The basic objective of the Elite Hockey Program is to provide the opportunity for advanced players to progress to the next level of play. This is accomplished by bringing together a group of advanced players under the direction of highly qualified coaches.

Please complete and forward Application Form to:


P.O. Box 1481, Moncton, N.B., EIC 8T6

1 (888) 421-0000 Fax: (506) 854-8200


$ 599.00 (includes HST)


1. [ ] VISA [ ] Mastercard [ ] American Express

Credit card #: ______

Expiry date: ____ / ____ Card Holders Name ______

Signature: ______

2. Cheques: Either one cheque for the full amount of the registration, or a deposit of $200.00 plus a second cheque post dated March 1, 2018 for the balance.

Cheques are payable to: Atlantic Hockey Group

3. Register on-line at atlantichockeygroup.com


@ 4 exhibition games

@ Atlantic Cup Jamboree

@ 12 hours of high level on-ice training

@ High level clinics for goaltenders

@ Game jersey & socks

@ Membership to exclusive website

@ Medals for all teams

Cancellations and Refunds Policy

Fees are based on a limited team roster. Consequently, as in all minor hockey associations, an open refund policy is not possible.

Registration Insurance

Understanding that injuries will occur the AHG is providing our members with the opportunity to purchase insurance which will refund registration fee on a pro-rated basis for any player who is removed from the roster for the duration of the season due to injury.

(to confirm please check box on application form)

NOTE: This is NOT player insurance as all of our players are covered while participating in our program.



(Please Print)

Mailing Address: ______

City: ______

Province: ______Postal Code: ______

Home phone: ______

Work: ______[ ] father [ ] mother

Email: ______

Age: ______Date of Birth: ______

(Day / Month / Year)

Position: [ ] forward [ ] defense [ ] goalie

Medicare number:______

Father’s name: ______Mother: ______

q Registration Insurance ($20.00)

I / we hereby release Charlie Bourgeois Hockey School Inc., its officers, employees and agents from all liability, claims, causes of actions of any kind whatsoever, in respect of damages I / (my child) may suffer as a consequence of my child sustaining personal injury, death or property damage or loss while participating in programs and activities of the Charlie Bourgeois Hockey School Inc.

And I / we do hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless Charlie Bourgeois hockey School Inc., its officers, employees, or agents from any and all claims, demands, causes of actions of any kind whatsoever, including those involving negligence on the part of Charlie Bourgeois Hockey school Inc. or any of its officers, employees or agents that may be made or initiated by, or on behalf of my child, arising out of or connected with my said child’s preparation for or participation in any of the Charlie Bourgeois Hockey school Inc. programs of activities.


Authorized by Parent or Guardian