EdGCM Friday, June 5
notes from Betsy
Goal: Storyline and one workable data use scenario for development
What are our overarching questions and enduring understandings? themes à these speak to the standards
What essential nuggets do we want teachers and students to walk away with?
Why did the IPCC deserve the Nobel Peace Prize?
consensus, process etc
How is science done?
What is modeling? How is it different than observational data?
How is data interpreted?
statistical literacy - current events filling in a pattern
Standard 1. How to use maps and other geographic representations, tools, and technologies to acquire, process, and report information from a spatial perspective.
Standard 5. That people create regions to interpret Earth's complexity.
Standard 7. The physical processes that shape the patterns of Earth's surface.
Standard 13. How the forces of cooperation and conflict among people influence the division and control of Earth's surface.
Standard 14. How human actions modify the physical environment.
Standard 15. How physical systems affect human systems.
Standard 18. How to apply geography to interpret the present and plan for the future.
After students have completed this lesson what will they know and be able to do?
Know ( knowledge)
interpret of a graph or map
Be able to do (skills)
Goal: Activity development
Some background-
5 E learning Cycle
Engagement (case study and background)
Object, event or question used to engage students.
Connections facilitated between what students know and can do.
Exploration (the activity)
Objects and phenomena are explored.
Hands-on activities, with guidance.
Explanation (woven into the background, teaching notes, and lesson)
Students explain their understanding of concepts and processes.
New concepts and skills are introduced as conceptual clarity and cohesion are sought.
Elaboration (Going further)
Activities allow students to apply concepts in contexts, and build on or extend understanding and skill.
Combination of ideas to form a new whole
Allow students to design their own model experiment and run the model
Evaluation (end of activity and going further)
Students assess their knowledge, skills and abilities. Activities permit evaluation of student development and lesson effectiveness.
Development of opinions, judgements or decisions
What will our outcome be? a presentation, report or powerpoint the e journal?
Activity Outline for Step-by-step
A simpler version
A. What? knowledge and comprehension
what is modeling?
begin with a physical representation – from Roberta she talks about the water cycle – reservoirs (like project WET incredible journey)
what is climate?
what drives temperature?
B. So What? synthesis and analysis
if CO2 increases what will the impacts be to: temperature, snow cover,
have students create a hypothesis
C. Now What ? evaluation
what will climate change do to my area regional concept
impowerment of students to make the difference