
  1. Paris Saint-Germain Soccer Academy in Saudi Arabia players will demonstrate positive sportsmanship on and off of the field. This includes exercising positive self-control, graciously accepting the outcome of games and treating all players and fans with courtesy and respect.
  2. Players will demonstrate respect for all other players, all coaches and employees of Paris Saint-Germain Soccer Academy in Saudi Arabia and AISJ both in behavior and language.
  3. Players will demonstrate respect for all officials, in part by accepting their decisions. No insulting comments, arguing, gestures and or profanity directed at officials will be tolerated.
  4. Players will practice and work on skills development, as directed by the coaching staff, as is appropriate for the age and competitive level of play for the team.
  5. Players will positively represent the Paris Saint-Germain Soccer Academy in Saudi Arabia on and off the field, at home and away on both a recreational and in competitive situations.
  6. Players will understand the rules of the game as iscommensurateof the relevant age and competitive level of the team.
  7. Players, in coordination with parents, are responsible for timely notification to the coach or manager of the team of absences from games, practices and training.
  8. Players will wear at each training session the Paris Saint-Germain Soccer Academy official TrainingKit only. Failure to comply with this rule, will result in the player being unable to join in that training session.
  9. Players will take care of all equipment and clean up the field after each session.
  10. Termination of Membership may be issued to any player who acts in a reckless and or negligent manner with respect to the Team and or any member or engages in any conduct that is detrimental or brings discredit to the Paris Saint-Germain Academy in Saudi Arabia or its reputation or fails or refuses to follow the directives of the Paris Saint-Germain Academy staff.


  1. Encourage positive sportsmanship by example. Remind fellow parents if they get inappropriately carried away with their emotions during the game. Accept these reminders graciously when offered by other parents.
  2. Be supportive unconditionally by accepting wins and losses. The last thing your child wants to hear from you after a disappointing performance or loss is what they did wrong.
  3. Do not coach. Leave the coaching to the coaches. Parents are not permitted to access the field during training sessions or verbalise their opinions to coaches during training sessions. Any comments can be communicated after training to the Communications Manager, Ms Sanaa Ali.
  4. Emphasize skill development over winning. Take time to help your child practice their skills and drills at home.
  5. Interact positively with parents of opposing teams. Set a good example for players indicating you can compete assertively and still be respectful.
  6. Be welcoming to all team families on and off the field. Minimize gossip and criticism of teammates, other players and coaches.
  7. Support officials and do not criticize vocally during games. Leave any issues with the game officials for your coach to handle.
  8. Support the team and club. Volunteer during tournaments, participate in fundraisers, etc.
  9. Please review the practice and game schedules in advance. Notify your coach of any conflicts so they are aware that your child will not be participating on a given day.
  10. Encourage your child to have fun and enjoy his/her teammates and the competition.


Location: American International School of Jeddah (AISJ)

I hereby grant Paris Saint-Germain Soccer Academy in Saudi Arabia, its representatives and employees the following rights:

  1. Take photographs and or video of me and my child / children.
  2. Copyright, use and publish the same in print and or social media.
  3. That such print or electronic photographs of me and my child / children, with or without my name and for any lawful purpose, including for example such purposes as publicity, illustration, advertising and social media content.


Recognizing the possibility of injury or illness, and in consideration for Paris Saint-Germain Soccer Academy in Saudi Arabia accepting my son / daughter as a player in the soccer programs and activities of the Academy.

I consent to my son/daughter participating in the programs. Further, I hereby release, discharge, and otherwise indemnify Paris Saint-Germain Academy in Saudi Arabia, its member organizations and sponsors, their employees, associated personnel, and volunteers, including the owner of fields and facilities utilized for the programs, against any claim by or on behalf of my player son/daughter as a result of my son's/daughter’s participation in the programs and/or being transported to or from the programs. I hereby authorize the transportation of my son/daughter to or from the programs.

My player son/daughter has received a physical examination by a licensed medical doctor and has been found physically capable of participating in the sport of soccer. I give my consent to have an athletic trainer and/or licensed medical doctor or dentist to provide my son/daughter with medical assistance and/or treatment and agree to be financially responsible for the reasonable cost of any such assistance and/or treatment should such treatment arise.


All players, family members and family staff members are to respect and follow the guidelines and instructions of the security personnel and will fully comply with and abide by the rules and regulations for access to the host venue.

Access for players attending AISJ will be permitted as per school regulations while family members and family staff members of players not attending AISJ will be required to present a PSG Access Card.

Failure to comply with this requirement will result in the player not gaining access to the venue. We ask you to respect this regulation in the interest of security for your child and all players.

Paris Saint-Germain Soccer Academy in Saudi Arabia will not be held liable, financial or otherwise, should a player, family member and or family staff member be denied access to the training venue.


I have read and understand the above and hereby provideauthorisation to Paris Saint Germain Soccer Academy in Saudi Arabia:

Name ______

Signature: ______
