Montoursville Presbyterian Church

900 Elm Street, Montoursville, PA

April 1, 2018 8:15am & 10:45am

Easter Sunday

God’s People Gather

Please observe prayerful silence when the prelude begins.


L: Christ is risen! All: He is risen indeed! Alleluia!


PRELUDE “The Holy City” Stephen Adams


Dale and Catheal Weiser

We Praise the Lord

*CALL TO WORSHIP (from Isaiah 25)

L: On this mountain the Lord Almighty will prepare a feast of rich food for all peoples, a banquet of aged wine—the best of meats and the finest of wines.

P: On this mountain He will destroy the shroud that enfolds all peoples, the sheet that covers all nations; He will swallow up death forever.

L: In that day they will say, “Surely this is our God; we trusted in Him, and He saved us.

P: This is the Lord, we trusted in Him; let us rejoice and be glad in His salvation.”

*Hymn of Praise: 111 “Good Christians, All, Rejoice and Sing!”

THE CONFESSION OF SIN Call to Confession

Prayer of Confession: Almighty God, in raising Jesus from the grave, You shattered the power of sin and death. We confess that we remain captive to doubt and fear, bound by the ways that lead to death. Forgive us, God of mercy. By Your Spirit, set our hearts on things above, and lead us into the life of the Resurrection, through Jesus Christ, who is our life, the risen Lord. Amen. (Silent Confession)

Assurance of Pardon

*Response of Praise: 579 “Gloria Patri”

Passing the Peace

L: The peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you.

P: And also with you.

Hear God’s Word



THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES: Acts 10:34-43 (pg.1102/1674)

THE EPISTLE: 1 Corinthians 15:50-57 (pg. 1155/1751)

SPECIAL MUSIC (8:15) “Resurrection Hymn” Debbie Keller

CHORAL ANTHEM (10:45)“Alleluia! He Lives” Chancel Choir

THE GOSPEL: John 20:1-18 (pg. 1087/1651)

Leader: This is the word of the Lord! People: Thanks be to God!

SERMON “I Have Seen the Lord” Rev. David C. Smith

*Hymn of Response: (red) 563 “Christ the Lord Is Risen Today”


This is the good news in which we stand, by which we are saved, if we hold it fast: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that He was buried, that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that He appeared first to the women, then to Peter, and to the twelve, and then to more than 500 witnesses. He is our Lord and our God, the King of kings and Lord of lords, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.

The Disciples Give Thanks


Offertory “Christ is Risen! Alleluia” Robert Lau

*Doxology: 592 “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow”

*Prayer of Dedication


*Hymn of Preparation: 118 “The Day of Resurrection!”

Invitation to the Table

Prayer of Thanksgiving

Words of Institution

The Bread and Cup

Closing Prayer


PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE The Lord’s Prayer (pg. 16)

We Go Forth To Serve


*Hymn of Sending:(red) 564 “Christ Arose!”


POSTLUDE “Hallelujah” G. F. Handel

*Please stand, if able

Worship Leaders Pastor: Rev. David C. Smith

Greeters & Ushers: (8:15) Bob & Doris Schild

Greeters: (10:45) GeorgeDiane Casella

Ushers: S. Means, G. Dunkleberger, J. LeCrone, D. Shearer

Elders: M. Haas, T. Strein, G. Casella Jr., D. Weiser, J. LeCrone

Liturgist: (8:15) Carl Fulton (10:45) Nancy Butler

Organist: Debbie Keller Choir Director: Amy Peck

Announcements for the week of April 1, 2018

Welcome to the Montoursville Presbyterian Church

Visitors: Please complete a Visitor Card found in the pew rack and place it in the offering plate. If you are looking for a church home or membership, please see the Pastor, an Usher, or call the office.

To assist with your worship experience, we offer:

Personal hearing devices – please see an Usher

Pew cushions – stored above the coat racks in the Narthex

Large print hymnals – in the Narthex

Handicap/family restroom – off the far end of Fellowship Hall

Worship bags for children – in a basket in the Narthex

Nursery care for children ages up to 5 years old

Staff: Deb Rupert, Dorothy Casella and Gaetan Casella

Sunday, April 1st Easter Sunday

6:30am Sunrise Service

8:15am Worship Service (S)

9:30am Sunday School (C)

10:45am Worship Service (S)

Monday, April 2nd (Food Pantry/Shep. of the Sts. Delivery)

Office Closed

10:15-Noon Yoga (FH)

Noon-3:00pm Circle 1 Meeting (FH)

Wednesday, April 4th

4:00pm-8:00pm Rental (FH)

Thursday, April 5th

6:00pm Deacon Meeting (C)

6:15pm-8:15pm AA Meeting (FH)

7:30 Choir Practice

Friday, April 6th Office Closed

10:15-Noon Yoga (FH)

Sunday, April 8th

8:15am Worship Service (S)

9:30am Sunday School (C)

10:45am Worship Service (S)

Noon Children and Youth Rehearsal

Last Week’s Attendance: 8:15am – 39 10:45am – 108

Pastor’s Office (570) 368-4747

Church Office: Mon-Thur 9:00-noon (570) 368-1595

E-mail: Website:

Prayer List

Illness, recovery and support: Florene Arbogast, Bill Armstrong, Tom Bailey, Harriett Bernier, Doug Bird, Nancy Bradley, Sandie Bradley, Nancy Butler, Callie Cavanaugh, Mary Christie, Saundra Cillo, Larry Cosentine, Marge Danley, Dekker family, Eric Dawnkaski, Jerry Dunham, Larry Emery, Ellie English, Danny Fagnano, LuAnn Firth, Janine Fisher, Bob Folmar, Jeff Fowler, Tim Garman, Ryder Getchis, Trista Hackenberg, Donna Hall, Winifred Hess, Tom Hoy, Kathleen Keller, Liese Kimble, Rob Kline, Gary Koons, Myra Kovalak, Marcy Kremser, Natalie Mathias, Jim Maule, Anthony & Trent Mazzullo, Gordon McCarty, Patty McGinniss, Charlotte Anne Merres & family, Clayton Merrill, Jim Mexdorf, Joe Mifsud, Eva Moser, Evelyn Joy Mowery, Kara Mowery Herr, Kathleen O’Brien, Wayne Packard, Colin Prael, Joshua & Henry Reinsburrow, Olivia Rogers, Ethel “EJ” Ruddy, Frances Rush, Steve Rush, Roberta Shadle, Bob & Doris Shandry, Jim & Shirley Shaner, Jim Swan, Michele Terpolilli, Dawn Thompson, Newell Thompson, Stella Walmer, Virginia Wentzler, Cheri Will, Chris Williams, Marieva Williams

Grief: Family and friends of JoAnn Chase (Eric’s mother)

Military: Duane (DJ) Burleigh, Ryan Burns, Joe Cardone, Maj. Brady Cillo, Jessie Confer, Capt. Calvin Farrell, Maj. Laurie Fontaine, Caleb Frantz, Julia Glosek, Ben Hepburn, Ethan Jones, Dani Kline, Sgt. J. Patrick Lawracy, Specialist Eric Littlefield, Jeremy Loveland, David McCollin, Marissa Patterson, Paul Wenner, Jason Yurek, All military families

Others: Nthemba Church (Sister church in Africa), Missing pastors in Malaysia, Ministries of MPC, Peace in the World, Camp Krislund

Today we celebrate the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. If you know anyone homebound or not able to attend and would like to receive communion, please see the pastor or contact the office.

FISH Calendar

Today- Christ is Risen! Hallelujah!

Enjoy the day with your family.

April 8-Come to the MCEC at5:30 pmto watch the movie,Soul Surfer, the story of Bethany Hamilton. There will be pizza and popcorn and undoubtedly Easter candy! See you then!

THANK YOU to all those who supported the Baked Steak Dinner! There were no less than 70 volunteers. Nearly 600 dinners were served. And we raised just over $2,700 in support of the VBS Day Camp. So once again, Thanks to all who sold and served and bought and ate!

Announcements for the week of April 1, 2018

Welcome to the Montoursville Presbyterian Church

Visitors: Please complete a Visitor Card found in the pew rack and place it in the offering plate. If you are looking for a church home or membership, please see the Pastor, an Usher, or call the office.

To assist with your worship experience, we offer:

Personal hearing devices – please see an Usher

Pew cushions – stored above the coat racks in the Narthex

Large print hymnals – in the Narthex

Handicap/family restroom – off the far end of Fellowship Hall

Worship bags for children – in a basket in the Narthex

Nursery care for children ages up to 5 years old

Staff: Deb Rupert, Dorothy Casella and Gaetan Casella

Sunday, April 1st Easter Sunday

6:30am Sunrise Service

8:15am Worship Service (S)

9:30am Sunday School (C)

10:45am Worship Service (S)

Monday, April 2nd (Food Pantry/Shep. of the Sts. Delivery)

Office Closed

10:15-Noon Yoga (FH)

Noon-3:00pm Circle 1 Meeting (FH)

Wednesday, April 4th

4:00pm-8:00pm Rental (FH)

Thursday, April 5th

6:00pm Deacon Meeting (C)

6:15pm-8:15pm AA Meeting (FH)

7:30 Choir Practice

Friday, April 6th Office Closed

10:15-Noon Yoga (FH)

Sunday, April 8th

8:15am Worship Service (S)

9:30am Sunday School (C)

10:45am Worship Service (S)

Noon Children and Youth Rehearsal

Last Week’s Attendance: 8:15am – 39 10:45am – 108

Pastor’s Office (570) 368-4747

Church Office: Mon-Thur 9:00-noon (570) 368-1595

E-mail: Website:

Prayer List

Illness, recovery and support: Florene Arbogast, Bill Armstrong, Tom Bailey, Harriett Bernier, Doug Bird, Nancy Bradley, Sandie Bradley, Nancy Butler, Callie Cavanaugh, Mary Christie, Saundra Cillo, Larry Cosentine, Marge Danley, Dekker family, Eric Dawnkaski, Jerry Dunham, Larry Emery, Ellie English, Danny Fagnano, LuAnn Firth, Janine Fisher, Bob Folmar, Jeff Fowler, Tim Garman, Ryder Getchis, Trista Hackenberg, Donna Hall, Winifred Hess, Tom Hoy, Kathleen Keller, Liese Kimble, Rob Kline, Gary Koons, Myra Kovalak, Marcy Kremser, Natalie Mathias, Jim Maule, Anthony & Trent Mazzullo, Gordon McCarty, Patty McGinniss, Charlotte Anne Merres & family, Clayton Merrill, Jim Mexdorf, Joe Mifsud, Eva Moser, Evelyn Joy Mowery, Kara Mowery Herr, Kathleen O’Brien, Wayne Packard, Colin Prael, Joshua & Henry Reinsburrow, Olivia Rogers, Ethel “EJ” Ruddy, Frances Rush, Steve Rush, Roberta Shadle, Bob & Doris Shandry, Jim & Shirley Shaner, Jim Swan, Michele Terpolilli, Dawn Thompson, Newell Thompson, Stella Walmer, Virginia Wentzler, Cheri Will, Chris Williams, Marieva Williams

Grief: Family and friends of JoAnn Chase (Eric’s mother)

Military: Duane (DJ) Burleigh, Ryan Burns, Joe Cardone, Maj. Brady Cillo, Jessie Confer, Capt. Calvin Farrell, Maj. Laurie Fontaine, Caleb Frantz, Julia Glosek, Ben Hepburn, Ethan Jones, Dani Kline, Sgt. J. Patrick Lawracy, Specialist Eric Littlefield, Jeremy Loveland, David McCollin, Marissa Patterson, Paul Wenner, Jason Yurek, All military families

Others: Nthemba Church (Sister church in Africa), Missing pastors in Malaysia, Ministries of MPC, Peace in the World, Camp Krislund

Today we celebrate the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. If you know anyone homebound or not able to attend and would like to receive communion, please see the pastor or contact the office.

FISH Calendar

Today- Christ is Risen! Hallelujah!

Enjoy the day with your family.

April 8- Movie night with your FISH friends - will we meet at church or go to the theater is still under wraps. Please watch your email this week to see how our plans are coming together.

THANK YOU to all those who supported the Baked Steak Dinner! There were no less than 70 volunteers. Nearly 600 dinners were served. And we raised just over $2,700 in support of the VBS Day Camp. So once again, Thanks to all who sold and served and bought and ate!