Student Details
Please complete all sections in BLOCK Capitals as shown in passport
Each child applying will need a separate form
Siblings in School or Applying Name(s) / Year (s)Academic Information
Please circle the level of English proficiency which best describes your childBeginner / Gainingconfidence / Confident / Fluent / Native
support / Satisfactory / Good / Excellent
Does your child have Special Education Need (SEN)? YES / NO (please provide reports if Yes)
Has your Child ever been classed as having any of the following?
LearningDisability / YES / / NO / AttentionDeficitDisorder / YES / / NO
BehaviouralProblem / YES / / NO / PhysicalDisability / YES / / NO
Any areas of exceptional ability? YES / NO (if Yes, please state)
Supporting Documents
- A Completed Application Form
- Original Transfer Letter from Student’s Previous School
- Copy of School Reports from the Previous Year of School
- Copy of Birth Certificate of the Student
- Copy of Students’ Emirates National ID Card
- Copy of Student’s Passport
- Copy of UAE residency visa of the Student
- Copy of Parent/Guardian Passport (Father and Mother)
- Copy of Parent/Guardian UAE residency Visa (Father and Mother)
- Six(6) Recent Passport Size Photograph for Each Child
- Scanned Copy of Family Book (for UAE Nationals)
- Copies of any Health and/or Psychological Assessments Conducted with the Student
- Full Names and Two(2) Recent Passport Size Photos for Each Parent/Guardian Who is Authorised to Collect the Child from School (for ID badge)
- AED 500 Non-Refundable registration Fee
All documents must be in English or Arabic, any other language must be translated in the UAE by an approved legal translation office. A copy of both (original and translation) must be provided. Original documents are required before the start of school.
Details of Legal Guardian
Name of person filling in this application:
Relationship to child: Father / Mother / Legal Guardian / Other (please circle)
If other, please state relationship
Father’s Detail
FirstName: / FamilyName:Occupation: / Employer:
Mobile: / Work No.:
E-mailaddress: / Address:
Mother’s Details
FirstName: / FamilyName:Occupation: / Employer:
Mobile: / Work No.:
E-mailaddress: / Address (if different from Father’s Address):
Whoshould receiveregular e-mailcorrespondence fromthe school? Father / Mother / Both(please circle)
Who is responsible for the payment of school fees? Company* / Parents / Both (please circle)
*Name of Company
BillingAddress:Telephone: / E-mail:
Emergency contact name and number other than Parent or Guardian
Name: / Name:Mobile: / Mobile:
Relationship: / Relationship:
Would the child be interested in using our Bus Service? Yes / No / Maybe (please circle)
(This service is subject to availability)
Who is authorised to collect children from school?
Parent’s Signature:
Full Name of Parent:
Medical Record
Does your child suffer from any of the following (if yes please provide details below)
Asthma/RespiratoryProblems / Yes / / No / EyesightProblems / Yes / / NoHearingProblems / Yes / / No / SkinCondition / Yes / / No
Hayfever / Yes / / No / Diabetes / Yes / / No
Epilepsy / Yes / / No / Other(Pleasegivedetails)
Has your child had any surgical procedures? YES / NO (if yes please provide details below)
Does your child have any know allergies and/or dietary requirements? YES / NO (if yes please provide details below)
Additional Details:Vaccinations
Please attach copy of vaccination report
I/We understand that whilst the School will make all reasonable efforts to contact me/us in case of medical emergency, this is not always possible. Therefore I/We authorise the School to seek medical advice and treatment for our child if the School believes there to be an emergency and I/We hereby undertake to pay all costs incurred by the school.
I/We also hereby authorise/do not authorise the School to give our child minor medication (eg. Paracetamol) if deemed necessary by the school
Parent’s SignatureDate
Full Name of Parent:
Office Use Only
Student ID #:
Capital School: How did you hear about us?
- Social Network
- Newspaper
- AlBayan
- Gulf News
- Khaleej Times
- Khaleej
- 7 Days
- Web Search Engine (Google, Bing, …)
- Radio
- KHDA gave me your Details
- Another School gave me your Details.
- Recommendation (Friend, Family)
- Online Discussion Board/Online Directory
- Other: Please specify:
Capital School
P.O. Box:236498, Baghdad Street, Al Qusais, Dubai
Tel: +971 4 298 8776 Fax: +971 4 257 7215