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Assistive Listening now available for Sunday worship.
Please ask an usher for details.
The Pulse nightclub massacre in Orlando, Florida, has once again lifted the issue of gun violence to the top of the headlines. Columbine, Sandy Hook, Ft. Hood, Virginia Tech, Isla Vista, Springfield, Aurora, San Bernardino, and now Orlando, along with other places immediately evoke images of violence and death. Immediately following these incidents there is a period in which gun rights and 2nd Amendment advocates and gun control advocates engage in shouting matches through the media that make reasonable discussion virtually impossible. And then the volume dies down, the deadlocked Congress cannot pass any meaningful reform, and the discussion disappears until the next tragedy occurs.
I am not a gun owner, nor am I a hunter, but I have family members who do own guns for hunting. Personally, I would never have a gun in my home. Why? Because I do not believe my home would be safer by having a gun in it. Most murders in this country are not committed by people with criminal records, gang members, or terrorists. Most murders are committed by spouses or other family members or acquaintances, who in a moment of extreme anger, often fueled by alcohol, grab an easily available gun and shoot. Obviously, if you have a gun in your home for protection, the chamber can’t be empty and it can’t be locked in a safe. Therefore, it is not only available to you, but anyone else who is in your home, including children. Gang members often engage in home invasion robberies looking for guns. If you have a loaded, unsecured gun in your home, you are considerably more likely to shoot a loved one you mistake for an intruder or supply a gun for a real criminal than you are to use it to protect your property from a robbery. And, is your property really worth the taking of a human life?
It is a mystery to me how reasonable people could possibly be opposed to legislation that would ban the purchase or possession of automatic weapons or body armor by private citizens. What possible legitimate use could a private citizen have for these items, except possibly to exhibit them? Should the freedom to exhibit them outweigh the mayhem that can be caused by their use? There are so many guns in our society that to outlaw them all would be an exercise in futility, like putting toothpaste back in the tube. But certainly there are ways to reduce their proliferation and reduce the suffering caused by some who use them.
A recent issue of Time magazine included an article reporting on a recent study that found people who were victims of violence were more likely to become violent. This study reveals that there are other factors contributing to the violence of our society in addition to guns. The stability and nurture of families; services for the mentally ill; bullying; those who are feeling left out; and the care of veterans who are suffering from the mental, emotional, and spiritual scars of war are also factors. This is not an easy issue, and it requires that people of differing viewpoints and experiences sit down with each other and engage in respectful and honest conversation. I pray that we can engage in conversation that is thoughtful and can alleviate feelings of fear and isolation that lead to violence.
I pray you have a blessed and renewing summer.
In Christ,
Pastor Ron
A Special Meeting of the Congregation was held on Sunday, June 12th, immediately following the 11:00 service, to act on a recommendation from the Congregation Council regarding the congregation’s continued partnership with Trinity Lutheran Church in Good Shepherd Lutheran School. The Council’s recommendation read: “With sadness and regret, the Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church Council recommends that Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church withdraw from the partnership with Trinity Lutheran Church in the Association of Good Shepherd Lutheran School." After considerable discussion, the recommendation was adopted by a 51-8 vote.
In 1978, three Simi Valley Lutheran congregations (Trinity, Our Redeemer, and Our Saviour) initiated a very bold experiment. Although the three congregations were affiliated with three different national church bodies (Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, Lutheran Church in America, and The American Lutheran Church), with three very different histories regarding congregation sponsored schools, established and incorporated Good Shepherd Lutheran School in June of 1979. The bylaws of the corporation specified the responsibilities, duties, and privileges of the congregations who were members of the corporation. The bylaws were subsequently revised in 1992, 1993, 1996, and 2001. A Covenant of the Good Shepherd Lutheran School Association Churches was approved in 1999.
For many years there was a strong cooperative relationship between the three Association member congregations. In 2008, Our Redeemer and Our Saviour merged and became Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church. Thus, the Association was reduced from three congregations to two.
In recent years, both Trinity and Shepherd of the Valley have gone through an important process of re-establishing their identity. During this process, both congregations have made decisions which have had significant ramifications for their relationship with one another and their relationship with Good Shepherd Lutheran School. The decision of Trinity to focus its identity on being a Missouri Synod congregation and Shepherd of the Valley’s decision to become a Reconciling in Christ congregation are reflective of the deepening divide between the LC-MS and ELCA. It is crucial for all congregations to establish their identity, and important that each congregation live out its identity with integrity.
The 2010 Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) Focus on Learning Report, a part of Good Shepherd Lutheran School’s re-accreditation process, stated that one of the greatest challenges facing Good Shepherd was “fostering the feeling of ownership in the school at two different churches.” It is our desire that this action by Shepherd of the Valley will mitigate this challenge and strengthen the future stability of Good Shepherd.
Shepherd of the Valley continues to be concerned for Good Shepherd Lutheran School
and its ministry of providing an excellent academic education for children in the context of
God’s grace revealed in Jesus Christ. We will continue to be supportive of Good Shepherd Lutheran School as we are able and deem appropriate, including offering our facilities for school events cost free, providing volunteers for Luther’s Attic, and publicizing school events. We will continue to pray for Good Shepherd Lutheran School and Trinity Lutheran Church as they continue to proclaim the grace of God revealed in Jesus Christ.
A letter was sent to the Board of Directors of Good Shepherd Lutheran School on June 14th informing it of the congregation’s decision. According to the bylaws of Good Shepherd, this action does not actually become final for 180 days.
New members at Shepherd of the Valley…
Brian & Paula Apuzzo Dan & Nancy Mason
3411 Delilah St. 1175-A Adirondack Ct.
Simi Valley, CA. 93063 Simi Valley, CA. 93065
805-577-6901 805-526-4374
Craig Fennel Christine Lobitz & Noelle Panczel
1726 Creston Court 6701 Sasparilla Dr.
Simi Valley, CA. 93065 Simi Valley, CA. 93063
805-304-4430 805-581-1774
Lynn Maldoon Stephanie Sanchez
2980 Tapo Cyn. #102 1910 Yosemite Ave.
Simi Valley, CA. 93063 Simi Valley, CA. 93063
307-258-4574 805-378-8185
Dear friends and family, if there are friends and loved ones whom you would like to have prayers for, or military persons on active duty, please contact the church office at 526-7577and we will list them in our bulletin and newsletter.
REMEMBER IN PRAYER…Good Shepherd Lutheran School youth and church leaders.
WE OFFER OUR CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY to the Ralph Nelman family and friends on Ralph’s passing on Sunday (his favorite day) April 3, 2016. Ralph had been a member since 1970. Please keep the family in your prayers of comfort.
Undergoing cancer therapy
Mike Denmark (Cathie Badillo’s brother-in-law)
Trace Larson (John Holst’s daughter),
Wendy Bealliu,Brian Apuzzo
Under convalescent or hospice care
Rev. James Sherrill & Mae Maddoax
(Cathie Badillo’s aunt & uncle), Craig Wells,
Justin Scholberg (Corrine Stevenson’s father),
Jean Stevenson (Pastor Gary’s mother).
Undergoing surgery, various tests, treatments, recuperating and continued comfort
Brian Faunce (Barry & Linda Watters son-in-law),
Jeanne Shafer, Corrine Stevenson, Kent Keith, Jean Schlosser, Susan Pineda, Betsy Hospodar, Shirley Ruben, Marvin Kidd, Brett Lea (Irene Tangren’s grandson).Margie Lien (Barbara Corrigan’s mother),
Angel Rodriquez, Joyce Bruce, Marilyn Rodriquez, Rick Baird, Pastor White,
Charles Hamilton.
Our Military Personnel now serving
John Parker, Tyson and Blake Crosby, Joe Anderson, Mike Hultman, Brian Lowen, Brian Richardson,
Frank King, Michael Kidd, Nisha Dean, Dan Balaun, Chris Labelle, Raymond Schooler, Thomas Weaver, Captain Ted Slocum, David Bond, Wayne Combs,
Brett Tyre,Jeffrey C.A. Bower, Zachary Tarbet, Jorden Gutowski, Matthew Wilkins, Richard Deobler, Sgt Elliott Van Marion,
McKade Talbot Kidd, Taryn Stephens.
The congregation of Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church thanks you for your service
Come one, Come all
The Endowment Fund Committee is accepting scholarship requests for the upcoming school year.
Applications MUST BE SUBMITTED BY JULY 10, 2016
Applications are available on the table in the Narthex, in the church office or online at: – Services tab / Endowment
If you have any questions, please contact Jared Shapiro at 805.522.0331.
Still Waters is starting to ramp up for Christmas Shoppe. This will be
our 4th year of participation with ACTION of Ventura County. Shepherd
of the Valley contributes bags of food with items for a Christmas
dinner. We also give each family a $25 gift card to a grocery store to
help buy the meat of their choice for the dinner. This is where we need
your help the most. Please consider buying a $25 grocery store card
from our script table and let Marv and Jennie Kidd know it is for
Christmas Shoppe. We really need your help and that is why we are
starting now to ask for your donations. You will make a family who may
not be able to afford a holiday meal receive something special.
Sally and Ray Valderrama
Library News
Have you ever noticed the colorful sayings posted on the inside of the opened library door? They are cute little sayings encouraging everyone to read. During the spring the sign read,
“Spring into Good Reading”. For summer the sign reads, “Summertime and the Reading is Easy”.
For the summer months of July and August we have made reading easy for you. The patio book cart will be offering a free book exchange. Select a book or two for your summer vacation or trip to the beach. No check-out cards are needed. When you are done with the book, you may return it or another in its place. We have mystery, action, and romance books written by all the well-known authors. For children, we offer activity and coloring books that they may keep and enjoy.
You don’t even have to go into the library, but we would love it if you did. Additional free book exchange books are found on the library shelves inside the library. Come visit the book cart and select a book for your easy summer reading. Happy reading.
Y.M.A.H.Potluck Luncheon
(Young In Mind And Heart 50yrs. and over)
This event is typically for Seniors 50yrs of age or over but…Heywhose counting, come and join in any third Thursday of the month
For further information please call:
Edith Engemann 805-526-9020 or the church office 526-7576
Samaritan Center of Simi Valley
Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church serves a meal to the less fortunate at the Samaritan Center (located at 280 Royal Ave) on the 1st Wednesday of every month.
We need volunteers to buy and deliver food to the Samaritan Center,
AND…serve food or donate money
*If you would like to help, please contact Yvonne Baird at 584-2521. Thank you for your prayers
Now that school is out and summer has arrived, it’s time for those long awaited summer vacations, trips to the beach and barbecuing! But wait…do you need groceries or other items for your picnic in the park, backyard barbecue or gasoline for the car before you set out on your road trip? We have gift cards for Vons, Pavilions, Whole Foods and Albertsons, Stater Bros. and Sprouts Market available upon request; plus scrip for Arco, Chevron and Shell. Are you planning to do some home improvements, gardening or other work around the house? Don’t forget, we have cards for The Home Depot and Lowe’s. Maybe it’s just time to relax with a cup of coffee at Starbucks or go out to see one of those summer blockbuster movies at an air conditioned Regal Cinemas, United Artists or Edwards Theaters. But before you do, stop by and pick up your scrip! Do you need new summer clothing or swimwear? We have gift cards for Target, Kohl’s, Sears, Macy’s, JC Penney, Ross, TJ Maxx, Walmart, plus many others. So if you patronize any of these fine stores, or any of the other stores that participate in our scrip program, why not buy scrip gift cards and use them to make your purchases. Remember that scrip cards are not just for gifts, but for your everyday shopping needs as well and that a percentage of all the gift cards you purchase is returned to SVLC. So what better way to get the things that you want or need and at the same time help support our church. It’s a win/win situation for you and SVLC. Visit us on the patio each and every Sunday between the 8:30 and 9:45 services and the 9:45 and 11:00 services.An added note…Ray and Sally Valderrama are starting their annual campaign for Christmas Shoppe early this year so that sufficient donations are received and processed early enough to distribute to the less fortunate and needy families of Simi Valley and we are working in conjunction with their efforts. If you would like to purchase a $25.00 grocery scrip gift card to donate to the Still Waters Café Christmas Shoppe, let us know when you purchase the card that it is a donation for the Christmas Shoppe campaign and we will immediately forward it to Ray and Sally. Thank you!
Have a safe and fun filled summer!
In His Service,
Marvin and Jenny Kidd, SVLC Scrip Committee
We are pleased to announce that this year's combined women's bible study will be led by Veronica Joy. Veronica is a professional Christian Women'sspeaker and resides right here in Simi Valley.
Her topic will be "You are Tea-riffic" - 7 traits that make you a tea-riffic woman of God. It will include a visual illustration of how the Lord brew's up a woman after His own heart.
Please join us on Saturday, August 6th from 10:00 am to 11:30 am. in the Sanctuary. At the conclusion of Veronica Joy's study, we will have our pot luck luncheon right outside on our new picnic tables. Don't forget to invite a friend. It's going to be a wonderful morning.
A free will donation will be collected for Veronica Joy in gratitude for her gift!
If you are planning on going, please respond to this email. We have a gift for all those who are attending.
Serving Him with Joy,Lisa
Invites you to share a free community meal every Thursday at 5:00 p.m.
The café is located at 4191 Cochran Street.
For more information please call 805-526-7577
“A dining service to those who are suffering economic hardship,
homelessness or who are lonely and wish to have a dining companion”
Amenities at the café:
- Mealtime is served beginning at 5:00p.m.–6:30 p.m. every Thursday.
- Fresh home cooked meal served in a family atmosphere with home style table settings.
- To go snack bags are offered.
- Highchairs and booster seats are available for the younger family members.
- There are wheelchair accessible entrances and bathrooms available.
- Prayer requests can be satisfied.
Volunteers are always needed - please contact Ray @ 805-527-4061