Please Combine the Following Sets of Sentences So That Each Sentence Contains a Dependent Clause

Please combine the following sets of sentences so that each sentence contains a parallel structure. (Sentence Pattern 9) Please try to avoid these weak verbs: is – are – was – were – am – be – been – being – seems – got – went – became – appears – seems

Information for these sentences comes from Weird Animals from Kidsbooks.

1.  The echidna likes to catch ants.

It uses its long sticky tongue.

The echidna likes to catch termites.

The echidna likes to catch other insects.

Combination: Using its long sticky tongue, the echidna likes to catch ants, termites, and other insects.

2.  The wolf fish has a large head.

It has a big mouth.

It has sharp teeth.

And it has a long body.


3.  Chameleons can change their color to red.

Chameleons can change their color to brown.

Chameleons can change their color to white.

Chameleons can change their color to yellow.

Chameleons can change their color or a host of other colors.


4.  Many chameleons have crests on their bodies.

Many chameleons have horns on their bodies.

Many chameleons have spines on their bodies.


5.  The hognose snake can be found in fields.

The hognose snake can be found in woods.

The hognose snake can be found in grasslands throughout the United States.


Please combine the following sets of sentences so that each sentence contains a parallel structure. (Sentence Pattern 9) Please try to avoid these weak verbs: is – are – was – were – am – be – been – being – seems – got – went – became – appears – seems

Information for these sentences comes from Dinosaurs by Kathie Billinglsea Smith.

1.  The Brontosaurus had a huge body.

It had a small head.

It had a tiny brain.

Combination: The Brontosaurus had a huge body, a small head, and a tiny brain.

2.  Groups of Allosaurus skeletons have been found in Australia.

They have been found in Africa.

They have been found in North America.

They have been found in Asia.


3.  Ornithomimus could not chew food.

But he could swallow insects.

He could swallow small animals.

He could swallow fruit.


4.  Trachodom had a duckbill mouth with 2000 teeth.

He used those teeth to chew twigs.

He used those teeth to chew leaves.

He used those teeth to chew seeds.


5.  Tyrannosaurus Rex had six-inch teeth.

He had strong jaws.

He had small front legs.
