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Fisheries RegsRIS-yourname (e.g. Fisheries RegsRIS-Smith), and return by email to:

Please return your submission by no later than 5.00pm, 3 October 2017

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Fisheries FRL Regulations RIS

c/-Domestic Animals, Fisheries, Forestry and Game Policy
Level 26, Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources
GPO Box 2392 Melbourne 3001

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Your feedback on the proposed Regulations and associated Regulatory Impact Statement is an important part of the regulation making process. The department must consider all feedback submitted before the proposed Regulations are made.Responses may be published unless agreed to be confidential.

Your details

1. / Name:
2. / Organisation (if applicable):
3. / Contact details: / Address
Phone / Mobile
4. / Are you (tick all that apply):
recreational fisher commercial wild-catch fisher abalone quota holder aquaculturalist
small commercial operator business that supplies goods or services for fishing activities
other (please specify your relation to the fishing sector)
5. / Please provide any other information about yourself that is relevant to any feedback included below (e.g., type of licence, area of fishing)

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Questions on recreational fishing licence prices and formats

6. / Current recreational fishing licence (RFL) prices are - 3 day licence $10; 28 day licence $20.30; 1 year licence $35.70 ($33.60 online); 3 year licence $96.70 ($91.60 online). On the understanding that all RFL sales revenue is paid into the RFL Trust Account, and used to fund programs and initiatives that improve recreational fishing, do you think keeping the licence prices at their current level is fair and reasonable? If not, please provide a reason. / Yes No
7. / Do you support continuation of the discount for online purchases of 1 and 3 year licences? Yes No
If not please provide reasons.

Questions on commercial fisheries services levies and transaction costs

8. / Do you support keeping the fisheries services levies at their current levels? Yes No
If not, please provide reasons.
9. / Do you support the proposed changes to the transaction fees? Yes No
If not, please provide reasons.
10. / What service areas provided by the Victorian Fisheries Authority (previously Fisheries Victoria), for which levies partially recover the costs, do you think are, or are not operating efficiently, and do you have suggestions that could improve efficiency?
11. / Is the current small operator concession appropriately targeted? If not, how could it be improved?

Questions on the abalone royalty

12. / What do you think is an appropriate amount to collect from abalone fisheries as a royalty? If different to the proposed amount, please provide reasons for your view.
13. / Do you support retaining the current formula for calculating the royalty? If not, what approach do you support?

Other comments

14. / Are thereother options or impacts related to the proposed fees, royalties and levies Regulations not discussed in the RIS that should be considered? If so, what?
15. / If you have any other comments on the proposed Regulations, please include them here

Please attach additional pages if more space is required.

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