InWEnt - CapacityBuilding International, Germany
´Regional Dialogue and CapacityBuilding in support of economic reforms in Egypt, Jordan and Syria`, 2009-2011 /
Planning Workshop

‘Regional Dialogue and CapacityBuilding in support of Economic Reforms
in Egypt, Jordan and Syria’

March 23-25, 2010

Venue: InWEntBerlin, Germany


InWEnt Berlin

Conference Room

Stresemannstr. 92

10963 Berlin, Germany

Overall Objectives of the Planning Workshop

In the framework of the InWEnt-project ‘Regional dialogue and capacity building in support ofeconomic reforms in Egypt, Jordan and Syria’, InWEnt would like to invite you, the stakeholders of the project, to participate in a planning workshop in Berlin.

The planning workshop is aimed at identifying joint activities for the year 2010 in the cooperation framework of the above mentioned project. InWEnt invites the project partnersfrom Egypt, Jordan and Syriato elaborate a joint training and activities plan comprising national as well as regional dialogue and training activities. As a result of the meeting, we would like to adopt a reliable annual training plan focusing on issues of relevance with regard to the economic reform process in the participating countries.

The different instruments may include training workshops, study tours, train-the-trainers-activities and dialogues (please see for further information the document ‘Technical Information for Partners’). We would appreciate if the partners communicated their proposals on topics and instruments until 10.03.2010 which would allow for a first systematization of the ideas.

We are looking forward to welcoming you, our cooperation partners from Egypt, Jordan and Syriato Berlin. For further information, please do not hesitate to contact:

Katja Grunow

Senior Project Manager

Dep. Economic Policy/Good Governance

InWEnt - Capacity Building International, Germany

Stresemannstrasse 92,

10963 Berlin, Germany

Fon: +49(0)30 43996-310

Fax: +49(0)30 43996-336


Tuesday, March23, 2010
10.00 a.m. - 10.15 a.m. / Welcome to Syrian Partners
10.15 a.m. - 12.30 a.m. / Review of the cooperation(2007-2009)
12.30 a.m. - 01.30 p.m. / Lunch
01.30 p.m. - 03.30 p.m. / Elaboration of a Training Plan with national Activities (2010)
03.30 p.m. - 04.00 p.m. / Outlook (2011)
07.00 p.m. / Welcome Dinner
Wednesday,March24, 2010
09.00 a.m. - 09.15 a.m. / Welcome to Cooperation Partners from Syria, Egypt and Jordan
09.15 a.m. - 09.45 a.m. / German Development Cooperation in the MENA-Region
09.45 a.m. - 10.30 a.m. / InWEnt - Who we are and What we do
10.30 a.m. - 11.00 a.m. / Coffee Break
11.00 a.m. - 11.30 a.m. / Presentation of the Project ‘Regional Dialogue and CapacityBuilding in support of Economic Reforms in Egypt, Jordan and Syria’ (2007- 2009)
11.30 a.m. - 01.00 p.m. / Input and Discussion: Economic Reform Processes in Egypt, Jordan and Syria
  • Egypt(11.30 a.m. - 12.00 a.m.)
  • Jordan (12.00 a.m. - 12.30 a.m.)
  • Syria (12.30 a.m. - 01.00 p.m.)

01.00 p.m. - 02.00 p.m. / Lunch
02.00 p.m. - 04.30 p.m. / Elaboration of a Training Plan with regional Activities(2010)
04.30 p.m. - 04.45 p.m. / Coffee Break
04.45 p.m. - 05.30 p.m. / Outlook (2011)
07.00 p.m. / Sightseeing Tour and Dinner
Thursday,March25, 2010
10.00 a.m. - 10.30 a.m. / Review of the cooperation with Partners from Egypt(2009)
10.30 a.m. - 11.00 a.m. / Framework of cooperation (2010 ff)
11.00 a.m. - 12.30 a.m. / Elaboration of a Training Plan with national Activities(2010) and Outlook (2011)
12.30 a.m. - 01.30 p.m. / Lunch
01.30 p.m. - 02.00 p.m. / Review of the cooperation with Partners from Jordan(2009)
02.00 p.m. - 02.30 p.m. / Framework of cooperation (2010 ff)
02.30 p.m. - 04.00 p.m. / Elaboration of a Training Plan with national Activities(2010) and Outlook (2011)
07.00 p.m. / Farewell Dinner

Overview over the Project

The planning meeting is conducted in the framework of the InWEnt project ‘Regional dialogue and capacity building in support of economic reforms in Egypt, Jordan and Syria’. This project is aimed at supporting economic reform processes in the partner countries.Fostering economic reforms that promote a social market economy and liberalized trade system in the participating countries will help create employment opportunities, increase business competitiveness and thus contribute to poverty reduction.The region's growing economic and social challenges have shown that external capital inflow cannot replace the necessary reform processes.

The project contributes to the successful implementation of reform agendas in economic policy, financial system development and trade policy in Egypt, Jordan and Syria. The focus of the project is on regionally networking the political reform actors and providing the requisite professional and methodological expertise for reform-oriented specialists and executives in Egypt, Jordan and Syria.

The project aims at supporting the following areas:

(1) Economic policy analysis and implementing economic policy reforms.

(2) Financial system liberalisation and stabilisation and its effect on investment, employment and international competitiveness.

(3) Implementing existing regional integration treaties supporting intra-Arabic integration efforts and trading reforms.

By applying various InWEnt Capacity Building Instruments, the project contributes to successfully implementing reform agendas in economic policy, financial system development and trade policy in Egypt, Jordan and Syria. Regional policy dialogues as well as national and regional training are aligned with the capacity building demands in the following three ways:

(1) Holding regional policy dialogues where partner-country reform actors can systematically exchange experience helps to create networks capable of strengthening the regional reform efforts.

(2) Regional and national training for experts and executives imparts the expertise as well as methodological and management skills needed to promote economic policy reforms. In addition, this strengthens regional knowledge networks.

(3) The institutional and professional strengthening of local and regional advanced training organisations as well as the training of local trainers supports the project's sustaining and multiplying impact.

InWEnt – CapacityBuilding International, Germany

InWEnt – CapacityBuilding International, Germany, is a non-profit organisation with worldwide operations dedicated to human resource development, advanced training, and dialogue. Our capacity building programmes are directed at experts and executives from politics, administration, the business community, and civil society. We are commissioned by the German federal government to assist with the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals of the United Nations. In addition, we provide the German business sector with support for public private partnership projects. Through exchange programmes, InWEnt also offers young people from Germany the opportunity to gain professional experience abroad.


InWEnt – Internationale Weiterbildung und Entwicklung gGmbH

CapacityBuilding International, Germany

Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 40, 53113 Bonn

Phone:+49 228 4460-0

Fax:+49 228 4460-1766