Sumerian Achievements!!!
Directions: With a partner, travel around the room and learn about the different achievements that the Sumerians were known for. Answer the questions for each topic and draw a picture to represent what you learned.
What metals did Sumerians use? ___________________________________
What did the metalworkers make with the metals?______________________
Where did the Sumerians get the metals? _____________________________
*What do we learn about the Sumerian people from reading about their metalworking skills?
Why did the Sumerians invent the wheel?_____________________________
What did the Sumerians learn about their potter’s wheels?
How did the wheel improve the lives of the Sumerians?
How did the sailboat improve the lives of the Sumerians?
What items did the Sumerians export?
What did the Sumerians import and from where?
How did the sharing of ideas and values affect people?
How did the invention of the plow help the Sumerians?
How does a stable food supply help a civilization?
What type of medicine did the Sumerians have?
How do we know they had surgery?
Why did the Sumerians need mathematics? And what type of math was used? (What was it used for?)
How does Sumerian mathematics influence our lives today?
How did the invention of the arch forever change architecture?
How did irrigation help the Sumerians?
Who maintained the irrigation system in Sumer?
What crops did Sumerian farmers grow?
Why did the Sumerians have music?
What instruments did they play?
How do we know music was an important part of Sumerian culture?
Why did the Sumerians play games?
Organized Armies
Who could fight in a Sumerian army?
Who made up to temporary citizen soldiers and why did they have them?
How do we know the Sumerian armies were very organized? (Explain your answer.) ________________________________________________________
Sketch and label OR describe what a Sumerian soldier wore and had as weapons in the box above.