Family Life Committee
November 3, 2011
The second meeting of the Family Life Committee was Thursday, November 3 and was attended by David Loos, Jason Toufar, Carrie Schmidt, Cindy Schecklman, Lois Becker, LuAnn Rueth, and Father Felix.
Father began with an opening prayer. He also mentioned that we should have a permanent pastor in two weeks and that he wouldn't leave us hanging as a parish. He will still continue to be our administrator until the new pastor arrives.
The Family Outreach report was given by David. He discussed getting different members to join and all the activities they are planning such as Family Fun day at Bruce Mound either Feb 12 or Feb 19; Family fishing day Sunday, June 3 with a potluck from 11 to 3 p.m. Last year this committee gave away fishing poles. Also camp out night either
July 20 or July 27 at either the Loyal or Greenwood parks. They also may have another campfire behind the rectoryand may have it a couple times during the summer.
Jason informed us of what the Holy Name Society has been doing such as cleaning out the rectory basement for renovation; the patio behind the rectory;replacing the bulbs in the church; moving the piano up to the balcony. Further plans include a fish boil on March 30 in the church basement from 4 - 8 p.m. and a brat fry in the summer. They also plan on inspecting the pews and kneelers for any that need replacement/repair and plan on putting up the Lions tents as a fundraiser. Lois asked at this time if there were any plans to fix up the Sisters house. Father Felix stated that it was in the 5 year plan.
LouAnn and Lois discussed the plans of the PCCW. This year the Ecumenical Thanksgiving dinner will be at St. Anthony's serving dinner from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. They would also like to hold a "farewell to Father" after the masses on November 12 and 13. Father stated that was appreciated. The Deanery meeting will be at St. Anthony's in the spring. An appreciation for school staff and teachers will be held at the December 5 PCCW meeting. This is a potluck event. Invitations will be mailed out. The red cookbook has been reordered and selling quite well. David pointed out that someone out of the area was looking to buy one and found one on Ebay for $35! An interfaith breakfast was given at St. Anthony's for those who helped rake leaves, etc. It was a very small turn out. It was also discussed that the PCCW will onlyloan out roasters and/or coffee potsfor parish functions and there will most likely be units segregated just for this purpose so the same ones are used.
David then reported that Coni Meyer couldn't make the meeting but had called him regarding the Youth Group. She said she would work with the group until May at which time she would turn over her duties to someone else. Father stated that we really need to keep this group going. Coni also mentioned that she had attended a marriage preparation course along with Dave and Kim LaBarge and Mark and Nan Weyer. These two couples are now certified coachesso St. Anthony's will be able to have the marriage preparation classes here.
It was then discussed when we should meet in the future. Our next meeting will be Monday, December 19th in the school library. From then on, we will meet every other month on the third Thursday so the following meeting will be February 16.
Father closed the meeting with a prayer.