
A local non-profit NGO dedicated to build a healthy and

Sustainable future for the people of Cambodia

CHED Fact Sheet-2009

CHED [Cambodian Health Education Development] is a nationally renowned local NGO that has individually and collaboratively designed and implemented a plethora of health education programs and health promotion within Cambodian communities. It has been a reputable presence in the health education and health promotion sector since its establishment from the International Rescue Committee (IRC) over ten years ago. CHED played an important role in improving the health of Cambodians over the past several years to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of being healthy including developed health education curriculum, production capacity, provision of IEC materials, technical assistance, provision of family latrines and public latrines, manufacture and distributions of cement Anchor house footings for use by villagers, Constructions of rain-water catchments tanks for schools, temples and public buildings and production of different type of useful IEC materials for health education programs. CHED has developed an integrated approach to community level of water and sanitation intervention. CHED program focuses on water use and sanitation facilities, sexuality reproductive health, Networking/advocacy and life skills for HIV/AIDS and STI education in Battambang, Kampong Cham, Pailin and Phnom Penh office for network, public relations, and services as nationwide.


CHED's professional Training team and dynamic, though-provoking, and energizing professional trainers. CHED had trained for more than ten years delivering its powerful wisdom on leadership, change, personal effectiveness, negotiation and team-work to multination, NGOs and charity association and gained credible feedback from our clients. CHED had provided support services, project monitoring and evaluation to help other organizations increase their level of expertise allowing them to perform at a higher level. Furthermore, developed and realize on project planning, strategic development in participatory health education training techniques as well thinking for health educators from international organizations (CCSF, AAH, IDA, ICC, ACF, Caritas, CRS, KWWA, MODE and Care/Echo in Pailin) as provincial departments of health throughout Cambodia. CHED Development approaches and practical application of strategic development, participatory health education training techniques for health educators, facilitators from international organizations, local NGOs and departments of health throughout Cambodia. Current provide training courses for international organizations as well as Cambodian health educators are on the use of participatory methods based on adult education theories, promoting the use of small group discussions, brainstorming, and the usage of visual materials that communicate information in a fun and interesting way. CHED had provided the technical support for Department of Rural Health Care, a subdivision of the Ministry of Rural Development is an example of a successful collaboration between two agencies with a similar focus. CHED had Provide the training of health education trainers to the staff of PDRD in Battambang, Pursat, Banteay Meanchey, Takeo, Siem Reap, Ratanakiri, Mondulkiri and other provinces. The course addressed inventive health education techniques and field practice. This training is critical to long-term sustainability of health education programs. However, the approach to complete methodology change in formal health education is an extremely slow process.

This extensive experience has enabled CHED to acquire demonstrated comprehensive knowledge and distinct expertise in community based health education and its delivery. Our organization has played a pivotal role over the years in significantly improving the health of Cambodians. At present, the CHED team consists of 33 full time staff members (25 female, 6 male, and 1 female expatriate adviser). Additionally there are also, 900 active Peer Educators (garment factories / Phnom Penh), 85 Villages Health Volunteers (Pailin), and 30 Peer Facilitators (military barracks / Battambang) and 22 Peer Educators (military barracks / Kampong Cham) supporting CHED´s project activities as volunteers. .

The Board of Trustees, with five representatives from local NGOs and the community, oversees CHED operations in each of its three site offices (Phnom Penh, Battambang and Kampong Cham). The organizations strong management and team atmosphere has played a vital role in its success. The team consists of the Executive Director, administrative/finance managers, project managers, team leaders, site coordinator, field officers and one expatriate project adviser. The Executive Director’s responsibilities include organizational development issues such as fundraising, small grant contract negotiation, staff development, strategic planning and overseeing project development and implementation. The Executive Director also represents CHED among donor agencies, NGOs and the private sector throughout the country.

Presently CHED is serving as a sub-grantee for two projects. Firstly, FHI Smiling Families Program in Battambang and KampongChamProvinces that works with HIV/AIDS/RH and Health Intervention for Military Families and the surrounding communities aiming to increase health knowledge and encourage health behavior change. Secondly, we work with CARE International with their Strengthening Capacity for Improved Community Health Program (SCICH) based in garment factories in Phnom Penh and surrounding areas. This project focuses on promoting and increasing knowledge and understanding of gender equity, sexuality-reproductive health, HIV/AIDS, STI prevention, family planning including ANC/PNC services, drug use, gender-based violence, training factory clinic staff on ANC/PNC, nutrition, hygiene promotion, and food vendors for food preparation, facilitate healthy decision-making and health-seeking behaviors to the garment factory workers.As Cambodia are a diverse and multi-cultural society CHED has had the opportunity to work with many vulnerable populations and marginalized/ minority groups. Whilst working with these populations we have always been culturally sensitive and respectful. We have developed an open and professional approach utilizing highly developed interpersonal communication skills to convey health education and health promotion. To date CHED has regretfully not had the opportunity to work closely with garment factory community, military and civilian families in Phnom Penh and other provinces. CHED feels that our combined extensive demonstrated health education skills and knowledge, cultural sensitivity and awareness and presence of the Executive Director would be an asset to this project. CHED has been privileged to work with many donors, including Government sectors, international NGOs, local NGOs and civil society groups. On several occasions we have had the honor of coordinating and cooperating with the Ministry of Health. Specifically, CHED has worked with the Ministry to develop a curriculum and other non-formal materials for health education training on a provincial, district and community level.

By promoting dialogue, education, networking, and advocacy, CHED helps close gaps in knowledge and expertise on all levels. By providing support services to our partners, CHED helps organizations increase their level of expertise allowing them to perform at a higher level. This is achieved through the distribution of capacity building resources, expanding access to health education, health promotion for rural water and sanitation and HIV/AIDS STI prevention, and impact mitigation.

Our Vision Statement:

CHED believes in a democratic, liberated Cambodia, a Cambodia that provides equal gender opportunities, education and self-reliance to all of its citizens, despite gender, class and age.

Our Mission Statement:

CHED aims to build a solid and sustainable future for the people of Cambodia through providing health education and promoting democratization and human rights based on the social need of each community in cooperation with relevant NGOs and government ministries.

Our Core Value:

We value open and clear communication among ourselves and with others.

We believe in personal competence.

We are committed and creative.

We value and respect one another.

We work in a democratic way.

We believe in mutual trust, mutual respect and mutual help.

We strive for excellence.

We are caring human beings.

Current Objectives:

Build the capacity of trainers in the area of primary health care knowledge and practices.

Develop a medium through which civil society organizations can build their skills and capacity to advocate for and demand reproductive health HIV/AIDS and STI commitments made by the government.

  1. Educate and build the capacity of the communities within Cambodia on the importance of participation in the development of their own health communication needs. It is essential for Cambodian individuals and institutions to speak freely without interference from the government or other external factors.
  2. To promote the integration of persons with disabilities, to ensure the protection and promotion of their rights and to guarantee the prohibition of abuse neglect and discrimination.
  3. Promote health education and health promotion with the aim of reducing the magnitude and severity of major disease outbreaks, as well as reducing morbidity and mortality from common preventable diseases.
  4. Promote social structure and human rights whilst strengthening democratization within the needs of the community through ensuring that those living on and below the poverty line, women and youth have self-reliance and participate in community self management.
  5. Provide health education and health promotion training to Village Health Volunteers (VHV) in their coverage area through the training of VHV trainers.
  6. Provide a community network targeted at marginalized women and children to increase ones knowledge, understanding of health rights, provide support and encourage participation in the demand for service delivery by the government for basic rights to HIV/AIDS and sexuality-reproductive health treatment and preventatives.
  7. Provide skills and knowledge through a network of NNN in order to support the development of other NGOs health education programs.
  8. Provide training on communicating for advocacy and concepts of democracy for local NGOs and community-based organizations at a provincial and community level.
  9. Provide life skills for HIV/AIDS prevention through sexuality-reproductive health education in Phnom Penh workplaces and for out-of-school youth in 6 other provinces.
  10. Promote a positive image of GIPA [greater involvement of people living with and affected by HIV/AIDS], provide support through network provision, home-based support and community education.
  11. Design and develop high quality IEC [Information, Education and Communication] materials based on the needs of the clients for services throughout Cambodia.
  12. Strengthen the organizational capacity in the area of financial management and administrative management.

Summary of Current Projects:

According to the revised of national strategic plan for a comprehensive and multi-sectoral response to HIV/AIDS 2009-2012, and the NSDP gives highest priority to poverty reduction and progress towards reaching the Cambodia Millennium Development Goals (CMDG) targets by 2015. Based on CHED Strategic planning 2008-2012 results, CHED plans to implement the additional projects in the following;

  1. Sewing a Healthy Future project
  2. Malaria Prevention and Control Activities Project;

[Improving community knowledge about malaria prevention and control activities]

  1. "Better Factories, Better Living"
  1. [Educating factory workers in sexual reproductive health, HIV/AIDS and providing HIV/AIDS treatment and care]
  2. Every Person, Every Voice, Every Rights

[Promoting Democratization and Human Rights with Marginalized Women and GIRLS in Pailin province through the education and training of War Widows and women activists to become community educators.]

  1. Promoting Women livelihood and HIV/AIDS Prevention of marginalized youth.
  2. NATIONAL NGO NETWORK [NNN] ResourceCenter and CapacityBuilding
  3. Behavior Change Intervention and HIV/AIDS Prevention.
  4. The Older People Association

[Empowering older people to remain active in their community]

  1. Child-FriendlyCenter- Education for ALL

[Promoting child's rights through non-formal education and library]

  1. Women Pregnancy Association.
  2. Health and Hygiene Education for rural water and sanitation Facilities

[Innovations in Water and Sanitation facilities for the poor people]

  1. Life Skills for HIV/AIDS Education.
  2. Communicating and Advocacy for Health Development in Cambodia
  3. Basics of human nutrition and a guide to better eating

CHED Major Strategies with supporting activities:

Smiling Family Program –
Family-based Intervention for Military Couples
BattambangProvince: CHED is working with 13 barracks in military regional HQ-5: 1-Sam lot: Battalion 522, Battalion 524, and Border 502. 2-Rattanak mondul: brigade 52, Battalion 523, engineering and artillery. 3-Banan: Tank arm force, military school, Platoon, 4-Moungrussey: Battalion 521. 5-Koh Krolor: Development and investigation. Total of direct beneficiaries of 8407 families (42,035), including number of military families live in and outside of barracks and total number of the families of civilian and military families live around the compound of the barrack.
Kampong Cham Province: CHED is working with 5 military barracks in military regional HQ-2: 1-Tbong Khmum district: Brigade 21(Health & Office Unit, Air protection & Artillery platoon, protection & investigation platoon, transportation & message platoon, office unit and engineering platoon) 2-Tbong Khmum district: Battalion 214 (platoon 1, platoon 2, platoon 3 and support platoon) 3-Bateay District: Battalion 211 (platoon1, platoon 2, platoon 3 and battalion platoon) 4-Memot District: Battalion 212 (platoon1, platoon 2 and battalion platoon) 5- Dambae District: Battalion 213 (platoon1, platoon 2, platoon 3 and support platoon) Total of direct beneficiaries of 5957 families (29,785) including number of military families live in and outside of barracks and total number of the families of civilian and military families live around the compound of the barrack.
General Objectives:
To reduce the vulnerability and prevent HIV transmission among military families and civilian in targeted military barracks and community in Battambang and KampongChamProvinces.

Specific Objectives:

a)To reach a total 14,364 military and civilian family members living in and outside the compound of the military barracks for the safety of sexual encounters and HIV/AIDS prevention information among uniformed services men and their wives through Peer facilitator education in 13 military barracks of military region 5 in Battambang province and 5 military barracks under military region 2 in Kampong Cham province:
Battambang – 42,035 individuals in 13 military barracks, MR5 and 5 districts, 15 communes and 40 villages covered by the project.
Kampong Cham – 29,785 individuals in 5 military Barracks, MR2 and 4 districts, 9 communes and 17 villages covered by the project.
b) To facilitate and provide training to 572 peer facilitators/educators, health center staff in all program sites to be able to deliver SFP program messages to target clients
c) To reach 1,452 people to receive voluntary counseling & testing for HIV/AIDS
d) To refer 2,169 military families to receive diagnosis and treatment for STI
e) To support 3,132 persons to seek reproductive & sexual health and other health services not available through mobile services
f) To organize 24 special family day events in targeted sites
g) To provide 18 video shows about HIV/AIDS/RH in targeted sites
h) To provide monthly health education to 1,616 military wives and civilians in targeted areas
i) To provide quarterly health education to 800 military couples in targeted sites on HIV//AIDS, STI, RH and other health concerns
Life Skills for HIV/AIDS Education –
Strengthening Cambodia’s Response to HIV/AIDS
Coverage: Four provinces Target group: In- and-Out-of-school youth
Objectives: Improve awareness, attitudes and behavior in regards to HIV/AIDS and improve the capacity of the Ministry of Youth and Sport to design and carry out future interventions related to HIV prevention education.
Achievement: For each district 20 district team members were recruited as volunteers, which attended a five day “Training the Trainer” workshop. 64 team members who assigned to work with youth received a special training on the principles of adult and non-formal education and on Life Skills for HIV/AIDS Prevention. After the workshop, the team members were sent back to their districts with the knowledge and skills to conduct their own workshops for out-of school-youth. 365 out-of-school-youth graduated from the life skills training in Kampong Speu and Kampong Cham. Additionally, more than 5,500 students, out-of the school youth, teachers, and peer educators, and almost 1,600 of the public population attended a public awareness measure, the Phsre Ponleu Selpak entertainment shows in Tbong Khmunm and Kong Meas. The Life skills for HIV/AIDS education was implemented by CHED in partnership with World Education, Inc and the Ministry of Education Youth and Sport. CHED responsible for coordinating activities for youth in and out 0f school in 4 provinces including Kampong Cham province with 8 districts.
Promoting Reproductive Health's Rights
of Marginalized Women and Youthin Krong Pailin
Coverage: Krong Pailin; Target group: Marginalized Women and Youth
Objectives: Empower marginalized women and youth to exercise their entitlement to equal rights, justice and peace; improve the health services in Pailin, in particular health education with respect to issues of maternity, childcare, birth spacing, and midwife education.
Achievement: Workshops were held 2006 by CHED for 120 youth peer supporters (HIV/AIDS awareness and reproductive health), for 395 women activists (participatory approaches, women's rights, gender equality and democracy issues, health issues), for 85 village health volunteers (training of trainers, primary health care, childbirth and sanitation issues), and for malaria workers (HIV/AIDS, VCCT, counseling, advocacy, referral system). Additionally, CHED implemented the 'women and youth network', which is ensuring that the progress of woman's issues is passed onto the youth.