GH3: Procaine Hydrochloride

by Conrad S Myers Ph.d.

About the Author

Conrad S. Myers is a freelance

writer and researcher. He has a

degree in Sociology, specialising

in health and society, global

health issues and epidemiology,

and a Ph.D. in Religion and

Science. For more than three

years he has conducted private

research into all aspects of GH3,

including its history and usage.

For further details regarding GH3,

or any other aspect of his work,

Conrad Myers can be contacted

by telephone on 01705 340177 or

by e-mail

Case Studies

Comments from people currently

using GH3 are informative when

wishing to assess its effect. The

three people I quote below are of

different ages and have varying

health status.

Andy is aged 24 and has

suffered from ME for the past 4

years. He was gradually going

blind, “white blind” as he

described it, though his eyesight

has improved. It has been his

decision to spend long periods

each day in bed, but Andy says

“this has enabled me to do some

things during the day.”

For the past 3 years Andy has

taken GH3 and believes it has

been of benefit, though he does

not regard it as a cure for his

ME. “I do believe GH3 is a very

good anti-depressant and has

helped keep me cheerful” said

Andy and added “it seems to

have a major effect as a

psycho-stimulant. Only 20

minutes after taking GH3, I can

feel the blood flowing to the

brain. It’s like pins and needles

in my head. This is a very clear

and positive reaction.”

Mrs Worsted has been taking

GH3 for a number of years. The

effect she believes it has had for

her and her family, who now all

take GH3, may not seem

amazing but have made them

happier people.

After only a few months of

taking it, her husband’s

Naturopath commented to him

“You look younger than when I

saw you two months ago.” Mrs

Worsted says, “my family,

including myself and my

husband, are all feeling benefits

in various ways such as sleeping

better, depression lifted, skin

looking smoother and younger

and generally feeling better all


Mike is 57 and runs a

successful health and nutrition

shop. He only discovered GH3

when he started stocking it in

December 1997. Mike decided to

try it and experienced a

remarkable change.

“For a month I had had a pain

down my left side, some kind of

muscle tension. An

osteopath/chiropractor I had

seen suggested exercise, but

this only made the pain worse. I

could not even tie my

shoe-laces.” said Mike, but after

only 3 days of taking GH3 Mike

found the pain was going.

“I did not immediately put it

down to the GH3” he says

“especially since I was not taking

the full recommended dose. Then

I went to the full dose and within

a week not only had the pain

gone in my side, but a pain I had

suffered for 18 months in my

neck was completely gone.”

Mike now takes GH3 only 2 or

3 times a week but still feels

benefits. “My energy levels are

up and I am more cheerful. I am

a definite convert” he says.

As we age an inevitable decline in our physical and mental health occurs.

We all fear these debilitating aspects to ageing and strive to avoid them

through controlled diet, exercise and taking of nutritional supplements. Many

beneficial supplements are already commonly used with more constantly

appearing, but beneficial supplements exist which seem to be forgotten.

A highly beneficial supplement for people of any age, but especially those of

middle-age and older, has existed for nearly 50 years. Largely unknown it has

become neglected and left to gather dust in nutritional archives. This supplement is called GH3.

My interest in GH3 began over three years ago, when I read a book called

“The Fountain of Youth.” It was fascinating and made remarkable claims for a

nutrient of which neither I, nor anyone I asked, had heard. Though not a

medical or health professional, I decided to discover more about GH3. This

research has proved enlightening and the following passages provide a summary of just part of my discoveries about GH3.

The development of GH3

Procaine Hydrochloride, the active ingredient of GH3, was first

synthesised in 1905, by biochemist Dr Alfred Einhorn as a local anaesthetic. It

is still used by dentists, especially in the USA where it is known as Novocain.

Despite reports of beneficial side-effects in patients given procaine,

research into therapeutic uses did not begin until the 1920s. Papers soon

appeared in medical journals indicating direct injection, into joints and

muscles, could benefit people suffering from a range of ailments.1 Having read

this research Dr Ana Aslan, director of The Romanian National Institute of

Gerontology and Geriatrics, decided to investigate.

Dr Aslan’s first experiments in 1949, produced positive results. However,

she discovered the enzyme cholinesterase degraded procaine within an hour

requiring frequent injections to produce benefits.2

Having decided to improve procaine for therapeutic use, in 1951 the

product of this research was perfected and named Gerovital H3 (GH3).3

Adding stabilising agents meant the anaesthetic properties of procaine were

removed and allowed GH3 to remain stable for at least six hours.4

Immediate experiments began and in 1954 preliminary results were

published in The Journal of The Romanian Academy of Science. Dr Aslan

presented her findings at the Karlsruhe Therapy Congress in 1956, asserting

GH3 was an important discovery for treating degenerative ailments. This

conclusion was initially rejected. After further research, Dr Aslan returned to

Karlsruhe in 1957 and her revised work received a warm response.

Regardless of this research, health professionals remained sceptical of the

claims for GH3. A denouncement was published in the Journal of The

American Medical Association, 1963,5 concluding GH3 was harmless but of

little use.

This contradicted research from Europe. A team from the Chicago

Medical Institute for Medical Research attempted to resolve this dispute in

1965. Their investigation accounted for negative results due to investigators

failing to use GH3. This was emphasised by results the Chicago team obtained

using GH3, fully supporting the claims of Dr Aslan.6

Despite thousands of studies into GH3 having been conducted, the vast

majority of them supporting Dr Aslan’s initial claims, only those demonstrating

a low efficacy have received publicity. Past Romanian governments have not

helped, rarely allowing GH3 to be exported and not making more information

available. The result has been continued poor press for GH3 leading to its


What GH3 is and how it works

Procaine hydrochloride, the main active ingredient of GH3, is created by

combining two, water soluble B-vitamins: para-amino benzoic acid (PABA)

and diethylaminoethanol (DEAE). Both are found within the body and are

important for good health.

Though PABA and DEAE can be taken separately, they are not readily

absorbed since both carry an electrical charge. When combined into a

procaine molecule, PABA and DEAE become ionised and are readily

absorbed by the body.7

The basic ingredients of a GH3 formulation are, in descending order;

procaine hydrochloride, ascorbic acid, citric acid, benzoic acid, potassium

metabisulphite and disodium phosphate. All substances in GH3, other than

procaine hydrochloride, are primarily employed as buffering and stabilising

agents, though benefits have been attributed to them.

Interviews with biochemists and laboratory pharmacists have stressed the

GH3 formula and correct formulation are essential for it to have any beneficial


Adding three organic acids with procaine hydrochloride creates a complex.

This reputedly protects the procaine from premature hydrolysis, by raising the

pH level to a mildly acidic 3.3.8 Inclusion of organic acids enables the

procaine molecule to cross cell membranes,9 which it cannot otherwise do.

Once across the cell membrane, the procaine molecule hydrolyses back

into PABA and DEAE where they appear to nourish cells from within.10 The

functions performed are no different from those already attributed to these

vitamins. It is the ability to enter cells which appears to allow PABA and

DEAE to provide greater benefits than usually experienced.

The stabilising agents, once released from the complex, also perform

important functions at the cellular level. During formulation, benzoic acid reacts

with other stabilising agents to create a harmless substance which acts as an

antioxidant.11 Potassium metabisulphite separates into its constituents; the

metabisulphite enters the bloodstream and acts as a cleansing agent; while

potassium is used to produce neurotransmitters for the brain and central

nervous system.12

Medical research on GH3

The most famous study of GH3, by Dr Aslan, began in 1956. It involved

over 15,000 Romanians, of varying ages, health status and employment types,

selected from 144 clinics throughout Romania.

Only half received GH3, but all were given extensive medical attention,

including vitamin injections. Within two years, results showed all receiving

GH3 suffered significantly fewer episodes of illness, regardless of age or initial

health status. It was also found many previously suffering health problems had

these conditions either stabilised or improved.

The results impressed the Romanian government who funded administration of GH3 to all persons of working age.

In 1970 Dr Alfred Sapse renewed interest in GH3. While serving his

internship in Romania, Dr Sapse met those treated by Dr Aslan, and was able

to study the research documents.

When asked why he decided to revive interest in GH3, Dr Sapse, referring

to Dr Aslan’s patients, replied “Their ailments were either gone or greatly

regressed, at least to the point where they did not bother these old people. I

know what I saw… it was incredible.”13

Upon returning to the USA, Dr Sapse contacted Dr M D MacFarlane of

the University of Southern California, who established a team which

performed its own study. Dr MacFarlane concluded GH3 was a short-acting,

selective, fully reversible and competitive monoamine oxidase (MAO)

inhibitor.14 Unlike other anti-depressants GH3 placed no dietary restrictions

upon those taking it.

Dr Sapse decided to pursue FDA approval for GH3 as an

anti-depressant. Phase 1 clinical trials were successfully completed and Phase

2 trials set to begin when media hype, claiming GH3 was “the fountain of

youth”, alarmed the FDA who insisted new trials prove these claims. Dr Sapse protested but the FDA were unmoved and the trials ceased.

The work was not wasted, inspiring further investigation into GH3 as an

anti-depressant. Dr Yau of Ohio Mental Health and Mental Retardation Centre, Cleveland, found GH3 had four major actions as an anti-depressant,15 supporting and expanding on the findings of Dr MacFarlane.

GH3 proved to be a weak, reversible and competitive MAO inhibitor; it

operates as an anti-depressant by regulating MAO levels; MAO regulation

only occurs in the brain; finally, GH3 is selective when inhibiting the oxidative

deanimation of other important brain monoamines such as serotonin.16

At Duke University Medical Centre, USA Dr Zung conducted a

double-blind study on patients aged between 61 and 77.17 A control group

received a saline solution; while test cases were given either GH3 or Imipramine.

In his conclusions Dr Zung stated “…using the Clinical Global Impression

and Zung Self Depression Scales, the change scores obtained from calculating

pre-treatment and post-treatment differences showed GH3 to be superior to

Imipramine, since the GH3/placebo differences were significantly different,

while the Imipramine/placebo differences were not.”18

Further support for GH3 as a treatment for mental disorders was provided

by Dr L. Bucci of Rockland State Hospital, New York and Dr J.C. Saunders

of Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, who

demonstrated the positive effects of GH3 administered to aged and psychotic


The research of Dr Marangoni, Chief of Medicine, Flower Hospital, New

York is worth noting. Dr Marangoni found both procaine therapy and GH3

highly effective in treating paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia, anterial

fibrillation and complete heart block.20

Dr P. Luth of the Municipal Hospital Offenbach/Main, Germany has

conducted extensive research using GH3 over many years. By directly

injecting GH3 into

geriatric patients, Dr Luth has noted the dramatic change in appearance and

behaviour of those he has treated. Dramatic improvements in skin conditions,

sleep patterns, blood pressure and heart arrhythmia have proved common in

those receiving GH3.21

The claims for GH3

GH3 is regarded as a nutritional supplement with implied medicinal value.

It has never gained approval as a medicine, but is officially listed in the Merck

Index as Vitamin H3.22

As a nutrient the action of GH3 cannot be predicted for everyone. This

general nature of operation is emphasised by GH3 functioning at the cellular

level, with benefits being subtle and occurring over extended periods. Some

people experience almost immediate benefits, but others may have to take

GH3 for a year or more for any gain.

Despite these factors, clinical trials have established the following as benefits of GH3:

1 GH3 is a potent anti-depressant and brain tonic.

2 GH3 can arrest or reverse the symptoms of ageing including hair loss and

greying, and the wrinkling and hardening of skin.23

Dr Aslan never claimed GH3 could extend life, though she believed it

capable of extending quality of life. The ability to restore hair and skin to a

former youthful state is significant and can prove important to an individual. Of

greater importance is GH3’s ability to improve mental functioning and general

well-being of anyone at any age, most significantly after age 45.

It is known levels of MAO increase within the brain from the age of 45,

though it can occur earlier due to poor health. Excess MAO can cause

depression and impair higher mental functions. By removing excess MAO,

GH3 reduces the chance of depression developing. A healthy and correctly

functioning endocrine system is important for maintaining bodily health. The

prevention of excess MAO from interfering with the production and operation

of important hormones and neurotransmitters, which occurs as people age,

enables the body to maintain its own good health.

GH3 is recognised as a pro-vitamin, stimulating the body to produce

vitamins, besides directly providing the B-vitamins PABA and DEAE. Use of

GH3 stimulates production of vitamin K, folic acid, choline, acetylcholine and

thiamine. This pro-vitamin action is important as people age, assisting their

body’s in a vital activity for health maintenance it may not otherwise perform



GH3 is not the “fountain of youth” but the data I have unearthed, both

medical research and personal experiences, would suggest it is a supplement

that has been unfairly ignored.

The basics of GH3 are simple, probably too simple for many to believe the

affect many credit it with. Surely two well known B-vitamins, already available

and widely used, cannot produce such startling results simply by being

combined? There is strong clinical evidence to suggest the answer to this

question is “yes.”

Perhaps the biggest factor operating against GH3 is its history. Originally

developed by a medical doctor as a therapeutic treatment and subjected to

clinical medical trials, GH3 has been more accurately re-designated a

nutritional supplement with medicinal benefits. Unfortunately, this has resulted

in GH3 falling between the medical and nutritional camps, with neither readily

accepting it.

It has been my intention to present a balanced account of GH3. Hopefully,

this has been achieved by presenting the facts, for readers to become informed and draw their own conclusions.


1.Longbrook, Michael; The Development Uses & Future Of Gerovital H3, For

Physicians, A Summary Into The Nutrient Qualities Of Procaine; page 1.

2.Longbrook, Michael; ibid; pages 1 – 2.

3.Mann, J A; Harbor Publishing, 1980; Secrets Of Life Extension; Chapter 10.

4.Mann, J A; ibid; Chapter 10.

5.Mann, J A; ibid; Chapter 10.

6.Longbrook, Michael; ibid; page 3.

7.Longbrook, Michael; ibid; pages 3 – 4.

8.Hoffer, Abram & Walker, Morton; 1980; Nutrients To Age Without Senility;

Chapter 10.

9.Longbrook, Michael; ibid;

10.Longbrook, Michael; ibid; page 4.

11.Hoffer, A & Walker, M; ibid; Chapter 10.

12.MacFarlane, M D; Journal Of The American Geriatric Society 22:8, 1974;

Procaine (Gerovital H3) therapy: Mechanism Of Inhibition Of Monoamine


13.MacFarlane, MD; ibid.

14.Yau, T M; Theoretical Aspects Of Ageing, New York, Academic Press Inc.,


15.Yau, T M; ibid.

16.Zung, W W K; Gianturco, D; Pfeiffer, E; et al; Psychopharmocology Bulletin,

2(12), April, 1976; Treatment of Depression in the Aged With Gerovital H3:

Clinical Efficacy & Neurophysiological Effects; pages 50 – 51.

17.Zunge, W W K, et al; ibid.

18.Hoffer, A & Walker, M; ibid; Chapter 10.

19.Hoffer, A & Walker, M; ibid; Chapter 10.

20.Kent, S; Geriatrics, 31(12): December 1976; A Look At Gerovital – The

“Youth” Drug; pages 101 – 102.

21.Hoffer, A & Walker, M; ibid; Chapter 10.

22.Longbrook, M; ibid.

23.Kent, S; ibid.

Further Reading

Leslie Kenton; The New Ultra Health; Chapter 17.

Herbert Bailey; GH3 – Will It Keep You Young Longer?; Bantam Books,

NewYork. This book is now out of print, but is the finest book on GH3 and worth

trying to find.

Dr Mitchell Kurk & Dr Morton Walker; Prescription For Long Life; Avery

Publishing Group, USA. It is available from selected health shops and nutritional

suppliers in the UK.

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