Poster Presentation Instructions

  1. Provider Name:
  2. Project Name:

(Please provide the project’s Unique Project ID and the related project option)

  1. Please describe your project:
  2. Please list the community need(s) andnumber that corresponds with the project you are presenting. (See table below for corresponding numbers)

ID # / Description of Problem Needing to be Addressed
CN.1 / Severe primary care provider shortage, wait time, expense,lack of insurance, access to care
CN.2 / Lack of mental health services, inability to get anappointment, lack of insurance, need to use ERs for initial contact.
CN.3 / Poor insurance support or uninsured.
CN.4 / High incidence of obesity, diabetes mellitus and heart disease.
CN.5 / Need for specialists to assist in the treatment of obesity, diabetes mellitus, heart disease, asthma, chronic lung disease & other chronic diseases.
CN.6 / Need for cancer screening with mammograms, pap smears, colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, rectal exam
CN. 7 / Insufficient maternal and prenatal care, especially the first trimester teen pregnancy, high percentage of unmarried mothers
CN. 8 / Alcohol abuse and binge drinking, substance abuse
CN. 9 / Tobacco use
CN. 10 / High Prevalence of asthma and care issues
CN. 11 / Inadequate vaccination of the population
CN. 12 / High incidence of sexually transmitted disease
CN. 13 / There is a shortage of dental care
CN. 14 / HIV Screening
  1. Tell us about your QPI and non-numerical QPI info such as QPI baseline, Pre-DSRIP Baseline, Results for DY2, DY3 and current (DY4).
  2. Which Category 3 outcome(s) did you select for this project?
  3. Please include Domain and Improvement target
  4. Please include baseline, achievement target (if known) and progress to date
  5. Please tell us about the projects accomplishments
  6. Please include any challenges/barriers and/or lessons learned.
  7. Please provide one or two pictures related to your project.
  8. Please share significant CQI (continuous quality improvement) you’ve implemented with this project and would be important for others who might be interested in implementing a similar project?
  9. Please Share a patient story:

Thanks so much for your participation 