Reproduction NOTES

Plant Reproduction

  1. Asexual Reproduction (clones)
  2. Tip or stem layering
  3. Cuttings
  4. Grating
  5. Budding
  6. Runners
  7. Bulb or corm splitting
  8. Sexual Reproduction in Plants
  9. Flower parts
  10. Sepal (all = calyx)
  11. Petals (all = corolla)
  12. Stamen (♂ male parts)
  13. pollen
  14. anther
  15. filament
  16. Pistil (♀female parts)
  17. stigma
  18. style
  19. ovary
  20. ovule
  21. Receptacle
  22. Flower types
  23. Perfect
  24. Imperfect
  25. Complete
  26. Incomplete
  27. Pollination -
  28. Self-pollination
  29. Cross-pollination
  30. Label each figure at Right. 
  1. Pollinators
  1. Fertilization = union of egg and sperm:
  2. Flower  Fruit
  3. Seed Dispersal
  1. Germination -
  2. Seeds –
  3. Requirements:
  4. Life Spans of plants:
  5. Annual -
  6. ex. Beans, marigolds, etc.
  7. Biennial -
  8. ex. Beet, carrot
  9. Perennial –
  10. Oldest plant = bristlecone pine at 4767 years old (from a ring sample)
  1. What processes must occur for a seed to create more seeds?
  2. Label this flower diagram from memory:

Animal Reproduction = Only SEXUAL REPRODUCTION

  1. Female Human Anatomy
  2. Female reproductive organ =______
  3. Job:
  4. Location:
  5. The egg (haploid = 23 chromosomes)
  1. When are eggs made?
  2. When is an egg released (ovulation)?
  3. How long does an egg live?
  1. Anatomy
  2. Ovary –
  3. Oviduct
    (Fallopian Tube)–
  1. Uterus –
  2. Endometrium –
  3. Cervix –
  4. Vagina –
  1. Journey of the egg  fertilization  embryo:
  1. Trace the path of the egg from ovulation (release) to implantation (pregnancy):
  1. Trace the path of the fetus out of the uterus (womb):
  1. How does urine leave the body?
  1. Secondary Sex Characteristics

Reproduction NOTES1

Reproduction NOTES1

  1. Hormones  Estrogen and ______are made in the ______
  1. Male Human Anatomy
  2. Male reproductive organ =______
  3. Job:
  4. Location:
  5. The sperm (haploid = 23 chromosomes)
  1. When are sperm made?
  2. Howare sperm released (ejaculation)?
  3. How long does sperm live?
  4. Where would a sperm meet an egg?
  1. Anatomy
  1. Testis –
  2. Seminiferous tubules -
  3. Epididymis –
  4. Vas deferens –
  5. Prostate –
  6. Seminal vesicle –
  7. Bulbourethral gland (Cowper’s gland) –
  1. Urethra –
  2. Penis –
  3. Prepuce (foreskin) –
  1. What is circumcision?
  1. Trace the path of the sperm from the epididymis out of the body (ejaculation) –
  1. Secondary Sex Characteristics
  1. Hormones - ______made in the ______

Menstrual Cycle -

  1. Animals having a menstrual cycle?
  2. Estrous Cycle –
  3. Menstruation (destructive phase) [DAYS 1-5] = The Period
  4. Follicle Stage (proliferative phase) [DAYS 6-14]
  5. Corpus Luteum Stage (secretory phase) [DAYS 14-28]
  6. Summary of Events:
  1. Birth Control Pills = ______


  1. Haploid Gametes:
  2. Sperm (______chromosomes)
  3. Egg (______chromosomes)
  4. Combine to form a diploid (______chromosomes) ZYGOTE!
  5. Implantation
  6. Embryo (Weeks 3-9)
  7. Fetus (Weeks 9-38)
  8. Most Dangerous Period for

Birth Control Options:

Reproduction NOTES1