No. AG 6 of 1990


This Agreement shall be known as the Platform Modification and Hook-Up Agreement No. AG 6 of 1990 and shall replace the Platform Modification and Hook-Up Agreement No. AG 8 of 1989.




2A.State Wage Case Principles - September 1989

3.Parties Bound

4.Scope of Agreement

5.Duration of Agreement

6.Contract of Employment

7.Point of Assembly and Transportation

8.Reporting For Work After Off-Duty Periods or Held-Over Roster Period

9.Accommodation and Meals

10.Hours of Work and Rosters

11.Saturday Work

12.Sunday Work


14.Rest Periods Between Rostered Days or Shifts

15.Call-Out of an Employee Offshore

16.Shift Work

17.Public Holidays

18.Travelling Time

19.Wage Rates

20.Platform Modification and Hook-Up Allowance

21.Mixed Functions

22.Welding Allowance

23.Electrician's Licence Payment

24.Leading Hand Allowance

25.Living Away From Home Allowance

26.Platform Allowance

27.Annual Leave

28.Sick Leave


30.Bereavement Leave

31.Jury Service

32.Safety Code


34.Protective Clothing

35.Shop Stewards

36.Agreement to be Posted

37.Right of Entry

38.Grievance Procedure

39.Discipline Procedure

40.Communications Process

41.Accident Make-Up Pay

Appendix - Resolution of Disputes Requirements


It is a term of this Agreement that the Unions undertake, for the duration of the Principles determined by the Commission in Court Session in Application No. 1940 of 1989, not to pursue any extra claims, award or over-award, except when consistent with State Wage Principles.


This Agreement shall bind -

United Construction Pty Ltd, O'Donnell Griffin Pty Ltd, Transfield Pty Ltd, United-AOC Pty Ltd, Ralph M. Lee Pty Ltd, Amalgamated Metal Workers' and Shipwrights Union of Western Australia and Australian Electrical, Electronics, Foundry and Engineering Union (Western Australian Branch).


(1)Notwithstanding the provisions of the Metal Trades (General) Award No. 13 of 1965 and the Electrical Contracting Industry Award No. R 22 of 1978, this Agreement shall regulate and define the conditions of employment of employees of the employer named in Clause 3. - Parties Bound, of this Agreement, who are members of or eligible to be members of the unions named in that clause engaged on Instrumentation, Electrical and Mechanical Metal Trades Hook-Up Modification work on offshore hydrocarbons installations belonging to Woodside Offshore Petroleum Pty Ltd.

(2)To the extent that any differences exist between this Agreement and the relevant awards referred to in subclause (1) of this clause, this Agreement shall apply.

(3)The conditions of this Agreement shall not apply nor be claimed or demanded by any party to be applied to maintenance work or to employees engaged in the jacket and module erection phase or pipelaying phase of platform installation work.


This agreement shall operate for a period of two years on and from 19 August 1992.


(1)Except as hereinafter provided, employment shall be by the week.

(2)Notwithstanding anything contained elsewhere in this Agreement an employee shall in the first instance be appointed on probation and shall remain on probation for a period of 2 work cycles. If found to be unsatisfactory at any time during this period the employee's services will be terminated. The employee shall be entitled to the loading prescribed by subclause (10) of this clause if terminated during the probationary period.

(3)Employment shall be terminated by one week's notice given by either the employer or the employee, at any time, or by the payment or forfeiture of eighty four hours' pay as the case may be.

Where notice is given during the on duty portion of the roster, the employee may elect to work out the notice period of seven days subject to observance of the established crew change roster, and in accordance with Clause 6 of this Agreement.

The notice period shall run concurrently with the employee's established crew change roster, inclusive of rostered on duty and rostered off duty days or shifts.

(4)The employer may suspend an employee from duty for refusal or neglect of duty, or misconduct by the employee, provided that this subclause will not affect the right of the employer to dismiss an employee in accordance with the provisions of subclause (5) of this clause. The employer shall also have the right to dismiss an employee who has in his/her possession or consumes or uses any spirits or alcohol or prohibited drugs whilst on any helicopter provided by the employer or whilst offshore.

(5)The provisions of this clause shall not affect the right of the employer to dismiss an employee without notice for refusal or neglect of duty or misconduct and in such cases the wages shall be paid up to the time of dismissal only.

(6)The provisions of this clause shall not affect the right of the employer to deduct payment for any day or part thereof the employee cannot be usefully employed because of any strike or through any breakdown of machinery or any stoppage of work by any cause beyond the employer's reasonable control.

(7)An employee not attending for duty shall, except as provided in Clauses 27. - Annual Leave, 28. - Sick Leave, 30. - Bereavement Leave and 31. - Jury Service lose pay for the actual time of such non-attendance.

(8)Where an employee is directed by the employer to depart the offshore installation due to a lack of available accommodation on board, the employee's normal cycle roster and offshore earnings shall be maintained until such time as the employee is either directed to report back offshore, or else the employee's services are terminated in accordance with subclause (3) hereof.

(9)It is a term and condition of employment and of the rights accruing under this Agreement that an employee shall -

(a)Perform such work (including shift work) and in such weather conditions as the employer shall from time to time require.

(b)Comply with the requirements of the employer to work reasonable non standard overtime at the appropriate rates of remuneration prescribed herein.

(c)Use such protective clothing and equipment provided by the employer for specific circumstances.

(d)Comply with any direction of the employer to work as required pursuant to paragraph (g) hereof.

(e)Comply with safety regulations determined by the employer and attend safety meetings, drills and training and after being suitably trained to act as a member of emergency and fire crews as required by the employer.

(f)Comply with the provisions of Clause 38. - Grievance Procedure.

(g)An employee shall not depart from the offshore installation until the employee's relief arrives on board, unless he/she is otherwise authorised by the employer to go onshore. The employee, other than by mutual agreement, shall not be required to remain on the offshore installation beyond 48 hours from his/her rostered finishing time.

(10)A casual employee is one engaged and paid as such and whose engagement may be terminated at any time.

Casuals will be paid the ordinary hourly rate of pay as varied from time to time as specified in this Agreement for his/her classification, plus a loading of 3.6 ordinary hours' pay per day worked in lieu of the provisions of Clause 28. - Sick Leave and Clause 27. - Annual Leave.

Casual employees will be hired to cover short term labour requirements caused by, but not limited to, sickness, injury, employee's termination, emergencies, equipment breakdown, short term projects or other unforeseen circumstances.

Casuals will not be employed for more than two consecutive work cycles. If an employee works for less than two consecutive work cycles, the employee shall be deemed to be a casual, unless he/she terminates of his/her own volition. Where an employee terminates of their own volition the employee shall not be entitled to the loading prescribed by this subclause.

(11)Commencement or Termination of Employment During a Work Period

Should a weekly employee commence employment during a 14 day work cycle, the employee will be rostered to go on the 14 day off duty period according to the established crew change schedule, irrespective of whether the number of days worked prior to going off duty entitles the employee to a 14 day off duty period.

In such cases the employee will be paid from his/her commencement date.

This pay entitlement shall apply for each shift worked in the event of the services of an employee who terminates or is terminated before the completion of a 14 day work cycle.


(1)The point of assembly shall be deemed to be Perth Airport and the employer shall provide the employee with free transportation between the designated assembly point and the platform, and vice versa, as the case may be.

(2)If an employee is dismissed he/she shall be provided at dismissal with free transport from the platform to the designated assembly point.

(3)Where an employee is in transit between one point of assembly and the platform and the employer is unable to provide transportation for the completion of the journey then the employer shall provide suitable board and accommodation free of charge.



(1)At the conclusion of an off duty period onshore an employee shall report at the designated point in time to utilise the scheduled crew change transport which will enable the employee to arrive on board in time to commence the rostered work period.

Should the transport not depart according to schedule, the employee will remain on call ready to board the transport which may depart at short notice at any time after the scheduled departure time.

Providing he/she remains on call, an employee will be paid as if he/she had commenced his/her rostered work period and if he/she so requests will be provided by the employer with an Authority pro forma to obtain meals and, if necessary, accommodation at the employer's expense.

(2)An employee shall personally call, telephone or send a telegram to the employer's Operations Office at Perth twenty-four hours prior to the day on which the employee is rostered to resume work should the employee find it would be impossible to report for duty as rostered.

(3)Where an employee is held over on the platform beyond his/her roster period, overtime rates will be paid for all work performed during such period, subject to the provisions of subclause (3)(a), (b) and (c) of Clause 13. - Overtime of this Agreement.


Accommodation and meals offshore shall be provided free of charge by the employer.


(1)Employees shall be rostered for 168 hours' work in a 28 day cycle.

Work shall be performed on the basis of 14 days offshore exclusive of travel time, followed by 14 days onshore off duty on leave of absence without pay, inclusive of travel time.

(2)Total ordinary hours of work in a cycle shall be 38 multiplied by the number of weeks in the cycle. For the purpose of assessing the total ordinary hours in a cycle, all time up to a maximum of 12 hours' work on any day shall be taken into account.

(3)7.6 hours per day plus 4.4 standard overtime hours per day shall be the ordinary daily hours worked Monday to Friday offshore, except for crew change days.

(4)A customary offshore day or shift shall mean a period of work up to 12 hours of which the first 7.6 hours shall be ordinary time.

(5)Subject to the following conditions employees shall work such times as the employer may require.

A customary offshore day or shift shall consist of 12 hours, inclusive of rest and meal breaks.

Thirty minutes shall be allowed to each employee for each day or shift for a meal break which shall be counted as time worked.

In addition, two fifteen minute rest breaks shall be allowed, one to be taken during the first half of the day or shift and the other during the second half of the day or shift.

Rest and meal breaks shall be taken subject to the observance of the employer's and client's safety regulations.

Where an employee is required to remain on duty during his/her allotted meal break period, and is unable to be relieved until after one half hour beyond commencement time of his/her normal allotted meal break he/she shall be paid at overtime rates from the commencement time of his/her normal allotted meal break until relieved for a thirty minute meal break.

(6)An employee shall not be required to work longer than six hours without a meal break.


The rate of pay for work on Saturdays shall be time and one half for the first 7.6 hours and double time thereafter.


All work performed on Sundays shall be paid for at double time.


(1)All time worked in excess of 7.6 ordinary hours Monday to Friday, shall be paid for at double the ordinary hourly rate of pay.

(2)Work performed outside the hours of a customary offshore day or shift shall be known as "Non Standard Overtime".

(3)Notwithstanding anything contained elsewhere within this Agreement, time worked in excess of or outside the normal offshore day or shift or over cycle shall not attract overtime payments if -

(a)it is due to private arrangements between the employer and employees themselves;

(b)it is for the purpose of effecting a rotation of shifts within the shift roster; and

(c)it is time associated with safety drills.


When non-standard overtime is necessary it shall, wherever reasonably practical, be arranged so that employees have at least 10 consecutive hours off duty between work on consecutive days.

An employee who works so much non-standard overtime between the termination of his/her customary offshore day or shift and the commencement of his/her next customary day or shift so that he/she has not had at least 10 consecutive hours off duty between these times shall be released after completion of such non-standard overtime until he/she has had 10 consecutive hours off duty without loss of pay for ordinary working time occurring during such absence.

If on the instructions of the employer, an employee resumes or continues work without having had a 10 hour rest break the employee shall be paid at double the ordinary time rate until he/she is released from duty for such work period and the employee shall then be entitled to be absent until he/she is released from duty for such work period and he/she shall then be entitled to be absent until he/she has had 10 consecutive hours off duty without loss of pay for ordinary working time occurring during such absence.

This clause shall be read subject to the provisions of subclause (3)(a), (b) and (c) of Clause 13. - Overtime of this Agreement.


An employee who is recalled to work non standard overtime after completion of his/her normal offshore day or shift (whether notified before or after such completion) shall be paid a minimum of four hours' pay at double the hourly rate for his/her classification. The employee shall not be required to work the full four hours if the work the employee was called out to perform is completed within a shorter period.


An employee employed on night shift work shall, in addition to his/her normal rate of pay, be paid a night shift allowance of $2.30 for each complete hour worked of a rostered 12 hour night shift.

This allowance shall be adjusted automatically and proportionately in line with movements in the base tradesperson's hourly rate as prescribed by this agreement and not otherwise.


An employee shall be entitled to the following public holidays without loss of pay -

New Year's Day, Australia Day, Labour Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Anzac Day, Birthday of the Sovereign, Foundation Day, Christmas Day and Boxing Day shall be recognised as public holidays, or other such day as is generally observed in the locality as a substitute day for any of these days.

Work shall be scheduled to continue day to day without interruption for public holidays, irrespective of the time of year on which these holidays fall including the Christmas/New Year holiday period.

Client practice shall apply where any special or additional public holiday is proclaimed or gazetted.

Employees shall be paid an averaged public holiday loading of 10.12 hours' pay per complete work cycle. The allowance shall be pro rata for days or part thereof worked offshore.


Employees shall be paid a minimum of four hours at the ordinary time rate of pay for travel from the designated assembly point in Perth to the offshore installation.

Likewise employees shall be entitled to a minimum of four hours' travelling time payment at ordinary time rate of pay from the offshore installation to the disembarkation point at Perth Airport.

Where an employee is delayed in travelling through no fault of his/her own, the employer shall pay travel time up to a maximum of 12 hours' pay per day at the ordinary time rate.

An employee who is required to remain overnight in Karratha shall be provided with meals and accommodation by the employer. Travel time payments shall not apply during the time the employee is checked into the accommodation.


(1)The actual wage rates to be paid to an adult employee, of a classification specified in the Agreement, shall be based on the following rates:

Per Week
$ / Offshore
Per Week
$ / First
Safety Net
$ / Total
Platform Instrumentation & Controls
Tradesperson / 423.80 / 96.00 / 18.00 / 527.80
Platform Electrician Special Class / 386.60 / 84.90 / 18.00 / 479.50
Platform Welder / 371.40 / 80.10 / 18.00 / 459.50
Platform Tradesperson / 362.90 / 80.10 / 18.00 / 451.00
Platform Rigger / 345.70 / 68.90 / 18.00 / 422.60
Platform Tool & Material Storeperson / 322.90 / 65.80 / 18.00 / 396.70
Platform Lagger / 317.40 / 66.60 / 18.00 / 392.00
Platform Helper / 311.70 / 65.80 / 18.00 / 385.50

(2)Structural Efficiency: