Ms. Grice - SaginawHigh School
E-mail: Phone: (817) 306-0914 ext. 8515
Planning Period: 7th(2:35-3:25)Text Book: “Biology”by: Stephen Nowicki
(An online version is available for students.)
Intro: Welcome to Biology! This syllabus will outline basic grading and classroom policies. Success in this class will require class-work, presentations, lab participation, cooperative learning, and yes . . . a little homework. Science can and will be fun, interesting, and informative so long as you continue to be actively involved, are serious about your time here, and take responsibility for your learning.
Critical Content: Upon leaving this class you will be able to use and apply the scientific method, interpret and evaluate data to reach conclusions, read and write scientific material, and have an in depth understanding of biological processes.
1st 6 Weeks / 2nd 6 Weeks / 3rd 6 Weeks / 4th 6 Weeks / 5th 6 Weeks / 6th 6 WeeksScientific Investigations / Components of DNA / Genetics / Homeostasis / Symbiosis / STAAR Review
Biomolecules / Changes in DNA / Evolution & Natural Selection / Interactions in Animals / Predation / STAAR Test
Viruses / DNA Replication / Adaptations / Interactions in Plants / Food Chains & Webs / Enrichment Activities
Cells / Cell Cycle / Diversity of Life / Environmental Change / Intro to Chemistry
Cell Processes / Mitosis / Meiosis / Classification / Ecological Succession
My Expectations:
1. Every day students will be in their seats and ready to work when the bell rings.
2. Students will be dismissed from class by the teacher, and only when work areas are clean.
3. Students will actively participate in class discussions and/or laboratory activities every day.
4. Students will study/review material presented in class each night. There is always homework in class...even if I do not assign anything. Reviewing class notes and activities at home is important!
5. All school-wide policies in the student handbook will be followed.
Being prepared for class: Materials needed
-A composition notebook (with ALL the pages intact)
-Your Notebook EVERY Day – I will provide a central location in our classroom to keep your notebook in the event you are prone to forgetting it
-A pen or pencil
-I will provide a moderate amount of glue, colored pencils, markers, and highlighters but encourage you to have your own available for daily use.
Attendance: One of the most important aspects of success in this class is attendance. You have been in school long enough to know that it is your responsibility to make up missed work and get work beforehand if you know days will be missed.Missing class time will have an impact on your success in this course. It is difficult to make up labs and class activities which make up the bulk of our class.
-Expected Absences: It is your responsibility to make arrangements for missed workat least two days prior to absence.
-Unplanned Absences: You are responsible for seeing me upon your return to school.
-Tardiness: Loss of Daily Participation Points. After three tardies, you get to spend an afternoon with me making up missed work and parents will be contacted.
Grading and SHS Expectations for Students
Grade Based On:
Major Grades 60% (minimum of 4 per six weeks)
Summative Assessments – measurements of mastery learning
-Tests (material will come from the lecture notes, textbook, class activities and labs), projects, research papers, & presentations
Minor Grades 40% (multiple opportunities prior to each summative)
Formative Assignments – check points leading to mastery
-Daily warm ups, classwork, quizzes, homework
No single assignment will weigh more than 20% of your final average for the grading period
Semester Exams will count as 1/7th of your semester grade
*You may be able to earn exemption from semester exams for SPRING Semester only based on Semester Average, Attendance, and Compliance with CTHS student policies.
Extra Credit: Opportunities may arise throughout the year. Take advantage of them!
Late Work: At this level, you must be held accountable for your actions. It is believed that to be successful at other activities through life, deadlines MUST be respected. If an assignment is not handed in on time, the following consequences will be earned.
Late Work for PAP courses
1 school day- 80% of the grade earned
2 school days- 65% of the grade earned
3 school days- 55% of the grade earned
More than 3 school days- 0%
If you feel you will have difficulty completing an assignment due to extreme hardships, you should contact me before the due date.
Tutorial help is available most mornings and afternoons Monday through Thursday. Students are encouraged to seek help from any Biology teacher who is available. Please speak with me in class or email me directly to arrange a specific tutorial time with me if needed.
Cheating hurts everyone. Any form of cheating or plagiarism will not be tolerated. Although you are encouraged to work together on homework and lab activities, directly copying answers from a peer or from the internet are examples of cheating. This includes copying assignments when you are absent. A student will receive zero credit on any assignment, including tests, on which he/she is found to be cheating. An electronic device should NEVER be visible during any quiz or test for any reason. The teacher will presume that a student is cheating if an electronic device is seen during a quiz or test. Your first offense will result in a zero on that assignment and a referral to your favorite AP!
Please Note: If anyone in this class has a unique problem that would impair her/his full demonstration of abilities on any of the exams or other assignments, please see me so we can work out alternative methods testing/grading.
Procedures for Entering Class Each Day:
- Enter the room through the front door (closest to my desk)
- Look at the board for alternative instructions
- Retrieve your notebook (from your backpack or the bin for your class period)
- Take your assigned seat
- Begin the daily warm up when the timer begins or question is revealed
Behavior Policy: In order to be successful in Biology, you must conduct yourself as a respectful adult – per our classroom rules:
- Respect Yourself & Others
- Be On Time & Prepared to Work
- Follow Directions the 1st time they are given
- Food or Drinks will be permitted in non-lab areas
- Must be consumed without disrupting the learning environment
- For personal nourishment (no sharing)
- Select “quiet” foods
- Electronic Devices may be utilized per teacher direction on occasion* Electronic Device Policy as per District
Your choice not to follow these rules will result in the following consequences:
1stVerbal Warning
2ndTeacher Conference
3rdLunch Detention
4thParent Contact
5thReferral to AP
- Your parents may be contacted at any or all of these instances, at my discretion
Electronic Devices: In the event of a student having an electronic device out with no teacher permission, the device will be taken up for the remainder of the class period. If this occurs a 2nd time, the device will be taken up for the remainder of the school day. If this occurs a 3rd time, the phone will be given to the student’s AP at the end of the day.
Hall/Bathroom Passes:
No hall/bathroom pass will be granted 10 minutes from the start or finish of the class. Take care of getting drinks, using the restroom, etc. before class. You will be given THREE (3) hall passes per semester. Those not used may be exchanged at the end of the semester for a reward opportunity! Woohoo!Your passes will be tracked inside your Biology notebook: No Notebook = No Pass!
ONLY RETURN THIS PAPER. Keep all other pages to refer to throughout the year.
REALITY:You have been in school for 10+ years. We are all adults and are here to learn. If we communicate, cooperate, and are ready to work a bit we can accomplish our goals and have some fun. I will assist any student needing help. I can be available during lunchtime, before and after school. If you are struggling – see me!!! Don’t quit! I look forward to working and learning with all of you!
Student Signature ______Date ______
Dear Parents, Thank you for taking the time to read over the policies and rules for our science class. While I may occasionally ask for your help to ensure your child can reach their greatest potential for success, I know that I may not get to speak with you often. Therefore, if you ever have any questions, concerns, or comments please feel free to contact me via e-mail or voicemail (listed above).
Parent Name: ______Best Contact #: ______
Parent Signature: ______Date: ______
Pre-AP Biology
Additional Statement of Expectations
Eagle Mountain Saginaw ISD is committed to providing the best educational opportunities possible for all students. Honors, Honors/Pre-AP, and AP classes prepare students for future academic and professional success.
Please read and sign the following statement of expectations:
I understand that I am a student with great promise and potential with the ability to be successful in Honors and Pre-AP classes; therefore, with this understanding, I am willing to make the commitment of time and effort required by Honors and Honors /Pre-AP classes. I understand the following about these classes:
- Honors and Honors/Pre-AP classes are to prepare students for success in future college AP classes as well as success in future roles in the workplace.
- These classes will follow a more fast-paced and higher-level curriculum, which requires increased commitment of the student’s time and effort.
- Students participating in these classes should expect additional work, such as extra homework, outside projects, and more independent study.
- Students will participate in tutorials/study sessions as needed.
I am willing to make the commitment of time and effort required by Honors and Honors/Pre-AP classes.
Student Signature (Required)Date
Parent Signature (Recommended)Date