Planning Worksheet -

Reference Council - Saturday, October 28

8:45 a.m.-2:30 p.m., at the Western District Conference offices.

Purpose statement:This reference council will gather members of the WDC Executive Board, the four Commissions of WDC (Church Planting, Ministerial Leadership, Resource, Stewardship) as well as the Gifts Discernment Committee with a focus on building relationships, equipping and collaborating for ministry, and planning for the year to come in light of what our vision and mission calls us to, all among the elected leadership groups of WDC.

Proposed Schedule:

8:45-9:00–Check-in (Foyer) with name tags that includes some way of identifying which group the person is with) –and beverages available (Conference Room A)

9:00-10:00–Plenary - Conference Room A (with zoom video-conference)

Who will lead which parts?

▪Welcome/Overview of Purpose/Prayer– Anita and Heidi

▪Looking toward the year to come - Anita and Heidi

Especially in light of: vision/mission; what we heard from the annual assembly; anything that comes out of theSeptember 30 EB meeting, etc.

▪Offering some questions/frameworks for the commissions/committee to use during their break-out session. - Heidi

These questions would come from the leadership rubric of the Kansas Leadership Center, and would help the groups to think more “adaptively”(about the bigger, longer-term, more-cultural challenges) than “technically”(which focuses on logistics, program, problem-solving issue by issue, etc.).

10:00-10:30–Scavenger hunt - In small (mixed) groups around the environs of the WDC offices, inside and outside - ______EB member(s) plan (purpose: As a mixer and to get acquainted with WDC office environs)

Refreshments available–Conference Room A or in Foyer?

10:30-10:45–Scavenger hunt “reports”–Conference Room A

10:45-12:15–Break-out sessions in commissions/committee - Executive Board members sitting in. The role of the EB members is not set; is it to observe? To lead? To host? To ask questions? Thoughts on this???

Break-out rooms: (2 in Library, Conference Rooms A, B, C - assign based on number of participants registered) - Assign EB members to attend each group:

Church Planting Commission –______

Ministerial Leadership Commission - ______

Resource Commission -______

Stewardship Commission –______

Gifts Discernment Committee – ______

12:15-1:00–Catered lunch–served in Foyer, eat in Conference Room A

1:00-1:30–Plenary –Conference Room A - Ray Reimer?

Sit in table groups as commissions/committees. Ask for each group to summarize their morning discussion, especially how they’re looking toward the year to come in light of their discussion.

1:30-1:40–Commission/committee groups huddle - Do they have questions for the other groups out of what they’ve heard? Where are we hearing convergences, and where are there divergences? How is the Holy Spirit moving among us?

1:40-2:10 –Plenary discussion - Ray moderate, Anita summarize at end.

2:10-2:30–Closing worshipand dismissal - EB members plan and lead.

It is possible that plenary discussion at1:40may end well before 30 minutes is done, in which case, we go to worship and end early. If the discussion goes longer, we have shorter worship. Regardless, we end at2:30.