Baseball Booster Meeting
January 4th, 2016 at 7pm
In attendance:
James FreelandAmy Discher
Annette AguirreDana Sims
LuAnne WilliamsonScott Sims
Robyn DerianSheri Moody
Coach BakerRandy Moody
Mike SchooleyNancy Schooley
Patrick AmayaFernando Flores
Mitchell BrunyerAngela Brunyer
Rick MullerDawn Jeanotte
John HallChristine Denbo
Phil GackstetterDeanna Gackstetter
Pauline HiroseMiguel Pommier
Meeting called to order at 7:03pm
(i) Approval of December minutes
(i) Motion to approve made by Scott Sims, seconded by Rick Muller.
(ii) All in favor, minutes approved.
(ii) Approval of Income/Expense Statement
(i) Annette reviewed the Balance, and Profit and Loss sheets.
(ii) Motion to approve made by Fernando Flores, seconded by Amy Discher.
(iii) All in favor, financial statements approved.
(iii) Discount Cards
(i) Cards are being printed this week and will be available in the next week.
(ii) Katie Kern will be bringing them to 6th period.
(iii) The cards are $10.00 and players will be given 25 each to sell. The program makes $7.00 per card. Unsold cards need to be returned.
(iv) Blitz days and supermarket sale days will be set for players to partner up and sell cards.
(v) There will be incentives/prizes.
(iv) Angel Game
(i) James has been coordinating the voucher sales with Mike Abraham of the Angels.
(ii) Vouchers have been mailed, we are required to sell 700, which is 12 per player at $20.00 per voucher. Vouchers are good for any game thru June except Dodger games.
(iii) Rick asked if the program gets any money back and James said yes but not firm on how much.
(iv) Not official yet but we are slated for the night game.
(v) Field Update
(i) Field Day will be decided soon. Dugouts, nets, etc. need to be cleaned.
(ii) Seed has been laid down and aerated, and it will now be aerated regularly which will keep it in better condition.
(iii) Wi-fi- options are being discussed but nothing has been decided.
(vi) Booster Membership
(i) Booster Membership email was sent out.
(ii) In order to vote you must be a booster member.
(iii) James discussed the benefits of membership, Green and Gold tickets, discount to Banquet, etc.
(iv) Dana said she is available for any questions.
(vii) Team Reps
(i) Anyone interested in being a team rep should contact James.
(ii) Team reps organize weekly team dinners in season and send out email regarding game changes etc.
(viii) Green and Gold
(i) February 20th in the cafeteria, teams are announced and boys receive their game day hats.
(ii) We are in need of raffle prizes and to help set up.
(iii) Tickets will be $20.00, players are free.
(iv) Traditionally Freshman families donate desserts.
(ix) Coach Baker’s Update
(i) We have 2 new coaches
(i) JV coach is Mr. John Quiming, who is on staff at BOHS. He starts tomorrow.
(ii) Tim Nolan who currently at Long Beach State obtaining his masters degree. He has been working with Division I softball teams regarding the mental aspect of the game.
(iii) Coach Baker would like to get two more assistant coaches.
(ii) Coach said he is extremely pleased with how hard the boys are working.
(iii) He is also pleased with the field and said it is already green.
(iv) The Ryan Lemmon league is approaching, there is a scheduling conflict with finals that he will discuss with the boys.
(i) There is a Tuesday night game before finals, he will not hold anyone accountable for not coming to the game.
(x) Open Forum
(i) Dana asked about the scoreboard and James said he will verify if it is working.
Meeting adjourned 7:32pm