The J. Reuben Clark Law Society is an organization for law school students, graduates and attorneys who support the mission of the Law Society, which is:
"We affirm the strength brought to the law by a lawyer's personal religious conviction. We strive through public service and professional excellence to promote fairness and virtue founded upon the rule of law."
The Law Society includes both student and professional chapters. Student Chapter Board leadership allows law students the opportunity to interact with law students and attorneys throughout the world.
Please complete the personal information section and then read the opportunity/responsibility description for each position listed. Please apply for all positions that are of interest to you.
Please note that each position will require:
1) a monthly SCB conference call;
2) at least one other monthly committee or team call:
3) attendance at the Leadership Conference in Provo/Aspen Grove, Utah at the end of September (some travel reimbursement is usually available): and,
4) attendance at the Society’s Annual Conference in February (usually little or no travel reimbursement is available; you are encouraged to seek funding from your law school or nearby professional chapters for such travel).
**Are you willing to commit to the four requirements listed above? ____yes ____no
Personal information:
Name: / Click here to type your name /Address: / Street Address, City, State, Zip Code /
E-mail: / E-mail address /
Phone Number: / Phone number (XXX)XXX-XXXX /
Law School: / What Law School do you attend? /
Anticipated Graduation Date: / Anticipated Graduation Date /
Prior Law Society Leadership experience: / Click here to enter text. /
Other relevant experience/information that supports your application:
Click here to enter text. /
Please also attach a resume.
Questions? Please email Nan Barker at .
You will receive notification of your appointment by January 26, 2018.
Please indicate the position(s) for which you wish to be considered (mark up to 3 in order of preference with 1 being your first choice):
SCB Chair (primary student leader in the Law Society; chairs and conducts thebusiness of the SCB; works with the attorney Chapter Relations Council chair; coordinates with other attorney Committee chairs; is responsible for the growth and development of student chapters in the Law Society; this is a two year commitment: one year as the SCB chair and the following year as a member of the Law Society Young Lawyer’s Division Committee)
SCB Regional Vice Chair (oversees student chapters in one of four regions;works with his/her counterpart attorney regional vice chair on the Chapter Relations Committee; assists the SCB chair in running the SCB)
SCB Area Representative (serves as primary liaison between student chaptersin their area and the area leadership team; reports regularly to the SCB; helps the Law Society grow, strengthen and develop in their area by working with both student and attorney chapters; helps identify potential new chapters; works closely with student chapter presidents in their area through communication, training, organization and help in resolving chapter needs)
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SCB Committee Representatives on attorney Committees (serves as thestudent representative on an attorney Law Society Committee; participates regularly on Committee conference calls; supports the Committee by fulfilling assignments and proposing initiatives; reports regularly to the SCB)
Conference and Events (the Conference and Events Committee providessupport and oversees the Annual Law Society Conference and other regional Law Society conferences; the student representative would be involvedin helping plan student track classes at these conferences.)
Finance (the Finance Committee assists in establishing good financial practicesfor the organization and helps to ensure compliance with 501(c)(3) requirements. The Finance Committee can also be a resource for chapters who are setting their finance structure.)
History (the History Sub-Committee is under the umbrella of the MediaCommittee and is continually working on preparing articles and media projects focused on the long term history of the Law Society and the current history such as new chapters, new law conferences, domestic and international expansion of the law society.)
Media (the Media Committee is responsible for Law Society communicationfrom the International Board to chapters throughout the world using various mediasources.)
Membership (The Membership Committee updates and assists in maintainingan accurate database of Law Society members, assists lawyers in recruiting and retaining members and helps recent graduates become active members in their attorney chapters.)
Religious Liberty (the purpose of the Religious Liberty Committee is to helpmembers of the Law Society lead, educate, empower, organize and inspire members of the Law Society to promote religious freedom in their respective communities. We invite members of the Law Society to be anxiously engaged in this good cause and to work in harmony with other like-minded individuals and organizations towards promoting religious freedom.)
Practice Areas (the Practice Areas Committee has a variety of groups thatconnect via social media to help promote Law Society goals. Anyone who is a member of the Law Society can join a practice area. For students, this is an opportunity to network with those in a practice area in which you have interest.)
[Continued on next page]
Service and Outreach (Law Society chapters are encouraged to providesome kind of service each year. Of primary importance is service provided by those with legal training. This might include service to those who, because of economic circumstances, are denied relief which access to legal process might provide. Service at the chapter level might also include working with other non-profit organizations, service through and to local bar associations and community outreach that defends religious liberty, sustains the rule of law and builds goodwill among legal practitioners.)
Women in Law (the Women in Law Committee helps: a) encourage womenlawyer’s participation in local and international Law Society activities; b) all chapters organize Women in Law sections within their chapters; c) affirm, acknowledge and expand the strength and contributions that women lawyers bring to the law, their communities and their families; d) facilitate communication, support, fairness and equal opportunities for women lawyers who support the ideals of the Law Society; and e) women lawyers with similar ideals get connected and enjoy each other’s company.)
Thank you for your interest in and support of the J. Reuben Clark Law Society!
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