training has finished and gymnasts are welcome too. Seating will be limited, soplease be prepared to stand!
- First Friday of the month is parents’ viewing night
Don’t forget that parents (and other family members and friends) are welcome to come into the gym and watch training on the first Friday of every month. Please ensure you take off any outdoor footwear (including trainers) when you enter the sports hall.
- Booking a week in advance for rec classes
If your children regularly attend recreational classes, you’ve probably noticed how exceptionally popular they are! We’ve got extensive waiting lists of gymnasts who are eager to start, so please ensure that you book sessions a full week in advance. Regardless of whether or not your child comes regularly, the leisure centre will not hold places open for them if you have not confirmed your child’s place. The only way to be sure you can retain your place is to book a full week in advance, so please don’t forget!
- Honiton Grades Competition – Saturday 4 June
On the afternoon ofSaturday 4 June, Honiton Gymnastics Clubis hosting a grades competition (Grades 1-4) for the South West region for gymnasts that train no more than 4.5 hours per week.
This will not only be a great fundraiser but also an excellent preparatory competition for the many gymnasts across the regionwhotrain a limited number of hours.
Although most gymnasts in Honiton Gymnastics Club’s competitive groups train more hours than 4.5 hours per week, the competition will be open to some of our gymnasts inRec Selected Group. We will be sending out more information about this in the next couple of weeks, so please check with your child to see if they have received a selection letter for this competition.
- Honiton Invitational Competition, 24-25 September
For the first time – due to increased popularity – Honiton Gymnastics Club will be hosting our Grades 1-4 competition for competitive gymnasts over two days. We’ve previously hosted clubs from as far away as Tyne and Wear, Wales and London, and this year we’ve already had interest from a club in Italy.
It promises to be a memorable occasion, another great fundraiser and an opportunity for our gymnasts to meet other gymnasts from all over the country. This is for gymnasts in our competitive groups only. More details and selection letters will be sent out over the coming weeks, so please keep your eyes peeled for info.
The will be an after-competition party on the Saturday night with tickets available for all Honiton Gymnastics Club gymnasts and family members.
- South West Championships (July)
With a couple of exceptions, the majority of gymnasts in our competitive groups will be competing in the South West Championships in July.
Grades 1-2/3 will take place at Honiton (it’s the first time we have hosted the competition!) on Sunday 3 July.
Grades 3/4-6 and FIG disciplines will take place at Yate Leisure Centre, near Bristol, on 9& 10 July.
We have not received official information from the South West committee about these competitions yet, but when we do we will send out information straight away. We will then need a quick turn around for payments etc. Unfortunately, it is unlikely that we will know which weekend Grade 3 events are running on until a few weeks after entries have been submitted, but we will do our best to keep you informed as soon as we have been sent information.
Club leotards will be in high demand for these competitions, so please discuss leotards and put your orders in as soon as possible with Pam Burns. Gymnasts in Grades1-4 are required to wear Honiton orange and black competition leotards, while those in Grade 5 and above can wear individual leotards, as long as the details/design have been discussed and agreed with your child’s personal coach.
- Email details please!
We recently sent out a letter about the fact that all gymnastics club correspondence will soon be sent out electronically only.
It is therefore crucial that we have a record of the most current, primary email address that you would like us to send updates to, along with any other email addresses that you would like us to copy in.
We’ve had lots of responses, but are still waiting for a number of forms to be returned. If you haven’t supplied us with this information, please fill in the form below, then hand this back to your child’s coach within the next week. If you have two children at the club, please fill out two forms.
Best wishes
Honiton Gymnastics Club Board and coaches
Email addresses – Honiton Gymnastics Club
Name of gymnast…………………………………………………………………..
Primary contact’s full name………………………………………………………
Primary contact’s email address………………………………………………...
Second contact’s full name……………………………………………………...
Second contact’s email address………………………………………………..