US History 10 B

EOC Study Guide

Forming a Nation (1788-1832)

Presidency of George Washington

Whiskey rebellion

Alexander Hamilton (role in Cabinet)

Why political parties formed

Thomas Jefferson

Democratic-Republican Party (platform)

Alexander Hamilton

Federalist Party (platform)

Farewell Address

Stand on foreign affairs

Presidency of John Adams

Alien and Sedition Acts

Presidency of Thomas Jefferson

Marbury v. Madison

Judicial Review

John Marshall

Louisiana Purchase

Lewis and Clark Expedition (purpose)

Presidency of James Madison

War of 1812


Battle of Fort McHenry

Francis Scott Key

Monroe Doctrine

Presidency of Andrew Jackson

Jacksonian Democracy

Indian Removal Act

Trail of Tears

Spoils system

Industrial Revolution

Where were most factories built (why)

Samuel Slater

Eli Whitney

Samuel F.B. Morse

Robert Fulton

Westward Expansion 1820-1890:

Westward movement and conflicts with American Indians

Meaning of Manifest Destiny

Transportation improvements (how they affected westward movement)

Transcontinental railroad (who constructed)

Mountain men

Oregon Trail


Tejas – Texas Independence

Mexican War –causes and consequences

Gold Rush

Homestead Act of 1862

Immigration – Push/Pull Factors

American Indian Conflict

Battle of Little Bighorn

Dawes Act – Americanization

Wounded Knee Massacre

Sectionalism and Reform 1820-1860:

Second Great Awakening

Reform Movements


Women’s Rights

Seneca Falls Convention

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Definition of sectionalism

Missouri Compromise of 1820

Compromise of 1850

Fugitive Slave Act

Uncle Tom’s Cabin

Kansas-Nebraska Act

Popular Sovereignty

Bleeding Kansas

Dred Scott v. Sanford

Republican Party (platform)

Lincoln-Douglas debates

Major disagreements between the North and the South

State's rights


Important people of the pre-Civil War period

Eli Whitney – expansion of slavery

John Brown

Harriet Tubman

Frederick Douglass

Sojourner Truth

Election of 1860

Civil War and Reconstruction 1860-1877:

Civil War

What caused the Southern Secession

Importance of advancements in weapon technology

Border states

Emancipation Proclamation

African American Soldiers

Important people and battles of the Civil War

Ulysses S. Grant

Appomattox Court House

Battle of Antietam

Siege of Vicksburg

Abraham Lincoln

Battle of Gettysburg

Robert E. Lee

William Tecumseh Sherman

March to the Sea

Lincoln’s assassination


13th Amendment

15th Amendment

Freedman's Bureau

"Black codes"

President Andrew Johnson

Why was he impeached

President Ulysses S. Grant

Ku Klux Klan

Revised May 2012