PLC Agenda and Minutes

Goals/Outcomes: Essential Outcomes set for each course and department due by the end of Semester I.

SMART Goals: Groups will establish SMART Goals by end of October.

Goals for October:

1. Review Essential Outcomes compared to data (MCA results and NWEA scores).

2. Analyze data to create SMART Goals.

3. Early-Out October 19:

1:45-2:45 All district staff will meet in Elementary Commons to review

district data, SMART Goal creation, and Essential Outcomes.

2:45-3:45 PLCs meet to establish SMART Goals and continue to establish Essential


DuFour’s Questions that should guide our work?

? What do we want our students to learn?

? How will we know they have learned it?

? How will we respond when a student experiences difficulty?

? How will we respond when a student already knows it?

Expectations for Agendas and Minutes:


·  should be given to all team members at least a day in advance.

·  should include goals or expected outcomes.

·  should include specific topics for discussion with estimated times listed.

·  should include meeting norms agreed upon by team.

·  should use the format shown above.


·  should be typed

·  should be emailed to all PLC participants within 2 days.

·  should be read by all PLC participants. When absent staff return, they should read minutes from all missed meetings.

·  Email or hand-deliver completed meeting notes to building principal.

Meeting Date: Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Time: 7:30 a.m.

Location: Elem Music Room 701

PLC Group Name: Cultural Group

Facilitator: Seana Graber

Recorder: Beth Capistran

Members Present: Beth Capistran, Seana Graber, Caitlin Storm, Tyler Woods

Members Absent:

Group Norms:

1.  Don’t rush to judgment

2.  Come prepared

3.  Contact a group member if you’ll be late or not coming.

Your agenda/notes for this meeting:

We discussed data and what data we can use to benefit our students. We worked on essential outcomes. We also looked at the musical opportunities our students are experiencing and how we are meeting their needs and the state requirements at each grade level. We are wondering how the arts standard is being met in the middle school since the 6th grade general music class that all non-band and non- choir students were taking to meet this requirement was dropped.

We developed 2 SMART goals:

1.  We will increase rhythm proficiency of music students so that 80% will demonstrate 80% accuracy as measured by grade level rhythm assessments by May, 2012.

2.  We will increase melodic proficiency of music students so that 80% will demonstrate 70% accuracy as measured by grade level melodic assessments by May, 2012.

Date and agenda for next meeting:

We will continue to work on essential outcomes for rhythmic and melodic proficiency.