Monthly Report of July, 2016:

[Please describe all activities that you have conducted during the previous month. This can include meeting with other agencies, meeting with government, consultations, trainings, or any other project activities]

Platform Name:Puntland Non-State Actor’s Association (PUNSAA)

Reporting Period: [01st to 31st of July, 2016]

Activity name and number:1.3 PUNSAA Board of Directors regular quarterly meeting

Date of activity:18th & 19th of July, 2016

Number of the participants: Fourteen members from PUNSAA BoD

Description:The Board of Directors (BoD) of each respective platform will meet quarterly to discuss upcoming strategic and operational priorities. The board meetings usually last two days, bringing together the majority of the board members; decisions can only be agreed through a quorum as determined by the platforms’ constitutions. There was a complete full quorum of fourteen (14) BoD members participated in this regular meeting. After the Qur’an verses were recited, the chair-man of PUNSAA Mr. Noor Shire Osman officially opened the meeting and welcomed all the participants and pointed out the importance of attending these regular BoD meetings. The chairman also introduced BoD members for the newly joined members for PUNSAA secretariat including Executive Director and DANIDA Project Coordinator.

The Agendas of this meeting were:

  1. Achievements of this quarter:
  2. Upcoming activities for the next quarter
  3. Discussions for the upcoming General Assembly Meeting (GA)
  4. PUNSAA membership fee and PUNSAA By-Laws
  5. Re-organizational review of PUNSAA memberships
  6. Update for the upcoming 2016 elections and information sharing
  7. Discussions about National level CSOs meeting in Adaado
  8. Any Other Business (AOB)

Conclusion of the Meeting: -

The chairman of PUNSAA thanked to the BoD members for their excellent participation in the regular meeting. All the participants were satisfied the outcome of the meeting. The BoD unanimously approved the agendas of the meeting and the meeting was officially closed by the chairman. It was also published a Press Release by the meeting participants in their last day of the meeting regarding to the upcoming 2016 elections. This press release was posted through local websites and released to local radios.

Evidence of the BoD regular meeting minutes:

Evidence of the Press Release on FEIT_SEIT committees:

Activity 2:[Activity: 1.1Joint Steering Committee (JSC) Meeting held in Hargeisa

Dates of the Activities: 24th – 26th of July, 2016

The Joint Steering Committee was Three days meeting in Hargiesa. It usually takes place twice in a year that enables the platforms to collectively participate in setting the strategic direction and planning of the programme, presenting platforms achievements and to share learned experience between the participants. The activity enables platforms to be active in setting the direction of the project and builds capacity around planning and execution, overcoming obstacles, challenges and pursuing new areas of interest or collective work.

Team composed of four members from PUNSAA Chair, Executive Director, advocacy and fundraising Officer and Admin officer travelled to Hargeisa on 24/07/2016 and returned on 28/07/2016 to attend joint steering committee (JSC). Safer-world team attended this meeting were also Project Manager, Field Coordinator and Project Officer. They actively participated in the work plan for the upcoming activities and discussed coordination, challenges, and obstacles in the JSC meeting.

The main objectives of this meeting were to:

To enable the platforms to collectively participate in setting the strategic direction and planning of the program and to shared their learning experience between them

Discuss both operational and strategic matters jointly with other platforms and Safer-world for the progress made and challenges of SOM9 Program activities.

Agendas covered/discussed during this meeting were:

Platforms progress presentations

Overview of work completed and outstanding project activities

Budget overview and potential changes

Institutional Changes – Safer-world

Planning for donor roundtable in Nairobi – Business Development

Cross Platform learning

Outcome harvesting presentations.

Conclusion: -

The overall status of the meeting went well and ended with success. We had several discussions/meetings with SAFERWORLD Programme Manager, PUNSAA Executive Director requested a little bit clarifications if there isallocated budget once PUNSAA press release and issued position papersregarding the media and TV expenses, addition to that, PUNSAA will develop a concept note for them if Safer-world will need it as other activities. Finally, SAFERWORLD Programme Manager suggested to cover these costs for the above mentioned in the project activities budgetand declared that these expenses don’t need any concept notes; just PUNSAA will send an email concerned this expense and SAFERWORLD Programme Manager will approve once they check it as usual.

During platforms presentations, EVA from the EU joined us and platforms got chance to ask questions and raised their concerns. She responded all raised questions and appreciated the usefulness of this meeting.