AHIA Committee Report
Please e-mail your report to:
Michelle Cunningham at
DEADLINE: November 11, 2013
Mission: The Association of Healthcare Internal Auditors provides leadership and advocacy to advance the healthcare internal audit profession globally by facilitating relevant education, resources and networking opportunities.
Vision: To be the premiere association for healthcare internal auditing.
COMMITTEE INFORMATIONCommittee Name: / Remote Learning
Committee Chair: / Sue Smoger
Contact Information: / Phone: 734.343.0816
Board Liaison: / TBD
Committee Members: / EHR User Group – Epic Subcommittee Chair: Catherine Wakefield
TechTalk Subcommittee Chair: Chase Whitaker
eLearning Subcommittee Chair: Heidi Crosby
Webinars Subcommittee Chair: Russell Harder
Committee Purpose/Charge: Provide relevant, timely, affordable remote education to AHIA members in as many competency areas as possible.
GOAL #1: Enhance education, resources and networking opportunities to membership
- Develop an eLearning program
- Link committee initiatives to evolving competencies
- Use technology to promote “Communities of Practice”
GOAL #2: Grow membership/market share in the current market
a.Develop a marketing strategy inclusive of social media, print, electronic, mobile, etc.
b.Identify our market opportunities
GOAL #3: Investigate other markets for expansion
GOAL #4: Enhance communication between the Board and Committee leaders
STATUS UPDATEOur goal is to have all AHIA committees working together toward the achievement of the association’s goals and for each committee to develop initiatives with the following evolving competencies in mind(or key programming focus areas):
- Clinical Quality
- Information Technology Security
- General Audit Management
- Compliance
- Revenue Cycle
*as applicable to the committee – i.e., service line, resource template, web/mobile application, solicitation of audit library submissions, subject matter expertise identification, educational sessions, solicitation of articles, white papers, etc.
Please list each of your committee’s current initiatives/priorities/goals and indicate to which strategic goal and evolving competency listed above it is aligned:
1)EHR User Group – Epic: Provide educational sessions and discussion forums for AHIA members on use of and auditing of the Epic EHR.
2)Tech Talk: Provide quarterly technology-oriented education sessions along with corresponding submission of a quarterly column to New Perspectives based on the Tech Talk sessions.
3)eLearning: Development of an eLearning program and have one module ready to roll out by the time of the annual conference in September.
4)Webinars: Provide paid and free Webinars for AHIA members on approximately a monthly basis throughout the year.
What were your committee’s most significant accomplishments and/or key outcomes since the last Board meeting:
1)EHR User Group – Epic:
- Completed four hour session at the AHIA annual conference with good attendance and feedback.
- Completed three of four planned Webinars for 2013, including: the third Webinar on Epic Segregation of Duties on October 10, 2013, with 120 in attendance and overall good feedback; planning for next Webinar to be held on January 28, 2014
2)Tech Talk:
- Recruited 5 additional members for the newly formed Tech Talk subcommittee.
- Adopted GoToMeetings.com Web meeting platform vs. general use of the toll-free phone line.
- Held Tech Talk sessions on social media (March 2013 – 67 attendees) and HIPAA Omnibus Rule (September 2013 – 58 attendees); next TechTalk call will be held on December 2, 2013.
- Formed subcommittee with 9 members and held two meetings.
- Developed charter/mission statement and draft work plan.
- Coordinated with the PPC to ensure alignment.
- Began researching NASBA requirements for eLearning programs and Learning Management Systems (LMS).
- Held paid webinars on Structuring a Value Added Internal Audit Shop (September 2013 – 9 attendees) and A Case Study in Continuous Controls Monitoring (October 2013 – 21 attendees); next paid Webinar will be held on January 16, 2014.
- Held free to members webinars sponsored by Grant Thornton in September 2013 (520 attendees) and October 2013 (296 attendees); additional free to members webinar will be sponsored by GT and held on November 15, 2013 and January 10, 2013.
Indicate any problems/challenges in meeting committee goals: None at this time.
Indicate if any Board action is needed at this time (additional funding/staffing requests, project or policy approvals, motions): None at this time.
Have you identified a Committee Co-Chair or Vice-Chair to assist with your efforts and to prepare them for a future committee chair role in order to facilitate volunteer development and committee continuity?
Yes – NAME:______
No – Not yet, new to this role.
Informational items/Additional comments:
Thank you for your time and consideration providing this report. Please do not hesitate to contact us at or (888) 275-2442, ext. 132 for assistance.