Please note – differences to the previous version are highlighted in yellow
Action Item / Description / Action by / Status / Update /12/09 – 01 / The ATO to work out how we can best notify DSPs of functional issues within our current framework and seek feedback from a small group of DSPs before returning to the roundtable with a proposed solution. / Craig Woodburn
Deanne McPaul
Martin Mane / Open / 12 September 2017:
If you have any suggestions or would like to be included in our discussions, please email .
29/08 – 02 / Follow up the incident already raised by MYOB regarding the new AMIT form for 2017 and the taxonomy not including the new version. / Craig Woodburn
Danny Figueiredo / Pending Closure / 12 September 2017:
We have responded to MYOB, directing them to where the information is located in the taxonomy. A workaround has been provided while the conformance suites are updated. The conformance suite update is scheduled for 4 November 2017.
15/08 – 02 / Distribute details of our approach to fix the issues with transactions involving cancelled ABNs to the group and broader DSP industry for feedback. / Craig Woodburn
Martin Mane / Open / 29 August 2017:
The ATO has prepared a recommendation paper – this will be circulated out of session and added to the agenda for discussion at the next meeting.
8 September 2017 (out of session):
An update will be provided at the next meeting.
12 September 2017:
We have split the position paper into two separate components – the first to deal with cancelled ABNs and the second to focus on the AUTH007 error. Our legal team has some concerns about the proposed solution for the cancelled ABNs, so we are working through the issues with them. We are taking a holistic approach with the AUTH007 error and will consult with all DSPs affected by the error. Once this work has been completed, we will be able to distribute the paper.
23/05 – 01 / Cancelled ABN’s coming out in pre-fill are blocking lodgments through the PLS channel and forcing agents back to the portals. / Craig Woodburn
Anne Soe / Close / 6 June 2017:
Outcomes from tomorrow’s stakeholder meeting focusing on the options available to work around this issue will be shared with DSPs so they can make an informed business decision regarding the possible workarounds (if any).
2 June 2017 (out of session update):
The ATO has held an initial meeting to discuss the issue and strategy going forward to resolve it. A number of options were identified that need further investigation as there is no easy fix however, a workaround has been identified in the interim. The group will meet again next week.
23 May 2017:
The ATO to investigate this issue (raised during discussions on #09/05 – 04).
20 June 2017:
The ATO are still investigating the issue and once again, confirmed that there are no quick and easy fixes.
In the interim, communications for scripts and a troubleshooting page are being drafted on workarounds for cancelled ABNs. An additional workaround has been identified to re-instate to the ABN (may need to be back dated), lodge the AS or CTR and then cancel the ABN again.
4 July 2017:
As above, this item is connected to #09/05 – 04.
11 July 2017 (out of session update):
As above, this item is connected to #09/05 – 04.
18 July 2017:
As above, this item is connected to #09/05 – 04.
1 August 2017:
As above, Craig Woodburn provided an update on progress thus far and next steps to the group.
15 August 2017:
Details available in the outcomes under agenda item 6.
29 August 2017:
As above, this issue is covered by the mirco-group’s recommendation paper and will be discussed at the next roundtable.
8 September 2017 (out of session):
This is being covered as part of # 15/08 – 02. Can we close?
09/05 – 05 / The ATO to raise a change request (high priority) regarding the required changes to the backend to fix the generic nature of the 007 error (across the board). / Craig Woodburn
Anne Soe / Open / 6 June 2017:
The ATO noted that an incident has been raised and formally recognised however, it is sitting on the backlog and will be actioned post 1 July due to Tax Time priorities.
23 May 2017:
The ATO is still investigating this issue as changes will impact all ATO systems. The SWS Run and Manage team are managing this incident (#INC000026195581) and members will continue to be updated on progress.
9 May 2017:
A change request will be raised for the 007 error to be more explicit about the reasons for the error e.g. cancelled ABN rejections should read differently etc. it was noted that DSPs have already shared a lot of information about this issue with the ATO however, further information can be gathered from Mike Behling (MYOB), Michael Wright (Sage) and Kelvin Newton (Xero), if required.
4 July 2017:
Members were informed that a micro-group consisting of 3 DSPs (MYOB, Catsoft and Reckon) has been set up to validate our understanding of the issue and start to work through some possible remedies. An agenda item will be added to the next meeting to update the group following the first meeting scheduled for Friday 7 July 2017.
11 July 2017 (out of session update):
The micro-group met on Friday 7 July to discuss the issue and have I identified a range of scenarios that require additional research to be undertaken (by Anne Soe). An update will be provided at the next roundtable.
18 July 2017:
Members were provided an update by Craig Woodburn. It was agreed that this topic will remain a standing agenda item until the issue is resolved.
1 August 2017:
Craig Woodburn provided an update on progress thus far and next steps to the group. If you have examples of scenarios where using the client TFN instead a cancelled ABN does not work, please provide them to by COB Thursday 10 August 2017.
15 August 2017:
Details available in the outcomes under agenda item 6.
29 August 2017:
The micro-group is recommending to divide the AUTH007 error into smaller, more detailed messages. This is covered in the recommendations paper to be discussed at the next roundtable. As the proposed fix will impact a range of stakeholders – SIPO will be undertaking some addtiaonl engagements.
8 September 2017 (out of session):
The ATO is seeking to expand the scope of this work to also include improvements to SBR authorisation error messaging - more information will be provided at the next meeting.
Action Item / Description / Action by / Status / Update /
29/08 – 01 / Seek expressions of interest from DSPs wanting to be involved in the real-time analytics micro-group (method for doing this is still to be determined). / Sharna Maltman
Martin Mane / Closed / 1 September 2017 (out of session update):
EOI sent out to PLS roundtable members.
29/08 – 03 / Alex to follow-up again with Ross Mikulinsky regarding the business instructions for the Country by Country initiative and provide a response back to Reckon (Kevin Johnson) as soon as possible. / Alex Barnes / Closed / 1 September 2017 (out of session update):
Meeting held with DSPs, Account Managers, and the project team to work through the concerns and questions raised by DSPs.
15/08 – 01 / Provide hypotheses about the reasons why tax agents are reverting to ELS based on feedback from engagement with agents. / Andrew Watson
Gary Warne / Closed / 29 August 2017:
The ATO provided an update on this item during the business update – refer to agenda item 3.
15/08 – 03 / Provide feedback on the value of the software developers alert in addition to the SBR system status updates to . / Digital Service Providers / Closed / 29 August 2017:
Feedback is yet to be received by the ATO – DSPs were reminded to please send any feedback through to the mailbox.
8 September 2017 (out of session):
No feedback has been received to date.
12 September 2017:
We did not receive any feedback.
15/08 – 04 / Work out how we can better communicate with the community on the activity statement G1 issue and other types of functional issues. / Craig Woodburn
Deanne McPaul
Martin Mane / Closed / 29 August 2017:
The ATO advised members that the G1 issue was resolved on Monday 21 August. In addition, the second issue associated with the revision of AS (and trends) was also resolved on Wednesday 23 August. It was noted that there may be a few residual AS lodgment issues occurring (a very small number and no DSPs have rasied this as causing problems to date) that are being investigated by the ATO. An agenda item added to the next meeting to discus the ongoing management of functional issues.
09/05 – 01 / The ATO to share existing transitional messaging with members ahead of the next roundtable for their consideration (i.e. the Commissioner’s TIA speech and ato.gov.au article). / Deanne McPaul / Closed / 23 May 2017:
ATO published the existing transitional messaging as requested on 19 May 2017.
11 May 2017 (out of session update):
- Here is the Commissioner’s TIA Speech from 16/3/2017: https://www.ato.gov.au/Media-centre/Speeches/Commissioner/Commissioner-addresses-the-Tax-Institute---2017/
- Here is the link to the advice we are providing agents around PLS: https://www.ato.gov.au/Tax-professionals/Services-and-support/Working-online/Practitioner-lodgment-service/Changes-to-our-lodgment-services/
9 May 2017:
ATO to circulate the Commissioner’s TIA speech the existing statement from the ATO on ato.gov.au regarding the expected TT experience this year.
09/05 – 02 / The ATO to re-circulate the offer that has been made regarding the remission of penalties / extensions for late SBR lodgements where people have tried to do the right thing. / Gary Warne
Michael Job / Closed / 23 May 2017:
ATO published (above) advice on 19 May 2017.
11 May 2017 (out of session update):
Information regarding the ATO approach to providing concessions if difficulties are encountered that affect lodgment during the transition to the PLS is available on our website. The full details of how to request a PLS deferral, and the appropriate circumstances in which to do so, are also available on our website.
9 May 2017:
The ATO to circulate this out of session, ahead of the next meeting.
09/05 – 03 / The ATO to develop a solution that provides practical tips on resolving key authorisation issues impacting the PLS transition as a single source of truth for Associations and DSPs. / Michael Job / Closed / 6 June 2017:
The ATO has drafted this and will publish it to the software developers homepage within the next week for feedback. This will then be published to ato.gov.au for agents.
1 June 2017 (out of session update):
A draft product has been developed. The ATO is currently seeking internal technical feedback from stakeholders ahead of sharing this with DSPs.
23 May 2017:
Michael informed members that the development of a product is underway.
9 May 2017:
Michael to start to progress a solution that provides practical tips on resolving key authorisation issues impacting the PLS transition.
15 June 2017 (out of session update):
A draft practical tips document is now available for review and feedback. Additionally, a draft of the next version of the PLS user guide is also available for review.
20 June 2017:
DSPs were asked to provide any feedback to
09/05 - 05 / The ATO to provide instructions on how to download the taxonomy without using YETI and issue a communication on the alternative methods available while YETI is unavailable. / Craig Woodburn / Closed / 23 May 2017:
Instructions were shared via the SBR Service Desk and DSPs have been using an externally hosted Yeti application. More information available here:
9 May 2017:
The ATO to share these instructions ahead of the next meeting.
09/05 – 06 / The ATO to send members reminder communications to developers on the compression for BPRP deploying into production on Saturday 27 May 2017 – one in the next few days and another, ahead of the deployment date to ensure they are aware etc. / Craig Woodburn / Closed / 23 May 2017:
Sent to on Monday 22 May 2017 for immediate publishing. Keeping open until Saturday 27 May to confirm there are no issues.
9 May 2017:
The ATO to issue reminder communications – the first in the coming days and again, head of production deployment on 27 May 2017.
26/04 - 01 / The ATO to review the error statistics report for PLS. currently, it does not contain the same type of detailed information on each type of error (i.e. how often an error happens) that was available for ELS and it does not capture the same year-to-date figures. / Chris Thorne
Craig Woodburn / Closed / 6 June 2017:
The ATO advised DSPs that this item is already on the backlog however, due to Tax Time priorities it won’t be actioned until after 1 July 2017. A workaround is already in place – DSPs were asked to discuss this with their Account Managers. This issue will now continue to be progressed through existing BAU issue resolution processes.
23 May 2017:
Members were advised that although this is on the work plan it is still a couple of months away due to other priorities (e.g. Tax Time, system stability etc.). MYOB requested that the ATO review how reports are sent out to DSPs as they are currently too big for the email system to handle. Craig Woodburn agreed to amend the current delivery mechanism to fix this issue in the meantime until the larger reporting review / update can be actioned.
9 May 2017:
The ATO confirmed that due to other priorities in the past fortnight (i.e. SuperStream issues) this issue remains open. Developers highlighted the importance of this report (and what is contained within in it) being resolved before July 2017 and noted that at the moment, it is not working for what they require. The ATO will escalate the priority of this issue and provide an update at the next roundtable – information has already been provided to the ATO from developers. In addition, the issue of the size of the report was raised as it is getting to large to fit into an email message.