Friday 8 January 2016
Dear Parents.
Happy New Year to you. I hope you had a very happy holiday and are ready for 2016!Things are going well in Year 1. The children have come back, enthusiastic and ready for the next term at school. This letter is to give you a brief run down of units of work we will be covering this term.
In literacy children will be learning about non-fiction writing. They will look at features of non-fiction books as well as writing their own factual information about a chosen animal. We will move on to fiction work, reading and writing about stories from other cultures. Lastly we will learn about recount writing. This will incorporate ordering of events, using simple time connectives such as; after that, firstly, secondly and finally. As always, daily learning in phonics is continued to improve both reading and writing.
In Maths, children will be learning further about place value, addition, subtraction alsomeasurement skills. Children will continue times tables work in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s, whilst practice number bonds to 10 and beyond.
For Science, we are learning about different types of animals and understanding how these can be sorted into groups according to their features such as mammals, amphibians, birds or reptiles. We will spend some time learning about pets we have at home and the importance of caring for them. Year 1 would love any pictures you have at home of your own pet. It makes learning more fun and real. A visit from a pet is also welcome!
We are covering a humanities unit called “Little Blue Planet”. Children will further their understanding of Earth; learn geographical terms such as continents, land, ocean, river and use maps, globes and atlases to locate countries around the world. They will learn about the five different oceans in the world and ultimately become more aware of the importance and responsibility we have to care for our Earth.
Our ICT unit will be looking atbasic coding. Children programme robots to follow required directions also making their own simple programmes for others to follow. In art we will learn about seascapes and will weave with textile, collage materials to make an ocean scene.
Please contact both Year 1 teachers for any concerns, questions or queries.We look forward to another busy and productive term.
Yours sincerely.
Miss Lincolnand Miss Charlotte
Year 1 Class Teachers