Individual Drafted Player Registration – Summer League 2017

(No Team Affiliation)

For many years the Malvern League has been a team league only and we will remain primarily a TEAM LEAGUE. However, every season we get numerous requests from parents of children who want to play in our league but are not affiliated with a team. We refer to these individuals as “Drafted Players”. This summer, if we receive a sufficient number of “Drafted Players” in any age group we will create a new “Drafted Team”. There is also the possibility of placing “Drafted Players” on an existing team that needs to fill their roster. Please note, however, that there is no guarantee that every player will be placed on a team. Our goal is to try and accommodate every player who wants to participate in the Malvern League and we hope this will help achieve our goal.

If you want to be placed on our “Drafted Players” list, please complete the information below and submit the form with the $100 fee to the league office by May 15th. Parents will be notified by the coach of their child’s team by June 5th. Registration fee checks will be deposited only after the “Drafted Player” is placed on a team and there will be no refunds after the “Drafted Player” is placed on a team. Also, any adult interested in coaching a “Drafted Team” should fill in the information below.

Check Grade Level (as of September 2017):
1st___2___ 3___ 4 (10')___ 5___ 6___ 7___ 8___ 9___ 10___ 11___ 12___

Check: Boys___ Girls___

Check Ability Level: A __ B __ B/C___ C ___

Player Information:

Street Address
Home Phone/Cell Phone
Email Address
Grade as of Sept 2017
Date Of Birth

Previous Basketball Experience (Check all that apply):

Developmental League: 1st:__ 2nd & 3rd:__ 4th:__

Middle School: Intramural:__ JV:__ Varsity:__

High School: Freshman:__ JV:__ Varsity:__

Positions Played:______

I herby acknowledge that I have read the above information and all information entered is correct to the best of my knowledge. Any falsification of the information submitted will result in dismissal from the league without refund.

Parent Signature:______Home Phone:______Work Phone:______

I am interested in Coaching ____ or being an Assistant Coach___ on a “Drafted Team”

Players (if 18 or older) or parent (for those players under 18) must acknowledge that the Malvern Basketball Leagues, it's directors or referees are not responsible for any physical injury, if it occurs during any league sanctioned games. It will be the responsibility of each player to maintain medical insurance coverage in case of injury. Parent or player (if 18 or older) waive and hold harmless the Malvern Basketball Leagues for any damages resulting in any injury that may occur during a league sanctioned game or related activity.

Signature of Parent or Player (if 18 or older):______Date: ______


Make checks payable to: “Malvern Basketball League” and send it with the application to:

Malvern Basketball League

Individual Drafted Player Application

627 N. Speakman Lane

West Chester, PA19380

Applications will be accepted only if:

  • Application is completed in its entirety.
  • Application is submitted to the Malvern League office by May 15.
  • The $100.00 registration fee is included with the application (check will not be deposited until the player is placed on a team).
  • Parent, guardian and/or player signature is included

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