Monthly Reporting Of October, 2016:

[please describe all activities that you have conducted during the previous month. This can include meeting with other agencies, meeting with government, consultations, trainings, or any other project activities]

Platform Name: Puntland Non-State Actors Association (PUNSAA)

Reporting Period: [October, 2016]

Activity 1 (A): [Activity name and number: 1:4 Implementation of individual platforms strategies and business plans]

Date of activity: 26th of October, 2016.

Description:“During the previous phase of the action, all three platforms have developed three year strategic and business plans which articulate their vision and mission and upcoming thematic priorities. Their business plans detail their proposed income-generation strategies. Funds will be made available to the platforms for the implementation of specific activities, to be determined during strategic planning process, that further particular aspect of their three-year strategies.” Following the formulation of strategic plan and publication of it, PUNSAA deemed that it is important to engage with the international body to share with the International community the mandate of PUNSAA.

PUNSAA is presented its overall functions and mandates to a number of International communities who were representing for a different Organizations, Embassies, Non-governmental Organizations in Nairobi, Kenya. It was fortunate that international representatives interested to meet separately with PUNSAA, and there were a number of meetings with the above-mentioned organizations and it was discussed with different topics. Here are the following topics that were discussed with the international body:

Activity 2 (B):[Activity name and number: 0:0Meeting with EU Monitoring Group]

Date of activity: 26th of October, 2016

Description: Monitoring Group who has contract with EU has met with PUNSAA to discuss about projects, in which PUNSAA has implemented in the past. The Monitoring Group has discussed with PUNSAA about the projects or activities that have been implemented so far. PUNSAA provided a full access to the Monitoring Group to start their assignments; the Monitoring Group has also asked questionnaires to PUNSAA secretariat about the completed projects or activities. In this regard, PUNSAA has given a full detailed information to the questionnaires that the Group have asked for in order to get enough information about the completed activities.

Activity 3 (C):[Activity name and number 0:0 Meeting with Head of EU Development]

Date of activity: 27th of October, 2016

Description: As the EU is the main financial contributor to the Somalia Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), it was necessary to have a brief introductory meeting with the new Head of the EU Development Department to Somalia. The Meeting was participated all three Platforms of the CSOs to get acquainted with the New Head. Each of the Platform has given a brief introduction of what each Platform does and what lies ahead in the coming months. The outcome of this meeting was very positive and encouraging one; it emphasised to work together in the future and share information from each side in order to move forward to achieve the common goals of what all CSOs and EU are shared.

Activity 4 (D):[Activity name and number: 0:0 Meeting with DIAKONIA Country Manager]

Date of activity: 28th of October, 2016

Description: There has been partnership temptation between PUNSAA and Diakonia, which has been going on for a while. Diakonia has been working in Puntland and it had partnership with other Organizations for implementing a number of projects. In this regard, this two organizations are working to establish a formal working partnership in the near future. This courtesy meeting was held in Nairobi, and participated PUNSAA secretariat and Country Manager of Diakonia. The outcome of this meeting was very positive and encouraging and both sides showed the willingness that they will work together closely in the future. There was also commitment of both sides to communicate regularly in the coming days or months.

Activity 5 (E): [Activity name and number: 0:0 Meeting with U.S. Agency for International Development]

Date of activity: 28th of October, 2016.

Description: After the major presentation of PUNSAA to the international Organizations,
Embassies and International Donors, then there were some international organizations, which interested in meeting with PUNSAA to learn more about the mandate of PUNSAA and other specific projects that PUNSAA has been implementing such as democratization in Puntland. U.S. Election Advisor invited PUNSAA representatives for informal meeting in Nairobi, to discuss possible opportunities to work together in the future. This courtesy meeting was participated in two members of PUNSAA secretariat and U.S. Aid Election Advisor. The outcome of this meeting was very positive and implausible and there is venue for opportunity to explore further. It was also agreed to communicate in the future and work together in the areas where both organizations can work together in the coming months.

Ad-hock Activities:

Activity 6 [Activity name and number 0:0 Aid Coordination Strategic Planning for Somalia]

Date of activity: 16th – 17th of October, 2016

Description:The main purpose of this two days meeting is; The Somalia Compact, endorsed at the New Deal Conference in Brussels on 16 September 2013, represent the concrete translation of an effective joint partnership between the Somalia people and th4e International community, based on the New Deal Principles. It identifies the key priorities for Somalia over the period 2014 – 2016 under five Peace-building and State-building Goals (PSG), complemented by cross-cutting issues including gender and capacity development. The Compact aims at strengthening national ownership and leadership of the implementation of the New Deal in Somalia. With respect to the new development plan in Somalia, it became imperative that Aid Coordination Framework is necessary to establish across Federal State members and to adopt its mechanisms in line with the National Develop Plan (NDP). Furthermore, the Somalia Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), particularly, Puntland Non-State Actors Associations (PUNSAA) participated in the conference, and other participants who took part in the conference were Federal government of Somalia, Jubbaland State as well as South West state. The outcome of the conference was very positive and encouraging in terms of agreeing with the working frame work in terms of Aid Coordination Effectiveness across Somalia.

Please see inserted copy of the agenda for the conference:

[Please insert additional activities where necessary]

Forthcoming plans: [November, 2016]

Activity 1: [Activity name and number: 1:6Independent institutional NSAP Audits

Anticipated date: 1st of November, 2016.

Description: PUNSAA believes that a good financial and procurement system in its day-to-day business operations will greatly enhance “the financial capacity of the NSA platforms has grown considerably over the previous phases of the action. To strengthen their accountability and improve their finance systems, they will each undertake an internal audit to demonstrate their ability to manage their financial affairs effectively. This will also demonstrate credibility and independence to internal and external stakeholders and ability to attract funding from other sources, given that it is often a donor requirement to submit audited accounts.”] in this regard, PUNSAA wants to call for external audit to assess our internal financial procedures and procurement processes. The reason we are doing this is that PUNSAA wants to have accredited certification that PUNSAA has enough capacity to handle its own financial procedures. Such certification helps for PUNSAA to attract to the international donors.

Activity 2: [Activity name and number: 0:0 Peacebuilding and Statebuilding Conflict Resolution – Galkayo

Anticipated date:1st of November, 2016

Description: While Somalia is coming out from the ashes of the longest civil war in the recent memory, the Mudug region is the most volatile region where fighting occurs on daily basisin Somalia;the city of Galkayo is the capital of Mudug region. The inhabitants of the city of Galkayo are two major clans who have been fighting over the control of the city; the death, injured and property destruction occurs very often. As Civil Society Organizations, PUNSAA wants to open a Consultation Forum as a mediator to discuss the ongoing conflict in Galkayo. The major purpose of PUNSAA is to bring together both communities onto one plat form to discuss the most alarming issues regarding to this ongoing fighting in Galkayo. PUNSAA is partnering this consultation with SOSCENSA, and the Concept Note have of this consultation has been already prepared and it is under review.

Activity 3: [Activity name and number: 0:0 Public Financial Management (PFM)]

Anticipated date:14th of October, 2016.

Description:The capacity and skills of the NSA secretariat has been enhanced through specific training about Public Financial Management (PFM) in order to engage in government institutions to advocate around transparency and accountability of Public Financial Management and aid effectiveness. This will include training on public accountability mechanisms, Open Budget initiatives and participatory budgeting.In this regard, PUNSAA secretariat is planning to begin a process to undertake and to contact with all stakeholders in order to have enough information about how the budget has been allocated for different institutions, programs or projects and then how to spend the expenditures.