Crime Reduction Advisor Lynn Parr is urging Land Rover owners to be vigilant in light of recent incidents of theft of and from vehicles in the Warrington area.

Please consider the below crime reduction advice and suggestive preventative measures:

·  When you park your vehicle away from home, try to avoid places that are unattended, have easy access and are concealed from public view. Where possible park in a car park which is well lit with an attendant or CCTV.

·  Where possible park your vehicle overnight in your garage if you have one.

·  Consider fitting a garage alarm and ensure the garage has appropriate locks and padlocks.

·  Block your Defender in with other parked cars at your house or business.

·  Consider fitting security devices like alarms, electronic immobiliser, steering locks, gear and handbrake locks and wheel clamps. Make sure you use them when you leave your vehicle.

·  Consider fitting a tracker device to your vehicle. The device will send out a signal, which will help identify its location if stolen. It is recommended that any security systems and equipment meets the standards of Secure by Design (further details to be obtained via their website

·  Keep your keys safe and out of view even in your home.

·  Consider having windows etched with the vehicle registration number.

·  If your vehicle has a towing hook, consider using a towing lock hitch cover.

·  Don’t leave valuables or tools in your vehicle as even a coat on the back seat is a target for a thief.

·  Report any suspicious vehicles or persons at the time using 101. In an emergency always use 999.

Crime prevention advice is given without the intention of creating a contract. Neither the Home Office nor the Police Service accepts any legal responsibility for the advice given. Fire Prevention advice, Fire Safety Certification conditions, Health and Safety Regulations and Safe Working Practices will always take precedence over any Crime Prevention issue.

If you have any information about crime please contact Cheshire Police on 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously, on 0800 555 111.