University of St. Andrews
SOML Marking Profile — MLitt Programmes
Module Number:
Module Title:
Assessment Exercise:
Agreed Mark:
Marks are recorded using the revised University 20-point scale found at
Information on the classification of PGT programmes can be found at
(Select the criteria appropriate to the module.)
To Complete the Task,
Quality of… / Distinction
16.5 or more / Merit
13.5-16.4 / Pass 10.5-13.4 / Marginal Pass
7-10.4 / Fail (with right to reassess)
4-6.9 / Fail (no right to reassess)
A / Academic content: rationale, focus and choice of materials
B / Knowledge and understanding of core (primary and secondary) material
C / Logic, structure and coherence of the argument presented; organization of materials
D / Clarity of academic expression and delivery (audibility, audience engagement etc.)
E / Effectiveness of oral communication (use of illustration/audiovisual aids; time management)
F / Ability to answer questions/ engage in wider discussion

Please note that the six areas of assessment to do not carry equal weight, and that markers use the grid as a visual aid to inform their feedback comments. You should pay most attention to markers’ comments with reference to the guidance below.

Assessment criteria: continuous assessment (oral)
Is the presentation clear in its scope and coverage, i.e. its rationale, focus, methods and choice of materials?
Are these pertinently evaluated?
Does the choice of approach demonstrate independent thinking?
Knowledge & Understanding of Chosen Primary and Secondary Materials
Is there familiarity with and appropriate use of relevant supporting materials?
Is choice of example from primary and secondary resources critically informed and apt?
Do examples clarify and extend insight and understanding?
Argument, Organisation and Structure
Are the arguments logical and coherent?
Is there continuity between the sections?
Are the conclusions persuasively supported by the material presented? Do they extend knowledge and/or open up new perspectives?
Clarity of Academic Expressionand Delivery
Is the presentation of ideas clear, easy to follow and in the appropriate academic register?
Is the delivery audible, and attentive to the audience?
Effectiveness of Communication
Is use of illustration clear throughout?
Is use of audio-visual aids (e.g. handouts, whiteboard, power point etc.) appropriate and effective?
Is time well-managed and respected?
Ability to Answer Questions
Are answers clearly expressed, pertinent and informed?
Do answers critically engage with wider issues, counter-example etc., as appropriate?
Does the answer handle criticism, counter-argument and opposing viewpoints appropriately and reflectively?