CMS Playaway Permission Slip

At CMS, we are proud to be beginning our collection of playaways in our library. Playaways are audiobooks in an MP3 format. That means that the entire book is on the MP3 player! Playaways are small, portable, and easy to use. Students are able to adjust the reader's speed, and there is a bookmark feature that will keep your place when you turn off the playaway.

Because of the cost of playaways, we are requiring students to have parent permission to checkout playaways. By signing below, you are giving your child permission to check out a playaway. This slip will stay on file in the library and will be effective as long as your child is a student at CMS. If you decide you no longer want your child to check out playaways, please contact Mrs. Jordan at or 817-237-4261.

By signing below, I am giving my child permission to borrow a playaway from the Creekview Middle School Library. I understand that if the player is lost or damaged, I will be responsible for the replacement cost, which is $40.00. I also understand that a standard pair of headphones, such a pair from a walkman or i-pod, is needed to be able to use the Playaways. (Please indicate below if you do not have a pair of headphones at home. A set may be provided for you.)

Student Name ______

Student's literature teacher ______

Parent Signature ______

Phone number ______

Date ______

Will you need headphones? ______