Sample consent form for Parents’ Association Committees to get consent from parents to collect and use their personal data

Here is a sampleform you could use as a Parents’ Association committee to ask parents for their consent to keep their details on file and to contact them. You could use this text in the wording of an email or email a copy of the form or give parents a hard copy of the form to fill out and return to the PA Committee.

Please amend this form for your needs, it is a sample only.

Dear Parents,

As a Parents’ Association Committee we need to be able to contact parents about events, meetings etc.

However, as of the 25th of May 2018, a new EU regulation called General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)which replaces existing data protection legislation, means we must make sure that we have your permission to collect and use your personal data. Personal data is any information that identifies you, including your Name; Address; Telephone; Email address etc.

We will only keep your details on file for the school year, but you can ask us to remove your details at any time.

To make sure our Parents’ Association Committee complies with GDPR we have a number of questions we need to ask you.

Do you consent to allow the Parents’ Association Committee to keep your contact details on file?

Yes No

Do you consent to allow the Parents’ Association Committee to contact you by:


If yes please enter your telephone number ………………………………………………………………………………………………..


If yes please enter your email address ……………………………………………………………………………………………………......

Do you consent to allow the Parents’ Association Committee to contact you for the following reasons? (please  tick all options you agree to)

(These are examples only please amend for your committee’s reasons for contacting parents)

To let you know about PA meetings 

To look for volunteers 

To assist with extra-curricular activities for the children 

Please enter your name: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Please enter the date you complete this consent form: ………………………………………………………………………………

Please return this form the Parents’ Association secretary, who will process and file securely.