2017 Homepage Banner Advertising Booking Form
Please complete the details below for the homepage advert (s) that you would like to book.
Banner Adverts link directly to your own website while Featured Products link to your listing on visit-dorset.com.
Please note that advertising space will be allocated on a first come first served basis and a maximum of 3 months for each separate advertising package can be booked at one time.
- Dorset Highlights Banner (small)
Please tick which months you would like to feature aDorset Highlights Banner Advert (max 3):
Jan / Feb / Mar / Apr / May / June / July / Aug / Sept / Oct / Nov / DecPrice
(+VAT) / £125 / £125 / £125 / £175 / £175 / £250 / £250 / £250 / £175 / £125 / £125 / £125
Slot 1
Slot 2
I will supply artwork for my advert (395 x 395 pixels)
Please make my advert for me (you will be required to supply text and images)
- Dorset Highlights Featured Product (large)
Please tick which months you would like to feature a Dorset Highlights Featured Product
(max 3):
Jan / Feb / Mar / Apr / May / June / July / Aug / Sept / Oct / Nov / DecPrice
(+VAT) / £400 / £400 / £400 / £450 / £450 / £500 / £500 / £500 / £450 / £400 / £400 / £400
Slot 1 / N/A / N/A / N/A
*The information used will be taken directly from your entry on our website
- Dorset Highlights Featured Product (small)
Please tick which months you would like to feature a Dorset Highlights Featured Product
(max 3):
Jan / Feb / Mar / Apr / May / June / July / Aug / Sept / Oct / Nov / DecPrice (+VAT) / £100 / £100 / £100 / £150 / £150 / £195 / £195 / £195 / £150 / £100 / £100 / £100
Slot 1
*The information used will be taken directly from your entry on our website
- Dorset Inspiration Banner Advert
Please tick which months you would like to feature a Dorset Inspiration Banner Advert (max 3):
Jan / Feb / Mar / Apr / May / June / July / Aug / Sept / Oct / Nov / DecPrice (+VAT) / £100 / £100 / £100 / £150 / £150 / £195 / £195 / £195 / £150 / £100 / £100 / £100
Slot 1
I will supply artwork for my advert (395 x 395 pixels)
Please make my advert for me (you will be required to supply text and images)
- E-newsletter (£75 + VAT)
Please tick which edition you would like to feature in the e-newsletter (max 3):
Jan / March / Late April / Late June / Late July / Late Sept / NovSigned:______Name:______
Business Name: ______Date:______
By signing this form you are agreeing to the terms and conditions overleaf
Terms and Conditions
- Please make sure the information you supply is correct.
- We (Visit Dorset Tourism Partnership*) reserve the right at any time to edit or alter the design, presentation, content and functionality of the website and advertiser pages / banners as necessary without notice.
- When booking any of the banner adverts the business must be registered with visit-dorset.com.
- Advertisements will be allocated on a strictly first come, first served basis.
- Bookings will only be considered once an official booking form has been completed, signed and received.
- Advertising will commence on the first day of the calendar month and end at midnight on the last day of the calendar month.
- All advertisements must be booked and paid for at least 5 working days before the commencement of your advertisement period.
- If you would like us to design your advert for you, all requested material must be received as least 10 working days before the commencement of your advert.
- In the event that the deadlines are met by you but the advertisement does not appear on the website on the first day of the calendar month in which you are advertising, you will be refunded on a pro-rata basis for any days on which your advertisement should have been displayed.
- Upon receipt of the booking form you are committed to the advertisement indicated.
- Once the advertisement is made live on you may request a maximum of one amendment to the advertisement per month.
- We shall be entitled, at our discretion, to alter and edit the presentation of the content of advertisements. You will be informed of any changes made.
- We reserve the right to refuse or terminate the advertising contract and remove the advertisement from the website if, in our reasonable opinion, your conduct, the content or design of your advertisement or destination website has or would cause offence or has brought or would bring us or any other party into disrepute if we continued to provide the advertising services.
- We have the right to refuse an advertisement if the quality of the advert or image therein is not in keeping with the quality of the design of the visit-dorset.com website.
- You acknowledge and accept that computer and telecommunications systems are not fault free and may from time to time require periods of downtime (being periods in which the visit-dorset.com website is not available for consumers) for the purpose of repair, maintenance and upgrading. Accordingly, we do not guarantee uninterrupted availability of the visit-dorset.com website. You accept that you shall have no claim for breach of contract or otherwise in respect of any such period of unavailability.
- We aim to make sure that the information available on our website is accurate, but we have no control over, and do not endorse, the content of any information provided on linked websites. We do not accept any responsibility arising from reliance on any such information. In using our website, you agree that neither we nor any of our providers are responsible for any warranty or representation, express or implied completeness or appropriateness for a particular purpose of any information accessed from it or linked to it. We reserve the right to remove or alter any information without warning. Our web pages, unless otherwise stated, are copyrighted and protected under national laws and international treaties worldwide. “All rights reserved”.
- Data Protection: The information supplied on this form will be held on a computerised database or on paper by us and will only be used by members of the partnership or partnerships in which the councils are involved in to generate tourism trade for your business or to keep you informed of new tourism industry developments.
- We are committed to promoting equality of opportunity for all the community and expect our partners to support this aim.
* The Visit Dorset Tourism Partnership is made up of the district and borough councils from West Dorset, Christchurch, Purbeck, East Dorset and Weymouth & Portland. The tourism team of the West Dorset and Weymouth & Portland Shared Services Partnership is co-ordinating this activity on behalf of the other rural Dorset local authorities.