The Omaha Ag Outlook Conference will be held

at the Embassy Suites Old Market

on December 6 and 7.

The program will begin with the noon meal on the 6th

and end with the noon meal on the 7th.

Omaha Ag Outlook brings together



Agricultural Policy,

and Financial Policy Outlook.

Speakers include

Kate Brooks and Brad Lubben of the University of Nebraska Lincoln

Chad Hart,

Kelvin Leibold,

Melissa O’Rourke,

and Lee Schulz of Iowa State University

Michael Boehlje of Purdue

And Nathan Kaufmann of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.

There is a registration fee of $150 per person

and registration is due by December 1.

To pre-registerfor the Omaha Ag Outlook Conference

call402 472 1772.


The Omaha Ag Outlook Conference will be held

at the Embassy Suites Old Market

on December 6 and 7.

A special feature of this meeting is the evening policy discussion

with Brad Lubben of the University of Nebraska Lincoln

and Nathan Kaufmann of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City

at the Anderson O’Brien Fine Art Gallery.

Lubben will help participants understand the implications of the interaction of crop insurance and the new farm program as it’s being deliberated in the conference committee.

Kaufmann will help participants understand the current state of the agricultural economy from the Federal Reserve Bank’s perspective and changes to watch for.

There is a registration fee of $150 per person

and registration is due by December 1.

To pre-register for the Omaha Ag Outlook Conference

call 402 472 1772.


The Omaha Ag Outlook Conference will be held

at the Embassy Suites Old Market

on December 6 and 7.

A special feature of this meeting is livestock outlook

from both Nebraska and Iowa perspectives

with Kate Brooks of the University of Nebraska Lincoln

and Lee Schulz of Iowa State University.

After a joint presentation opening the conference, there will be separate breakout sessions for Iowa producers and Nebraska producers to visit with Brooks and Schulz about the market conditions in each of their states.

There is a registration fee of $150 per person

and registration is due by December 1.

To pre-register for the Omaha Ag Outlook Conference

call 402 472 1772.


The Omaha Ag Outlook Conference will be held

at the Embassy Suites Old Market

on December 6 and 7.

A special feature of this meeting is breakout sessions held Friday afternoon.

For participants who are not interested in learning more about livestock outlook

Melissa O’Rourke will lead a discussion on the top ten estate planning mistakes and how to avoid them.

Kelvin Leibold will lead a discussion on international ag profitability with stories from the eight countries he’s worked in the last five years.

There is a registration fee of $150 per person

and registration is due by December 1.

To pre-register for the Omaha Ag Outlook Conference

call 402 472 1772.


The Omaha Ag Outlook Conference will be held

at the Embassy Suites Old Market

on December 6 and 7.

A special feature of this meeting is breakout sessions by every primary presenter at the conference.

Those sessions encourage participants to engage in small group discussions with the presenters they found most interesting.

Time is built into the conference to encourage networking with fellow participants and presenters.

Presenters are staying on site

And they will be available for informal discussions

before and after the Friday evening policy discussion.

There is a registration fee of $150 per person

and registration is due by December 1.

To pre-register for the Omaha Ag Outlook Conference

call 402 472 1772.


The Omaha Ag Outlook Conference will be held

at the Embassy Suites Old Market

on December 6 and 7.

A special feature of this meeting is Michael Boehlje as conference rapporteur.

In that role Boehlje will summarize the content of the conference

and provide a charge to participants.

The fundamental focus of Boehlje’s work has been to integrate concepts

of economics,


and strategy to solve problems of farm

and agribusiness managers.

A major theme of Mike’s research,


and lecturing for the past 10 years has been the importance of

strategic planning and thinking,

and positioning the firm for

longterm viability and success.

There is a registration fee of $150 per person

and registration is due by December 1.

To pre-register for the Omaha Ag Outlook Conference

call 402 472 1772.
