Players Name:Age Group:


Affiliated to the All England Netball Association

Club Chairperson: Sue Garner Tel: 07815424359

Senior Secretary: Gill Scott Tel: 07503050861 Email: Age groups U12s – Seniors)

Junior Secretary: Nicky Cunliffe Email: (Juniors – Saturdays)


  1. If for some reason you cannot attend training, please let your Team Manager know.
  2. All girls must attend training in Navy/black shorts and pink training top and white socks.
  3. Fingernails must be cut to the appropriate length and all jewellery removed. Hair must be tied back.
  4. Mobile Phones must not be brought out during a training session as they are disruptive to the session.
  5. Hydration is very important. It is your responsibility to bring sufficient fluids to training sessions. i.e. One litre of water and one energy drink. NO fizzy drinks. Also one snack such as a banana or energy bar/biscuit may be allowed to each session.
  6. Registration will be taken prior to the start of each session. If you are injured or ill, please let the person who is taking the registration know.
  7. Discipline is extremely important. Any girl who is found to be disrupting training will be asked to sit out for the rest of the session. The matter will then be further discussed with your parents/carers. If the disruption re-occurs, the matter will be reported to the club committee.
  8. Respect who you are training with, intimidation/bullying towards other squad members will not be tolerated and will be treated as a discipline matter and reported to the club committee.
  9. Please give of your best in training aswell as matches, maximum effort is expected at all training sessions and this will be taken into consideration when selecting teams for matches.
  10. If you are part of a team, your commitment to attend training and competitive matches is essential.

We agree to the above points.

Player and Parent/CarerClub Representative

Player Sign: ______Sign: ______

Print: ______Print: ______

Date: ______Date: ______

Parent/Carer Sign: ______Position: ______