Please initial each page and sign/date the last page and return to the Front Office. A copy is available online at under Enrollment Forms.

Child’s Printed Name: ______

Child’s Start Date: ______


Counterpoint School, Inc.
610 E. Willamette Avenue.
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Ph.: (719) 633-9880
Fax: (888) 231-1584

Initials: ______

Tuition and Program Choices

SPROUTS CLASS (2½ to 4 years of age)

PRESCHOOL (3 to 4½ years of age)

PRE-KINDERGARTEN(4 to 6 years of age)

SCHOOL-AGER(6 to 12 years of age)

Registration Fee (non-refundable)$50.00

Craft Fee$50.00/semester

FULL-DAY (Sprouts, Preschool, Pre-K, and School-Ager Classes)

(Monday thru Friday from 6:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.)

Full-time five days per week$200.00/week

Full-time individual day$45.00/day

(Individual day availability varies)

PART-DAY (Sprouts, Preschool, Pre-K, and School-Ager Classes)

(Monday thru Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.)

2 mornings/week$60.00/week

3 mornings/week $90.00/week

4 mornings/week$120.00/week

5 mornings/week$150.00/week

Counterpoint School Policies

Early Birds:

Counterpoint School provides care Monday through Friday from 6:30 - 9:00 a.m. in our Early Bird’s classroom. Children can bring breakfast if they wish and join their friends in imaginative center play before our Academic Focus each day.

Academic Focus:

At 9:00 a.m. each morning our highly qualified teachers begin their academic portion of the day using a culturally based program that emphasizes a love for learning through music, art, dance, natural sciences, language arts, and creative movement. All programs are individualized and tailored to fit the needs of every child in accordance with Americans with Disability Act (ADA).


Our classrooms have a morning snack and an afternoon snack. We ask that children bring their own snack from home in order to respect any food allergies or dietary restrictions our families may have. Counterpoint holds a lunch time each day for half of a hour. Children bring a lunch from home. Refrigeration is available and microwaves are present in each classroom. Parents are welcome to call ahead to join their child for lunch. A $5.00 fee will be charged to your account for providing snacks and a $15.00 fee will be charged for providing lunch if parents forget to provide these items for their children. Parents must provide their children with their own utensils.

Quiet Time:

Our Pre-K classrooms rest from 12:30-1:30 p.m. Our younger classrooms, Sprouts and Pre-School, rest each day from 12:30-2:30 p.m. Each child is asked to rest on their nap cot and is welcome to bring a blanket, pillow, and soft toy from home to make them feel more comfortable. Please keep in mind that we “quiet” Counterpoint down between the hours of 12:30-3:15 p.m. for rest time. We ask that you respect this time of the day by picking up your child after 3:15 p.m. or before 12:30 p.m. If you do need to pick up your child please call ahead so we can have your child ready for pick-up and do not unnecessarily disturb other children in their classroom.


After Quiet Time each day our teachers use the afternoon portion of their day to allow the children time for exploration as well as any tutoring that may be needed.

Media & Video Policy

If outside time is not permitted due to inclement weather, and the assembly room is not available for free playtime, students may have the opportunity to view videos in the movie room or Assembly Room. There may also be videos provided by special guests for Assembly from time to time that this permission form will allow viewing. Counterpoint does not permit television viewing at the school. If you choose not to have your child view any videos of any kind, they will be provided with puzzles, books, or art materials during that timeframe in another classroom.

Enrichment and Dance Classes:

During the School Year, additional Enrichment Classes are available at $5.00 per child per class per week. Enrichment Classes include Art, Music, Athletics, Cooking, and Science. Please see the Front Office if you are interested in enrolling your child in any of the Enrichment Classes. Dance Classes, Kinderballet & Creative Movement are billed at variable rates per dance session.

Arrival and Departure:

  • Drop-Off:

Drop-off begins at 6:30 a.m. each morning. Early Bird hours are billed at $10 per hour, or any part thereof, for our Part-Day clients. Upon arrival, we ask that parents sign in for the day with the Early Bird teacher.
Children’s belongings can be stored in their cubby, and any lunch items that need to be kept cool, placed in the refrigerator. Please inform the Early Bird teacher of any refrigerated items and please label items clearly.

  • Pick-Up:

Part-Day clients must pick up by noon each day unless they choose to participate in a lunch hour or extracurricular class. If you are unavoidably detained, please call the school as soon as possible. The Stay-n-Play fee of $10 per hour, or any part thereof, will be charged to your account if you arrive after noon to pick up your child. Counterpoint School will only release children to authorized persons for whom the school has been given written authorization by the parents or guardian. Children are to be signed out of their classroom by their parents daily so that teachers can keep proper attendance and accountability of children at all times. In the event a child is not picked up by 5:30 p.m. by their parent/guardian, Counterpoint School will attempt to call all other persons listed as emergency contacts. In the event that no one can be reached, Child Social Services will be notified. A $1.00 per minute late-fee will be charged for children picked-up after 5:30 p.m.


All visitors must sign in at the front desk. All visits to our school must be scheduled through the Front Office in order to keep classroom disruptions to a minimum.

Tuition Payments:

There is a $50.00 non-refundable registration fee to secure your child’s place in their classroom. Registration paperwork will be provided and explained to parents concerning admission to Counterpoint School. A two-week tuition deposit is required at registration and this deposit will be applied to your last two weeks of childcare at Counterpoint School.

Tuition can either be paid monthly by check or weekly by cash. Our Part-Day clients must pay monthly by check. For our monthly payment clients, tuition is due by the first of the month and considered late after the fifth. For our weekly payment clients, tuition is due on the morning of the first day your child attends Counterpoint School. If payments are made after the fifth of the month (monthly payment) or after the morning of the first day your child attends Counterpoint School (weeklypayment) then a $15.00 late fee will be assessed that day. A second $15.00 late fee will be assessed if tuition is not paid in full on the second day your child attends school. A third $15.00 late fee will be charged to your account on the third day your child attends school and these late fees will be taken out of your “two-week deposit” funds. Counterpoint School will deny childcare services to clients that are more than one week late on their tuition payment until their tuition bill is paid in full and their required two-week deposit has been replenished. Tuition is at a Flat Fee; please include payment for absences, holidays, snow days, and your vacation days with your weekly or monthly preschool tuition payment. A $50.00 fee will be assessed for checks that are returned non-paid. The child(ren)’s parents/guardians (undersigned/initialed) agree that if this account is not paid when due, and Counterpoint School, Inc. should retain an attorney or collection agency for collection, the child(ren)’s parents/guardians (undersigned/initialed) agree to pay all costs of collection including reasonable interest, reasonable attorney’s fees (even if suit is filed), and reasonable collection agency fees.

Health and Illness:

A child should not attend if the illness prevents him/her from participating comfortably in activities or if the illness results in a greater care need than Counterpoint School staff can provide without compromising the care, health, or safety of the other children. Please do not send your child to school if they have had a fever in the last 24 hours.

Disease / Should Child Stay Home?
Chicken Pox / Yes-Children may return after rash dissipates.
Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye) / Yes-until 24 hours after treatment starts or note from health care provider.
Coxsackie Virus (Hand, Foot, and mouth disease) / Yes-contagious if rash is present.
Diarrhea with illness (vomiting, fever) / Yes
Fifth’s Disease / No-child is no longer contagious once symptomatic rash appears.
Head Lice / Yes-until after treatment.
Impetigo / Yes-until 24 hours after treatment.
Mild Cold Symptoms (stuffy nose with clear drainage, sneezing, mild cough) / No-may attend if able to participate in all normal school activities.
Ringworm / Yes-May return after treatment starts.
Strep Throat / Yes-until 24 hours after treatment and child has been fever free for 24 hours.
Upper Respiratory Complications (fever, ear pain, yellow-green nasal discharge) / Yes-seek medical advice and child has to be fever free for 24 hours.
Vaccine Preventable Diseases (Mumps, Measles, Hepatitis A, Pertussis) / Yes-until judged not infectious by health care provider.
Vomiting Illness (2 or more episodes in the last 24 hours) / Yes-until vomiting resolves or until a health provider determines the illness to be non-communicable and the child is not in danger of dehydration.


Parents will be notified of illness, accidents, or injury and are expected to pick-up their child promptly.


Counterpoint School follows the procedure for storing and administering children’s medicines and the delegation of medication in compliance with Section 12-38-132, C.R.S., of the “Nurse Practice Act.”


Please be advised that there are some children in attendance at Counterpoint School who are not immunized by choice of their parents.

Allergy Medication:

Parents are responsible for providing all allergy medications. All paperwork pertaining to children with allergies must be completed before the first day of attendance at Counterpoint School. Parents are responsible for ensuring all medications are not expired and must dispose of their expired medications.


At Counterpoint School children are under adult supervision at all times. Each staff member has responsibility for a specific group of children and keeps accountability for those children with their attendance rosters. Children are accounted for at each transition and at twenty-minute intervals. In the unlikely event a child would appear to be lost, staff members will take the following action in the order listed:

  1. Contact all staff who might have knowledge of the child’s whereabouts
  2. Conduct a thorough search of the premises
  3. Contact the parents
  4. Notify the police

Snow Policy:

Counterpoint School adheres to the Public-School District #11 announcements of closure and “late-starts” due to inclement weather. Counterpoint may need to close if District #11 closes. All radio and TV stations will announce closure of the district. Counterpoint School Staff will do their best to have the school open for normal business hours if possible even in the event of inclement weather. Please call the school at (719) 633-9880 to inquire if some of the staff were still able to open Counterpoint School.

Excessive Heat Policy:

Counterpoint School will keep children indoors and in cooler environments when the heat index is at a dangerous level. During summer, we request that parents have their child bring a refillable water bottle with them to school in order to keep them hydrated while the children are outdoors. If parent’s wish for their child to have use of a specific sunscreen, Counterpoint School request that it be of a “spray-on” version and that the child’s first and last name be written on the sunscreen bottle.


Children should wear casual and comfortable clothes that do not inhibit their freedom to play outdoors or to do messy art projects. It is wise to label all items of clothing that will be taken off during the day such as hats, mittens, cardigans, coats, etc. Even though toilet training is a readiness skill that we ask our children to have mastered before enrollment at Counterpoint School, we realize that potty accidents do sometimes occur. Please make sure your child has at least one change of clothes in their cubby (including socks and underwear) in case of a potty accident. Our teachers will assist your child with the clean-up of a potty accident. Changing tables are provided in the adult, Sprouts, and Pre-K bathrooms.

Parking Lot Safety:

Please do not stand in the parking lot to talk to other adults unless your child is safely in the car. Never let your child out of the car and allow him/her to go across the parking lot alone. Help us teach your child that he/she must never leave the building or the playground unless accompanied by a teacher, parent, or designated adult.

Counterpoint School requests that you DO NOTleave your car running in the parking lot at any time for safety, liability, and security reasons.
Please use extra caution when pulling into and out of parking spaces.

Field Trips:

Parents must sign permission forms in order for their children to attend special field trips and activities away from Counterpoint School. Children will be supervised by the attending teachers at all times. Teachers will carry cell phones to handle potential emergencies. Children riding in a vehicle related to these activities will be in a provided car-seat. Children arriving late, and therefore missing a field trip, will be cared for in another classroom that complies with the proper student/teacher ratio.

Access to Facility:

All families and visitors must enter and leave through the main entrance. The front entrance will be unlocked during drop off and pick-up times. Those visiting the school during times other than drop-off and pick-up will need to ring the doorbell for access.

Disciplinary Procedures:

Counterpoint school believes in a problem-solving approach to discipline. We encourage our children to work through their differences and behaviors in order to foster a sense of autonomy. When negative or unacceptable behaviors occur, children are redirected or asked to take a break to think about their choices. If a child’s behavior continues to be a disruption to the classroom, parents may be called to pick up their children immediately and will still be charged according to their regular pay schedule.

Progress Reports and Conferences:

Progress Reports will be handed out twice a year. We use these reports as an added means of communication with our parents. A conference can be scheduled through the front office to discuss behaviors, progress, and social or physical needs of a child at the parent/guardian’s request.


Children’s individual belongings will be stored in their cubbies. The following items are not allowed at school:

Toys from home (unless it’s a sleep toy)


•Video Games/electronic devices

•Movies from home



Termination Policy:

A two-week notice is required to make scheduling changes or if your child is to be permanently removed from the school. Severe behavioral disturbances from children or parents will result in immediate dismissal from Counterpoint School. Tuition payment for the two-week period is still required regardless of if the child attends Counterpoint School during that two-week period or does not.

The two-week notice must be submitted in writing.


Counterpoint School and its Teachers have the right and responsibility to report any suspected child abuse to the County if we deem it necessary.
If abuse is suspected please report it to the director. To report a suspicion of abuse you may contact: The County Dept. of Child Abuse at 444-5700. The Department of Human Services address is: Dept. of Human Services, 1575 Sherman St., Denver CO 80203. The phone number is (303) 866-5958.

Filing a Complaint:

Colorado Department of Human Services, 1575 Sherman St, Denver, CO 80203 or call (800) 799 5876.

Emergency Procedure:

In the event of an emergency such as a tornado/fire/etc., children will be evacuated to the safest possible location and 911 will be alerted. All teachers will then use their cell phones to inform parents about the ongoing situation.

Parent/Guardian Signature:

Parent/Guardian Signature:______

Printed Name:______



Parent/Guardian Signature:______

Printed Name:______


Initials: ______