Platinum Mathematics

Grade 6

Teaching Plan

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Term 1

Week/s / Topic / Time allocation as per CAPS / Units within each topic
1 / Topic 1: Count, order, compare and
represent whole numbers / 2 hours / 1. Read and write large numbers
2. Count large numbers
3. Use place value to order numbers
4. Use symbols to compare numbers
1 - 2 / Topic 2: Number sentences / 3 hours / 1. Solve number sentences
2. Equivalent number statements
2 / Revision / 0.5 hours
2 – 3 / Topic 3: Addition and subtraction / 7 hours / 1. Estimation
2. Have fun with calculators
3. Use the column method to add
4. Use the column method to subtract
5. Addition and subtraction are inverse
6. Addition and subtraction problems
3 – 5 / Topic 4: Common fractions / 10 hours / 1. What is a fraction?
2. Fractions by grouping
3. Equivalent fractions
4. Compare and order fractions
5. Add and subtract fractions
6. Solve problems with fractions
5 / Revision / 0.5 hours
5 / Formal Assessment: Exemplar Assignment – Different number systems / 0.5 hours
5 – 6 / Topic 5: Time / 4 hours / 1. Read and write the time
2. Convert units of time
3. Time zones
4. Interpret calendars
6 – 8 / Topic 6: Properties of 2D shapes / 8 hours / 1. Identify and name 2D shapes
2. Angles and lines in 2D shapes
3. Compare and sort 2D shapes
4. Draw and identify 2D shapes
8 / Revision / 0.5 hours
8 – 10 / Topic 7: Data handling / 10 hours / 1. Collect and organise data
2. Read and draw pictographs
3. Read and draw bar graphs
4. The mode and median in a set of data
5. Interpret and make sense of graphs
6. Work through a data cycle
10 / Topic 8: Numeric patterns / 4 hours / 1. Flow diagrams
2. Interesting properties of multiplication
3. Multiplication and division are inverse
4. Find missing rules and numbers
10 / Revision / 0.5 hours
10 / Formal Assessment: Exemplar Test / 1 hour

Term 2

Week/s / Topic / Time allocation as per CAPS / Units within each topic
1 / Topic 9: Count, order, compare
and represent whole numbers / 1 hour / 1. Work with nine-digit numbers
2. Round off whole numbers
1 - 2 / Topic 10: Multiplication / 5 hours / 1. Factors and multiples
2. Break up numbers to multiply
3. Estimate answers
4. Use the column method to multiply
5. Solve multiplication problems
2 / Revision / 0.5 hours
2 – 3 / Topic 11: Properties of 3D objects / 5 hours / 1. Identify 3D objects
2. Construct 3D objects
3. Describe, sort and compare 3D
4. Interpret drawings of 3D objects
3 – 4 / Topic 12: Geometric patterns / 6 hours / 1. Extend patterns and look for rules
2. Tables and flow diagrams
3. Look for patterns and rules
4. More fun with patterns and rules
4 / Revision / 0.5 hours
4 – 5 / Topic 13: Symmetry / 2 hours / 1. Line symmetry
2. Rotational symmetry
5 / Formal Assessment: Exemplar Test / 1 hour
5 – 6 / Topic 14: Division / 8 hours / 1. Work with factors
2. Work with prime numbers
3. Multiplication and division are inverse
4. Use the long division method
5. Solve division problems
6. Solve problems by comparing
quantities of the same kind
7. Solve problems by comparing two
different quantities
6 / Revision / 0.5 hours
6 – 8 / Topic 15: Decimal fractions / 10 hours / 1. Read and write decimal fractions
2. Count in decimals
3. Convert decimal fractions
4. Multiply and round off decimals
5. Compare and order decimals
6. Add and subtract decimals
7. More calculations with decimals
8. Solve problems with decimal fractions
8 – 9 / Topic 16: Capacity and volume / 5 hours / 1. The capacity of containers
2. Estimate and measure capacity
3. Convert units of capacity
4. Compare and order capacities
5. Solve problems involving capacity
9 / Revision / 0.5 hours
10 / Formal Assessment: Exemplar Exam / 1 hour

Term 3

Week/s / Topic / Time allocation as per CAPS / Units within each topic
1 / Topic 17: Count, order, compare and represent whole numbers / 1 hour / 1. Place value and expanded notation
2. Read, write and order large numbers
1 - 2 / Topic 18: Mass / 5 hours / 1. Units of measure for mass
2. Read measuring scales
3. Estimate and measure mass
4. Convert between units of mass
5. Solve problems involving mass
2 / Revision / 0.5 hours
2 – 3 / Topic 19: Addition and subtraction / 8 hours / 1. Estimate answers
2. Use the column method to add
3. Use the column method to subtract
4. Addition and subtraction are inverse
5. Add and subtract with brackets
6. Solve addition and subtraction
4 / Topic 20: Viewing objects / 3 hours / 1. Different viewpoints
2. Draw views from different viewpoints
4 / Revision / 0.5 hours
4 – 5 / Topic 21: Properties of 2D shapes / 4 hours / 1. Identify, describe and compare 2D
2. Draw 2D shapes on grid paper
5 – 6 / Topic 22: Transformations / 3 hours / 1. Use transformations to describe patterns
2. Describe patterns around us
6 / Revision / 0.5 hours
6 – 7 / Topic 23: Percentages / 5 hours / 1. What is a percentage?
2. Convert fractions to percentages
3. Decimal fractions and percentages
4. Find the percentage of a whole
7 / Topic 24: Temperature / 1 hour / 1. Read, compare and measure
2. Calculations with temperature
7 / Revision / 0.5 hours
7 – 9 / Topic 25: Data handling / 9 hours / 1. Collect, organise and represent data
2. Find the mode and median of data sets
3. Interpret and analyse data
4. Compare graphs on the same topic
Formal Assessment:
Project – Data Handling / 0.5 hours
9 / Topic 26: Numeric patterns / 5 hours / 1. Special types of sequences
2. Find the rule
9 / Revision / 0.5 hours
10 / Topic 27: Length / 5 hours / 1. Estimate and measure lengths
2. Convert units of length
3. Order lengths
4. Solve problems involving lengths
10 / Formal Assessment: Exemplar Test / 1 hour

Term 4

Week/s / Topic / Time allocation as per CAPS / Units within each topic
1 / Topic 28: Count, order, compare and represent whole numbers / 1 hour / 1. Read and write large numbers
2. Round off, compare and order large
1 - 2 / Topic 29: Multiplication / 5 hours / 1. Estimate and calculate answers
2. Multiply using the column method
3. Solve problems with multiplication
2 / Revision / 0.5 hours
2 – 3 / Topic 30: Common fractions / 5 hours / 1. Find equivalent forms and compare
common fractions
2. Different fractions for different contexts
3. Convert decimals and common fractions
4. Convert percentages and common
5. Add and subtract fractions
6. Solve problems with fractions
3 / Formal Assessment: Assignment – Percentages, profit and loss / 0.5 hours
3 – 4 / Topic 31: Properties of 3D objects / 5 hours / 1. Model 3D objects
2. Sort and compare 3D objects
3. Interpret 3D drawings
4. Identify nets
4 / Revision / 0.5 hours
4 / Topic 32: The history of measurement / 1 hour / 1. Where did measurement begin?
2. How things have changed
4 – 6 / Topic 33: Perimeter, area and volume / 7 hours / 1. Measure perimeter
2. Area
3. The area of rectangles
4. Volume
5. Surface area of an object
6 / Revision / 0.5 hours
6 – 7 / Topic 34: Division / 7 hours / 1. Use long division
2. Inverse operations
3. Solve problems with division
7 / Formal Assessment: Exemplar
Investigation – Use simple budgets and accounts
7 – 8 / Topic 35: Number sentences / 3 hours / 1. Number sentences and rules
2. Solve a number sentence
3. Use number sentences when solving
4. Multiple choice questions
8 / Revision / 0.5 hours
8 – 9 / Topic 36: Transformations / 3 hours / 1. Recognise transformations in patterns
2. Enlarge a shape
3. Reduce a shape
4. Compare the size and shape of triangles
and quadrilaterals
9 / Topic 37: Position and movement / 2 hours / 1. Find positions on maps and grids
2. Describe how to change positions on a
3. Work with street maps
4. Maps and compass directions
9 / Revision / 0.5 hours
9 / Topic 38: Probability / 2 hours / 1. List possible outcomes of experiments
2. Record outcomes of experiments
10 / Formal Assessment: Exemplar Exam / 1 hour