Please Prepare on Your Firm or Organization’s Letterhead


As the 12thAnnual Investing in Justice Campaign kicks off this month, I am proud that (firm/company/organization) is (once again)one of the leaders in this communitywide initiative to help ensure that everyone in the Chicago area has access to critical legal assistance, not just people who can afford it. We are joined by more than 150 firms, companies and organizations from throughout our legal community in what you have helped make the largest and most impactful campaign of its kind anywhere in the country. Our firm (company) has made a strong commitment to support this crucial initiative. As our firm’s (or company’s) Campaign Vice Chair, I’m asking you to do the same.

The Investing in Justice Campaign was built around the principle that everyone deserves access to the justice system, not just those who can afford it, and we can make a tremendous impact by coming together as a legal community around this common cause.

Through the Campaign, you help tens of thousands of people in the Chicago area get a fair shot at justice. Your support will help our community’s pro bono and legal aid organizations to keep people out of homeless shelters, enable them to obtain steady employment, ensure children receive the educational services they need, and so much more. But there are so many more who can’t get help today because there are not enough pro bono and legal aid resources to go around. And that’s where you come in.

We are asking partners to make gifts of at least $500 to $1,000, counsel to make gifts of at least $250 to $500, and associates to make gifts of at least $100 to $250. (For non-firm organizations, please modify with the equivalent titles as necessary).Another way to contribute is 1/10 of one percent of your annual compensation.If you make $150,000, that would be $150, at $500,000 it would be $500, and so on.Tostress the importance of this Campaign, (the firm/company is) (x y and z individual partners are) going to match all individual contributions.

100% of your giftdirectly supports the work ofmore than 30 outstanding pro bono and legal aid organizations in the Chicago area. In addition, your gift leverages hundreds of thousands in additional funding for this work through the CBF’s government and foundation grant partnerships. All contributionsare tax-deductible and count for the Illinois Supreme Court Pro Bono Reporting Rule.

You can donate to the Campaign online at chicagobarfoundation.orgor by writing a check, but either way,please return your contribution card to me by (date your internal campaign is scheduled to end)so we can keep track of our firm’s (or company/organization's)overall contribution.

Thank you for joining me andinvesting in justice.
